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COVID-19 Update

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COVID-19 During these unsettling times, you may want to know whether IP Offices worldwide are fully functional, if deadlines will be extended and additional important aspects, while filing and managing your trademarks internationally.

Our COVID-19 Update provides an overview on IP Office measures and Status quo worldwide.

Not every IP Office is included yet and developments are very dynamic. Hence, to keep us all abreast of the current situation, your contributions are highly appreciated! Please report the latest developments in your own country here.

Country   IP Office Measures
Afghanistan   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until May 9, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

As of 28 March 2020, all government offices in Kabul have been shut down for an initial three-week period (which will be reassessed by the government at the end of such period). The Afghanistan Patent and Trademark Office (APTO) still hasn't issued any official statement on the deadlines that fall into the indicated period but it can be assumed that any deadlines are automatically extended to the first working day.
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AIPO/OAPI   The procedures for the relevant provisions of the Banguai Agreement and its annexes, which expire between March 18, 2020 and April 30, 2020 are extended until May 31, 2020.
This measure may be adjusted to further development of the situation. In addition, work hours of the headquarters in Youndè are fixed from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., starting Wednesday, March 25, until further notice.
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Albania   April 7, 2020:
AL PTO. It is open with shorter working hours, 8-11am; as of April 6 all applications and requests will need to be filed in person; electronic filings will not be possible anymore; the deadlines are not extended.
Courts. Only hearings on urgent matters (detention cases) are held; other hearings postponed until April 22, 2020; the deadlines are not extended; lawsuits/appeals should be filed in person or by mail, in order to meet deadlines

March 25, 2020:
PTO - Applications, requests and all communication with the IPO should be submitted only electronically; for the time being is not possible to receive the notification issued by the IPO; deadlines have not been extended.
Courts — Hearings have been postponed until April 7, 2020. Deadlines and procedural time limits have not been extended; lawsuits and appeals can be filed by mail.
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Algeria   April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged. Limited working hours.

April 5, 2020:
Limited working hours from March 22, 2020 until April 10, 2020. A grace period of one month will be granted once business is back to usual.
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Andorra   Office of Trademarks and Patents of the Principality of Andorra will be closed since March 14, 2020, indefinitely.
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Angola   April 27, 2020:
The Angolan Patent and Trademark Office has announced by Notification no. 7/2020, the resumption of its activities from April 27.

This Notification follows the Presidential Decree No. 120/20, of April 24 which, despite extending the state of emergency, provides in its Article 14 the reopening of the Public Services and foresees some security measures.

In particular, the working hours are, from April 27 and during this period, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, the permanent staff is limited to 50%, working in a rotate basis, and the social distance and some biosecurity measures will need to be respected.

March 28, 2020:
Angolan Patent and Trademark Office announced the suspension of operations from March 27 for a period of 15 days. The deadlines for filing documents are also suspended and automatically extended for an equal period of time, unless otherwise specified.
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Argentina   May15:
The ARPTO has suspended terms and deadlines until May 24, 2020.

April 28, 2020:
The National Government of Argentina has decided to extend the Mandatory Isolation period until May 10th. The Trademark and Patent office (INPI) has also extended the deadlines suspension until that date.

On April 11, 2020, through an urgent and national decree, the government extended the mandatory quarantine order for the whole country until April 26, 2020.

In accordance to the government’s decision, through resolution 34/2020, the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) suspended all current terms at least until April 26, 2020. The Supreme Court declared an extraordinary judicial fair also until the same date.

On April 1, 2020 the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) issued Regulation No. 22/2020, which extends the suspension of all terms until April 12, 2020 (which had been provided for by Regulation No. 16/2020 reported in our Client Alert of March 18, 2020). This means that all terms are suspended from March 13 until April 13, 2020, unless a new extension is ordered.
INPI has also informed that, regardless of the suspension of terms, it remains and will remain operative, with all its personnel working from home. Therefore, all filings and consultations will be done online, and all cases are capable of being examined; renewals will be carried out; and oppositions will be decided on. The Trademark Journal, which has not been published for the last two weeks, will be published again on April 8, 2020.

The Argentinian Patent and Trademark Office published the Resolution Nr.16-2020 in the Electronic Official Bulletin of March 18, 2020, introducing the following notices:
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), to suspend until April 3, 2020, all terms related to summons, office actions, requirements or notifications, as well as legal or regulatory summons, office actions, requirements or notifications, being in progress at the date March 12, 2020.
The suspension of terms shall not prevent to consider as duly met, the acts that have been filed or are filed within the original term conferred. Such a measure may be extended, if the causes that motivated it, still exist.
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ARIPO   ARIPO Office will consider requests and grant extension of deadlines on a case-by-case basis for applicants who may face challenges in submitting documents or paying fees during the prevailing circumstances. The Office remains operational but users are encouraged to continue using its 24-hour online services to file applications and make online payments.
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Australia   April 22, 2020:
From 22 April 2020, customers impacted by COVID-19 can submit a request for extension of time through eServices based on standard text we have made available.
An extension of time of up to three months is available and is free of charge.

April 1, 2020:
Where an applicant cannot carry out an action within time due to the COVID-19 outbreak an extension of time may be available. Requests for extensions of time will need to be made in the normal way, accompanied where required by a declaration setting out how the COVID-19 outbreak interfered with responding in time. Requests for waiver or refund of the fee for the extension of time will be considered on a case by case basis as per our current practice.
Applicants should note that some time periods cannot be extended. Applicants should check with IP Australia or an intellectual property professional if they are uncertain whether an extension of time is possible.
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Austria   April 23, 2020:
All open official time limits in proceedings before the Patent Office (e.g. time limits for comments on notices or time limits for the submission of a counter-statement in bilateral proceedings) were interrupted by ordinance until 30.4.2020. They will start anew on 1.5.2020 (in principle from the beginning), although the Patent Office may also set an appropriate new deadline from 1.5.2020.
Under the Federal Act on Accompanying Measures for COVID-19 in the Judiciary, the time limits for appeals are also interrupted until 30.4.2020. They will begin to run anew on 1.5.2020 (from the beginning). Please note that all other periods arising directly from the law (e.g. periods for the payment of annual and term fees or periods for opposition and appeal) cannot be extended.
There may be delays in the provision of the Austrian Patent Service in the trademark services (trademark similarity search, Pre Check Trademark).
Customer Service Center is closed until further notice. The reading room of the library will be closed until 15th April 2020. The design gazette March 2020 with publication date 20th March 2020 must be suspended due to the anti-COVID measures. The next issue is to be published as combined no. 3-4 on 20th April 2020.
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Azerbaijan   April 16, 2020:
The Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan has informed WIPO that it is not open to the public since March 31, 2020, and until further notice.

Accordingly, under Rule 4(4) of the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol, all periods under the Madrid System that concern this Office and that expire on a day on which the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan is not open to the public will expire on the first subsequent day on which the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan reopens.
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Bahrain   April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged

April 5, 2020:
The TMO is functioning normally. No extension of deadlines announced as all necessary documents are submitted online.
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Bangladesh   May 1, 2020:
The Bangladesh government has further extended the ongoing general holidays until May 16, 2020, to contain the spread of deadly coronavirus.
As a result, the Bangladesh Trademarks Unit; Patents and Designs Unit of Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT); Bangladesh Copyright Office as well as all Government and private offices will remain shut till May 16, 2020 to curb the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.
The deadline if any, within the Holidays period, will be extended automatically to May 17, 2020.

April 23, 2020:
The Bangladesh government has further extended the ongoing general holidays until May 05, 2020, to contain the spread of deadly coronavirus.
Earlier on March 23, the government initially declared a 10-day shutdown, effective from March 26 to April 4, later gradually extended it till April 25.
As a result, the Bangladesh Trademarks Unit; Patents and Designs Unit of Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT); Bangladesh Copyright Office as well as all Government and private offices will remain shut till May 05, 2020 to curb the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.
Please also be noted that the deadline if any, within the Holidays period, it will be extended automatically to May 06, 2020.

April 10, 2020:
The Bangladesh government has extended the ongoing general holidays until April 25, 2020, to contain the spread of deadly coronavirus.
As a result, the Bangladesh Trademarks Unit; Patents and Designs Unit of Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT); Bangladesh Copyright Office as well as all Government and private offices will remain shut till April 25, 2020 to curb the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.
Any deadline within the Holidays period will be extended automatically to April 26, 2020.

March 26,2020:
The Bangladesh Trademarks Unit; Patents and Designs Unit of Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks; Bangladesh Copyright Office as well as all Government and private offices will remain shut from March 26 to April 14 to curb the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. Only kitchen markets, hospitals and other emergency services will remain open during this time. The Bangladesh Bank will instruct banks to limit their services during the period.
If you have any deadline within March 26 to April 14, it will be extended automatically to April 15, 2020.
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Belarus   PTO – no changes for now, business as usual
Courts – no changes for now, business as usual
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Belize   April 30, 2020:
The Government of Belize has declared a nationwide State of Emergency and our office will be closed for 30 days, possibly longer, as of 1st April, 2020 in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

We confirm that applications for extension of time have been filed with the Belize lntellectual Property Office in respect of deadlines falling due in April and up to mid-May at no cost to the client.
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Benelux   BOIP closed to Visitors. Online services will remain available. Current Deadlines are postponed. This order remains in effect until the public restrictions in the Benelux are lifted. Following this, a grace period of one month will be granted.
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Bolivia   As a preventive measure against the pandemic that the world is facing in relation to the coronavirus, the Bolivian government has decreed a mandatory total quarantine between March 22, 2020 and April 4, 2020.

The National Intellectual Property Service (Senapi) has issued a provision suspending administrative and procedural deadlines.
The ORPAN team will continue working remotely during these days.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina   The head office of the Institute in Mostar and in branch offices in Sarajevo and Banja Luka Office hours of the Institute during the pandemic will be from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays.
All communication with the Institute will be conducted by regular mail, fax, telephone and e-mail. Work with clients is suspended. Exceptionally, industrial property representatives who collect mail at the Records Management Office in the Institute's Sarajevo branch office can collect mail every business day from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
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Brazil   April 17, 2020:
The BPTO has further extended all deadlines for administrative procedures expiring on or after March 14, 2020, until April 30, 2020. Even though the deadlines have been suspended, the BPTO’s staff is still working and files are being examined. Only personal meetings and interviews have been suspended.

March 17, 2020:
The BPTO has published a notice that all deadlines will be suspended from March 16th to April 14th. Face-to-face meetings with the BPTO’s examiners and employees are suspended, and any questions and/or clarifications must be submitted electronically. INPI Brazil will continue to monitor the situation and take other measures if necessary.
As for pending law-suits, Brazilian Courts have been enacting different provisions and it is expected that the National Council of Justice (the country’s higher body governing the management of the Courts) shall soon issue a unifying rule applicable to all Courts. The trend is that all or some of judicial deadlines are being suspended.
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Bulgaria   The access of external persons to the Central Patent Library is suspended as well as the granting of access to the files of the Industrial Property objects. Please use e-services, e-mail, fax, phone, post.
The next issue of the official bulletin will be published on 15 April 2020.
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Canada   April 27, 2020:
The Canadian IP Office (CIPO) has confirmed that it has extended deadlines for patent, trademark and industrial designs in light of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, deadlines up to 15 May are now extended until 19 May 2020. The CIPO further urged users to take advantage of its online services rather than use the physical office locations.

On March 30, 2020, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)'s Client Service Centre announced that it continues to receive orders for intellectual property documents, but due to operational restrictions related to COVID-19, these orders will be fulfilled only once services resume (expected: April 30).
Furthermore, any deadlines set in the Trademarks Act, Trademarks Regulations or by the Registrar in a proceeding before the TMOB that fell between March 16 and April 30, 2020 now fall on May 1, 2020.

On March 27, 2020, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) announced that "on account of the continuing unforeseen disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, and being satisfied that it is in the public interest to do so" all deadlines on IP matters under the Patent Act, Trademarks Act and Industrial Design Act falling between April 1, 2020 and ending on April 30, 2020 will be extended to May 1, 2020. CIPO has again confirmed that further extensions may be possible as the pandemic situation evolves.
In addition, in all proceedings before the Trademarks Opposition Board (TMOB), for deadlines falling after April 1, the Registrar will consider the disruption caused by COVID-19 a sufficient circumstance to obtain an extension of time upon request. The Registrar may also use its discretion to extend deadlines on its own initiative if it is in the interests of justice to do so.

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Cape Verde   April 24, 2020:
PTO remains closed, until further notice, however applications and other IP acts can be filed electronically. Deadlines postponed until May, 02.

Conditional services in the Institute of Quality Management and Intellectual Property (IGQPI): suspension of the deadlines for the practice of acts of protection and management of IP rights for a period of 30 days; requests for protection and management of IP rights must be sent by email; deliver authenticated documents or other necessary documents previously submitted by email, up to two months after the end of the contingency situation.
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Cayman Islands  

Chile   April 05, 2020:
The registry pledges to be 100% operational via its online services, while confirming that its face-to-face assistance has been suspended and various deadlines have been extended for administrative proceedings.

From 27 March until 3 April - with the possibility of extension - all face-to-face attention is suspended. However, INAPI's electronic services are 100% operational to carry out the online paperwork through the website.
In addition, administrative actions have been arranged that go directly to the benefit of users:
1.- Extension of deadlines in administrative procedures by resolution: in the case of contentious procedures, it may be alleged to be hindered by the number of days the impediment lasts.
2.- Powers: considering that in many cases, it will not be possible to obtain the original documents, comments will be made with the aim of achieving their obtaining within a longer period. In this sense, if the user has the original power, he/she may electronically attach a letter and an observation will be made, so that he/she then submits the original within 15 days. At the time of accompanying the original power of attorney, it is requested to attach the proof of prior presentation, in order to avoid duplication of custody numbers.
3.- Test hearings: if requested in working time, a new day and time will be available ex officio for processing, and at least an extension of 15 days will be considered in the first stage.
4.- Hearing of exhibition of evidence in kind: in the case of trademark procedures, it is requested to consider the certifications of notaries as ministers of faith.
5.- Final payments: the presentation of final payment documents for patents, models and designs (including decades and five years), scanned attached to an online brief, will be accepted. The letter shall be observed for the original to be submitted thereafter, within a period of not less than 15 days.
6.- Payment of taxes for appeal: exceptionally it will be accepted that proof of payment made in bank institution in pdf in conjunction with the letter of appeal will be accompanied.
Review Exempt Resolution No. 314, which gives of its own motion extended deadlines indicated by clicking on the following
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China   The National Intellectual Property Administration is conducting business normally. With regard to trademarks the Public Notice No. 350 from Jan 28, 2020, stipulates, that the time limit established by the Trademark Law and its Implementing Rules or specified by the CNIPA due to the epidemic and related reasons, shall be suspended from the date when the obstacles to the exercise of rights arise, and shall continue to be counted until the obstacles to the exercise of rights are removed, unless otherwise provided by law.

If a party was unable to comply with a time limit due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the party may apply in writing within 2 months from the date of elimination of the obstacles to exercise his rights, explain the reasons, provide the corresponding supporting materials, and request the restoration of the rights.
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Costa Rica   April 27, 2020:
The Trademark and Patent Office of Costa-Rica remains partially open to the public and continues to accept applications as usual.
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Cuba   April 15, 2020:
The Cuban Industrial Property Office (OCPI) has informed WIPO that it is not open to the public since April 14, 2020, and until further notice.

Accordingly, under Rule 4(4) of the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol, all periods under the Madrid System that concern this Office and that expire on a day on which OCPI is not open to the public will expire on the first subsequent day on which OCPI reopens.

March 26, 2020:
The Cuban Industrial Property Office, through Resolution No. 992 of 26 March 2020, which entered into force on March 27, 2020, took the following decisions:
1-: Customer Service hours from Monday to Thursday, from 08.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
2-: Deadlines suspended for legal proceedings due from March 27, 2020 to May 4, 2020.
3-: From May 5, 2020, the legal proceedings that expired from March 27, 2020 to May 4, 2020 begin to take place.
4-: The formalities that expire from May 5, 2020 do not fall within the aforementioned suspension. Consequently, it is maintained for them, and thereafter, the calculation of the legal terms as provided for by national industrial property legislation.
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Cyprus   April 15, 2020:
The Cypriot Patent Office will be closed on April 17 and on April 20, 2020 for the Easter Holidays.
All deadlines falling during these days will be extended to the first working day following the holidays.
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Czech Republic   The entry into the building of the Industrial Property Office is restricted to the public from 16 March 2020.
The filing office and cash desk remain open on working days from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Office hours are limited to Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
The Office remains in operation for all administrative work within its competence.
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Denmark   The Danish Patent and Trademark Office is open, but the staff will work from home for the time being until April 13, 2020. There are some changes that you need to be aware of:
Inquiries to Customer Service shall be done by e-mail: .
No physical meetings from March, 13 to April 13, 2020. Already scheduled meetings are replaced with the option of meeting via Skype. You can continue to submit applications in all rights areas. This applies to both electronic applications and applications on paper. Please note that there may be delays in when you receive a receipt that we have received your application or deposit. For your existing rights, your time limits, including fee deadlines, will be unchanged

Physical mail shall be sent to: Patent and Trademark Office, Helgeshøj Allé 81, 2630 Taastrup.
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Dominican Republic   Filing of new applications shall be made through the electronic platform E-SERPI.
The employees of the Department of Distinctive Signs responsible for the processing and examination of applications, have ceased work since March 20, 2020, 12:00 p.m. and all Offices at the national level are closed.
New provisions by the judiciary set out the need to interrupt and suspend all legal deadlines: "The Council of the Judiciary provides for the suspension of administrative and judicial work for all its dependent bodies and the procedural, registration and administrative deadlines by resuming the same three working days after the cessation of emergency status has ceased".
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DPR Korea   April 20, 2020:
The external postal service in the DPRK is temporarily closed.

The IP Administration offices in the DPRK are operating normally and are not extending the deadline for cases due within the national emergency period COVID-19. Instead, the offices have stated that they will accept electronic copies of the required documents, which would have to be submitted in paper form.
Ecuador   The Ecuadorian government has declared a total lockdown due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
The Office is closed and Deadlines suspended. E-Services are still working.
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Egypt   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 26, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 10, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

April 1, 2020:
All government offices are closed until April 8, 2020, until further notice. All services of the Trademark and Design Offices are suspended and some deadlines will be extended, but online services will still be possible for electronic payments, official notifications and copies of any documents through email and the extension of all deadlines of submitting original documents and new patent applications.

From March 16, 2020: The authorities in Egypt have announced closure of all courts until March 29, 2020. All hearings that were meant to take place between these dates shall be postponed and shall be rescheduled as soon as the courts reopen.
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El Salvador   April 27, 2020:
The Trademark & Patent office in El Salvador continues to be closed and is not allowing online applications yet.
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EPO   All deadlines during the period between 15 March to 17 April will be extended to 17 April. The EPO has also decided to postpone until further notice all oral proceedings in examination and opposition proceedings scheduled until 17 April 2020 unless they have already been confirmed to take place by means of videoconferencing. No oral proceedings in the Boards of Appeal until 17 April 2020.
Search, examining and opposition divisions will continue with their other activities, as well as holding oral proceedings which have been confirmed to take place by means of videoconferencing.
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Estonia   The Patent Office continues to work in the current emergency situation, but it is closed for visitors. Receipt of applications and other requests (, phone +372 627 7911) is either via e-channels, the mailbox of the Patent Office or by post. Consultations are provided by examiners by e-mail or phone.
All public events have been postponed until the end of the emergency situation.
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Ethiopia   April 24, 2020:
The Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) has extended all deadlines until July 19, 2020.

April 19
Operations still suspended.

April 5, 2020
All operations suspended until further notice. All deadlines falling during the shutdown have been extended to 20th April 2020

March 27,2020
Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) is closed. Employees will work from home effective March 25, until further notice.
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EUIPO   May 4, 2020:
EUIPO announced its decision to extend time limits regarding different procedures related to European trademark and design protection.
1) In accordance with Article 101(4) EUTMR and Article 58(4) CDIR, all time limits expiring between 1 May 2020 and 17 May 2020 inclusive that affect all parties in proceedings before the Office are extended until 18 May 2020.
(2) In the event parties to proceedings before the Office choose to discharge their procedural obligations before the expiry of the extended time limit, by submitting observations, documents or performing any other procedural act, the relevant time limit will be considered exhausted and the proceedings will continue without awaiting its expiration pursuant to Article 1.
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Finland   From March 16, 2020: Customer Service closed until further notice. Online Services running normally. Office is prepared to carry out its duties as an authority despite the coronavirus outbreak. Currently, notifications filed with the Finnish Trade Register and Register of Associations are processed normally for the most part. This also applies to other filed notifications and applications.
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France   Ordinance 2020-306 of March 25, 2020 provides that all deadlines between March 12 and one month after the end of the health emergency are deferred to one month after the end of that period if the initial period was one month and two months after the end of this period if the initial delay was two months or more.
This order applies to all deadlines under the Intellectual Property Code, with the exception of those resulting from international agreements or European texts.
In practical terms, this postponement relates to the deadlines:
to oppose a brand, to pay a patent annuity, to renew a brand or extend a design and to benefit from the corresponding grace period, to bring an administrative or judicial Appeal, to make comments from third parties or to respond to a notification from the INPI
On the other hand, it does not concern priority deadlines for an international extension, payment times for patent filing or deadlines for filing a supplementary certificate of protection, which fall under supra-national provisions.

From March 17, 2020: All offices of INPI closed for the public. Please rely on e-services.
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Gaza   April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until further notice and deadlines to be met during this period will be automatically extended until the TMO reopens for business.
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Georgia   The National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia, SAKPATENTI, has fully moved to teleworking.
In accordance with the recommendations of the Interagency Coordination Council on novel coronavirus, headed by the Prime Minister of Georgia, and under the state of emergency imposed on the entire territory of Georgia, to prevent massive spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), all services of the Office are offered to natural persons as well as legal entities in the distance mode.
Users can file applications and other documents through the electronic filing system available on Sakpatenti website: Sessions of the Chamber of Appeals functioning at Sakpatenti, if necessary, are via distance communication platforms. Telephone consultation is offered in the working hours (9:00-18:00 from Monday to Friday) on the following number: +995 32 2252533. Correspondence is carried out only by email
Sakpatenti continues without delay to fulfill its functions and all services will be rendered within the terms prescribed by the legislation.
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Germany   Notice of March 24, 2020: Please do not transmit any paper-based inquiries or submissions by mail or fax, until further notice. Instead, please send your requests concerning collective management organisations and management entities by e-mail to Requests concerning authorised entities shall be sent by e-mail to Please also check the DPMA website for up-to-date information on the current developments.

Notice of March 23, 2020: Do not send any postal items to the DPMA with respect to general administrative matters but send your requests by e-mail to This does not apply to IP procedures.

With Notice of March 18, 2020, the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) informs that it is able to continue to provide its services and to perform the patent, utility model, trade mark and design procedures by using the electronic means available to it. Delays are expected due to the quarantine measures when sending any paper-based mail and fax copies to the Office. Delays also may occur in issuing certificates and priority documents. The dates of publication of the IP gazettes may be different from the scheduled dates.

DPMA highly encourages to use the online systems e-filing systems 'DPMAdirektPro' and 'DPMAdirektWeb' to file IP applications and take any further actions.

Regarding all pending IP procedures, time limits granted by the DPMA are extended, and no decision will be made because of the expiration of any time limit, until May 4, 2020. Separate notices concerning the extensions of time limits will not be issued. In addition, the time limits to be set by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office will be as generous as the situation requires.
The German Patent and Trade Mark Office is not authorized to extend time limits provided for by law. In this respect, reference is made to the option of re-establishment of rights (see also Notice of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office of 3rd March 2020).

The below policies apply to hearings and oral proceedings:
- Summons to appear in hearings or oral proceedings will no longer be issued, whether the proceedings are unilateral or multilateral.
- Hearings and oral proceedings that have been scheduled will not take place until further notice and are cancelled ex officio. Cancellation ex officio will be notified in writing.

The immediate transfer of international design applications to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization cannot be guaranteed either. Therefore, the Office recommend that these applications should be filed directly with the WIPO.
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Ghana   April 20, 2020:
Ghana Industrial Property Office has resumed its activity. It is not possible to proceed with filings, follow-up or obtain documents from the RGD and GHIPO during this time. Any applicable deadlines will be extended accordingly.
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Greece   April 10, 2020:
The Greek Trade Mark Office has informed the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) that it is not open to the public since March 16, 2020, and until further notice.
Accordingly, under Rule 4(4) of the Regulations under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, all periods under the Madrid System that concern this Office and that expire on a day on which the Greek Trade Mark Office is not open to the public will expire on the first subsequent day on which the Greek Trade Mark Office reopens.

March 17, 2020:
As from 16 March 2020 and until further notice the Greek Trademark Office is not open for the public, including professionals.
Electronic services -where implemented- remain available.
All deadlines related to trademarks which cannot be met via electronic services (i.e. filing of oppositions etc.) as well as deadlines set by the presidents of the Boards of the Administrative Trademark Committee regarding examined cases are suspended for the same period.
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Guatemala   April 27, 2020:
The Trademark and Patent Office of Guatemala remains partially open to the public and continues to accept applications as usual.

March 18, 2020:
The Intellectual Registry and the Supreme Court of Justice of Guatemala, excepting certain matter of constitutional relevant, has suspended its activities from March 17, 2020 until April 1, 2020.
During this period of time all activities of the Intellectual Property Registry derived from the Registry’s activities in which a term of an administrative deadline established by law is being computed, will be suspended until the government provisions regarding the state of public calamity and orders for strict compliance are revoked. In regards with the computation of the judicial procedural terms and deadlines, the Supreme Court of Justice of Guatemala ordered the suspension of such terms and deadlines, all of which will be resumed as from the next business day following the government’s decision to end the public calamity status.
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Honduras   April 27, 2020:
The Honduran Trademark & Patent Office has implemented an online system for trademark applications and renewals, which is working irrespective of the quarantine ordered. Online applications directives for patent filings are expected to follow shortly. All deadlines falling during the lockdown period which began on March 13th 2020 remain suspended and that all documentation required to complete the new filings can be submitted after the force majeure resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic is over and the Trademarks Office reopens to the public.
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Hong Kong   From 30 March to 5 April 2020, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on Mar 30, Apr 1, and Apr 3 from 13:00 to 17:45)
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
Documents can be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 28 March 2020.
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Iceland   Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the general reception of the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office at Engjateigur 3 is closed from Monday 16 March 2020. Customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the available means to complete the necessary tasks during this situation, including online services:
Website: Customers can file applications, book services and receive answers for most IP inquiries on our website, Applications that can not be filed electronically can be sent via email:
Email: Other inquiries can be sent via email:
Telephone: The ISIPO's telephone Center is open all weekdays from 10-15. Telephone: 580 9400.
Web Chat at (bottom right corner). Open from 10-15 every weekday.
Mail: In case electronic services are not available, please send your inquiry via post to Hugverkastofan, Engjateigur 3, 105 Reykjavík.
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India   May 1, 2020:
The Indian IP Office has issued a Public Notice regarding the timelines/periods as prescribed under the IP Acts and Rules administered by the O/o CGPDTM towards completion of various acts/proceedings, filing of reply/document, payment of fees, etc. in the matters of any IP applications, falling due between the lockdown period, i.e. 25th March, 2020 to 3rd May, 2020, in accordance with section 10 of the General Clauses Act, 1897. As per the notice "even though as per guidelines annexed with the order of MHA, the IP Offices are functional (with reduced strength), substantive limitations/restrictions on the movement of public and functioning of private offices in the Red Zones (Hotspots), are still in place. Therefore, considering the fact that all the IP offices in India are located in Red Zones (Hotspots), the due dates, with respect to timelines/periods prescribed under the IP Acts and Rules administered by the O/o CGPDTM towards completion of various acts/proceedings, filing of any reply/document, payment of fees, etc. in the matters of any IP applications filed with the offices under the administrative control of O/o CGPDTM, falling due between the above said lockdown period, shall be 18th May, 2020." Hence all the deadlines falling between March 25th 2020 (inclusive) to 4th May 2020 (inclusive) will now fall on 18th May 2020.
The Delhi High Court has issued an office order (R-125/RG/DHC/2020) dt. May 2nd 2020 regarding extension of suspension of working of the Courts:
"Pursuant to Order No.40-3/2020-DM-1(A) dated 01.05.2020 issued by the Government of India regarding continuance of lockdown upto 17.05.2020 and in continuation of this Court's Office orders No.373/Estt./E1/DHC dated 23.03.2020, No.194/RG/DHC/2020 dated 25.03.2020 and No.R-43/RG/DHC/2020 dated 15.04.2020, Hon'ble the Administrative and General Supervision Committee of this Court has been pleased to order that the functioning of the High Court of Delhi shall continue to remain suspended till 17.05.2020 on same terms.

April 15, 2020:
Public Notice by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks:
Further to Public Notice (Corrigendum) dated March 25, 2020 and in compliance to the ORDER No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated April 14, 2020 of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, all the Offices under administrative control of O/o CGPDTM shall not be physically accessible to public (in person) for a further period up to May 3, 2020 with effect from April 15, 2020. In view of the above, the relaxation notified in the Public Notice shall also be extended accordingly. All the hearings scheduled upto May 3, 2020 also stand adjourned with fresh hearing dates to be notified thereafter.
Note: e-filing services of the offices under the CGPDTM shall remain un-affected and would be available 24x7.

In view of the extension of the National Lockdown till May 3, 2020, the CGPDTM issued a fresh notification conveying the terms of relaxation for the filings and hearings respectively. Thus, the CGPDTM offices will not be available for physical filings or any other issue which required the physical presence of individuals and the offices will remain shut till May 3, 2020 or any further notice issued whichever is earlier. Resultantly, all hearings scheduled till May 3, 2020 stand adjourned and fresh hearing dates will be issued in due course.
Further, the notice also conveyed that, the online facilities provided for all Trademark, Copyright, Patent & Design matters will continue to remain unaffected, thus encouraging the e-filings as per the deadlines.

March 26, 2020:
All filing limitations and Deadlines extended: Via an order dated March 23, the Supreme Court of India, has ordered that “…(the) period of limitation in all such proceedings, irrespective of the limitation prescribed under the general law or Special Laws whether condonable or not shall stand extended w.e.f. 15th March 2020 till further order/s to be passed by this Court….”
The Supreme Court has ruled that this is a binding order on all Courts / Tribunals and authorities.
The office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM), via an order dated March 25, 2020, has issued a Public Notice to the effect that “….the due dates of timelines/periods prescribed under different IP Acts and Rules administered by the O/o CGPDTM with respect to completion of various acts/activities, filing of any reply/document, payment of fees, etc. regarding any IP applications filed with the offices under the administrative control of the O/o CGPDTM shall be the date on which the offices will re-open.”

On March 16, 2020, the Indian Trademark Registry notified, via public notice, that all hearings relating to trademarks matters scheduled between March 17, 2020 to April 15, 2020 are adjourned and will be rescheduled in due course of time.
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Indonesia   May15:
The operation of Indonesian IP Office is closed from March 23 up to May 29, 2020. However, any IP applications can still be filed through online services.

April 23, 2020:
The Governor of Jakarta has decided to extend the restriction until 22 May 2020.

April 22, 2020:
The operation of Indonesian IP Office is closed from March 23 up to May 13, 2020. However, any IP applications can still be filed through online services.

April 1, 2020:
The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) has been temporarily suspended until 21 April 2020. Its electronic filing system will be operating as per usual. All deadlines for applications that cannot be filed via electronic filing during this period will be given a dispensation.

DGIP is expected to officially re-open and receive manual filings for Office Actions and formality requirements on 22 April 2020.
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Iran   April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged.

April 5, 2020:
The TMO working hours reduced with most staff working remotely. No extension of deadlines announced yet.
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Iraq   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 26, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.
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Iraq   April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 11, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date

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Ireland   April 28, 2020:
The Irish IP Office (IPOI) has confirmed that its office closure has been extended until 5 May 2020 following public health concerns from the covid-19 outbreak. Therefore, the office is closed "for transaction business with the public" until that day, with any IP-related dates falling between 13 March and 5 May 2020 deemed to be "excluded days" for all purposes under the IP acts and rules of Ireland.
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Israel   Emergency Regulations came into force on March 22, 2020. ILPO workforce was reduced to approximately half. The ILPO activities until May 1, 2020, or until further notice:
A.- Most of the services by ILPO will continue. However, there will be a substantial reduction in the amount of applications examined at the ILPO.
B.- No personal reception Hours. Inquiries can be made as detailed here:
C.- Online filing systems fully functional. Documents may be submitted as usual (online, by email, or by leaving hard copies in the appropriate mailbox next to the security guard at the entrance of the ILPO)
D.- Patent, Trademark and Design Certificates are produced as usual. However, it is recommended to print the certificates from the ILPO website.
E.- The Patent, Trademark and Design journals will be published as usual.
F.- The following functions will be suspended until after Passover:
1.) Transfers of ownership, name changes or other changes in the register, aside from representatives and address change for correspondence. 2.) Licensing and qualification exams for Patent Attorneys, excluding complaints regarding Patent Attorneys; 3.) Notices regarding formal deficiencies in national phase patent applications; 4.) Daily digest regarding electronic correspondence sent to applicants.
G.- The ILPO will close for the Passover holiday between April 4,2020 and April 15, 2020.

Extensions and Deadline Delays
A.- An inability to meet the deadlines set by the ILPO resulting from circumstances relating to the Corona epidemic can likely be considered a "reasonable cause" and/or "circumstances over which the applicant and his representative had no control and which could not be prevented" as per Section 164 of The Patents Law, 5727-1967, And Section 100 of The Designs Law, 5777-2017. Also, said events can likely be considered to warrant deadline extensions in trademark and design matters as per Section 82 of The Trademarks Regulations 1940 and Section 54 of The Designs Regulations, 1925.
B.- Applicants who did not meet a deadline set by law or a deadline before the ILPO or could not submit a necessary document in time due to the mentioned circumstances may file a request for an extension providing reasons and details of events. Each request will be separately reviewed to determine whether the conditions for extensions are met (i.e. causal relationship between the situation and the failure of meeting the statutory time limit) and will be considered favourably considering the circumstances. Requests for extensions can be submitted during the period to take an action or afterwards.
C.- In order to allow applicants to submit a request for an extension as described above, until May 1, 2020 or until another announcement is made, whichever is the later date, no files will be closed due to failure to answer correspondence from the ILPO, and notifications before closure will not be sent. In addition, trademark competition proceedings under section 29 of the Trademark Ordinance will not be initiated.
D.- Limitations set in Commissioner Circular 017/2012 – Trademarks regarding the maximum period for responding to ILPO correspondence during the examination period, and Chapter D of Commissioner Circular 035/2017- Patents will not apply until May 1, 2020 or until another announcement is made, whichever is the later date. Extensions granted during the period from this announcement until the end of said period will not be counted as extensions according to these circulars.
E.- Deadlines for submitting documents before the ILPO tribunal are hereby suspended until May 1, 2020. The tribunal will remain open as usual except for hearings.
F.- For avoidance of doubt, there are deadlines set in the legislation which cannot be extended including those enumerated in articles 18(b)(3) regarding submitting documents by third party, 30, 56, 57, 61, 64e(e)(2), 64f, 64m, 64o(a), 73(c) and 170(c) (submitting opposition, payment of renewal fees, submitting requests for Patent Term Extension) in the Patents Law 5727-1967, the deadline for submitting a trademark opposition according to article 24 of the Trade Marks Ordinance (New Version), 5732-1972, the deadline for submitting a renewal fee and for submitting a request to reinstate a trademark according to article 33 of the ordinance, requests to reinstate a design, to pay design renewal fees and requests to reconsider a design rejection, according to articles 40, 41, 43 and 30 of the Designs Law, 5777-2017. All applicants and legal representatives, please note these fixed deadlines.
G.- At this stage, the ILPO cannot waive fee payments or extend the deadlines for payment of fees as set by the laws and regulations regarding such fees, due to lack of legislative authority to do so and to the need to alter the ILPO computer systems to act without receiving prior payment. If any changes on this matter occur in the future, the ILPO will announce it accordingly.

Clarifications regarding ILPO operation
Following the Public Announcement dated March 22, 2020 regarding ILPO operation until May 1, 2020, we hereby clarify the following:
1. Considering the time limit set in Section 90 of the Patents Law, 5727 – 1967 for registration of a pledge on a patent in the Register, the ILPO will continue to provide this service.
2. According to Section 1.3 of Commissioner Circular 030/2014 – General, Patent Attorney trainees are allowed a 30 days' period of absence in each training year, apart from the exceptions specified in the Circular. We hereby clarify that an unpaid leave may be included in the 30 days' period. Patent Attorney trainees who were placed in an unpaid leave will note that fact in the Reports filed with the ILPO. If necessary and if the State of Emergency continues, the ILPO will consider additional relieves.
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Japan   On April 3, 2020, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) made an announcement to those who have been affected by COVID-19 in relation to the procedures such as filing of patent, utility model, design and trademark. The delay or lapse of due dates may be remedied if such delay or lapse were caused by the influence of COVID-19 infection. Documentation to explain the circumstances why necessary procedures could not be performed must be submitted. There is no geographical limitation as to where such circumstances have taken place -- either in foreign countries or in Japan.

A PCT national phase entry application should be filed as soon as possible within 6 months after national phase entry due date (30 months after the first priority date) expired.

New applications claiming Paris Convention Priority should be filed within 2 months after priority due date expired.

Office action responses after due date may be accepted if found necessary.

A request for examination (patent) may be submitted even after the due date (3 years from the filing date) if the request is submitted within 2 months after such a procedure became possible AND within one year after the original due date.

Maintenance fees (annuities) may be paid even after the due date if the fees are paid within 2 months (for foreign proprietors) after such a payment became possible AND within 6 months after the original due date.

Remedies are also provided for various other procedures
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Jordan   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 30, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

April 5, 2020:
The government of Jordan as re-assessed its initial closure period and on 29 March issued a notification to extend the closure of all public and private entities to another 14 days (to be expired on April 14, 2020).
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Kenya   ​Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) remains open but only for essential services. Applicants are requested to file applications and other documents via email.
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Kuwait   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 26, 2020 and all deadlines related to IP prosecution and litigations have been extended as of 12 March to the date to be decided on resuming of usual operations of the TMO.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 12, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.
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Lebanon   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 24, 2020; the TMO is operational partially in rotation with limited staff from 6/4/2020 prioritizing cases with deadlines renewals and annuities.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 14, 2020; the TMO is however planning to operate partially in rotation with limited staff from 6/4/2020.
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Lesotho   Until further notice, The Trademarks Registry and most other institutions in Lesotho are closed due to national lockdown.
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Libya   April 19, 2020:
The TMO Is operating partially with reduced number of hours no extensions announced yet.

April 5, 2020:
The TMO Is operating partially with reduced number of Hours.
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Madagascar   April 7, 2020:
The Malagasy Industrial Property Office (OMAPI) is closed, until further notice.
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Malaysia   April 22, 2020:
In solidarity with the Government's effort under the Restriction Movement Order which takes effect from 18 March 2020, the Malaysian Courts and other government agencies and private premises offering non-essential services will be temporarily closed.

Online filings are still available and operational for MYIPO IP Online system and also the Courts online filing system.

April 07, 2020:
The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) has extended its temporary suspension until 14 April 2020, in accordance with the extension of the Movement Control Order in Malaysia.
Electronic filings for Patents and Industrial Designs will continue to be accepted, while for Trademarks, only new applications will be processed via the electronic filing System. All deadlines to respond to office actions and trademark/patent/design renewals falling within this period will be extended to 30 April 2020. All scheduled trademark, patent and industrial design hearings will be suspended. Prosecution of previous applications which are handled via manual filing will NOT be accepted during this period
• Any manually filed applications with a priority date claim that expires during the period of the order will be allowed to be filed manually on 20 April 2020 at the latest, without losing its priority date claim

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Mauritius   The Prime Minister has announced National Confinement until April 15, 2020. No applications will be accepted until that date.
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Mexico   April 22, 2020
Mexican Authorities declared days ago the State of Public Health Emergency. All non essential activities are suspended until further notice and now we are in Phase 3 of the Pandemic which imposes more restrictions to mobility. Initially it was valid until 20th. April and now until 30th April, but shall be prolonged as the virus spreads all around the country.
IMPI in Mexico is closed during this period as well as Courts and other Governmental Offices. All deadlines falling within this period will restart after the State of Sanitary Emergency is over. Some requests may be accepted online. Feel free to ask if filings are being accepted.

March 25, 2020:
The Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property (IMPI) has issued an official communication establishing the suspension of all deadlines as from March 24 until April 19, 2020. All deadlines expiring within this period are passed to the first business day, that is April 20, 2020.
Similarly, the Federal Court for Administrative Affairs, in line with the Agreement 4/2020 of the Council of Federal Judicature, has suspended activities and procedural deadlines from March 18 to April 19, 2020.
IMPI is working and UNGRIA Mexico remains open and fully operating for business as usual to serve your legal needs.
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Morocco   April 19, 2020:
The TMO is functional for all online services with recordals being suspended for the time being until further notice and deadlines involved are suspended until further notice.

April 5, 2020:
All legal and regulatory deadlines in Courts are suspended until April, 20. Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property remains open, until further notice, however, all services - including the ones that are not available online - must be sent by email or submit on-line filling.
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Namibia   April 15, 2020:
The Namibian President has extended the State of Emergency and lockdown in view of the Covid-19 pandemic until Midnight 4 May 2020.
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New Zealand   Requests for extension of time for those affected by COVID-19 will be treated favorably by IPONZ.
IPONZ is closely monitoring incoming requests and dealing with any time sensitive matters. As IPONZ staff is working remotely, the published processing timeframes may not be met.
If you have corresponded with IPONZ in relation to a time-sensitive matter within the prescribed time, you may not receive a response within the typical time period. Please rest assured that any deadline will be treated as having been conditionally met and the IPONZ delay in processing will be taken into account if further action is required.
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Nicaragua   April 27, 2020:
The Trademark and Patent Office of Nicaragua remains partially open to the public and continues to accept applications as usual.
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Nigeria   The Federal Government of Nigeria announced the suspension of all public instituitions. The Trademark Registry accepts filings through the online system, but the entire subsequent procedure will delay.
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Norway   Customer Service Center is open on Business days from 8am to 3.45pm. No customer visits to the NIPO until further notice. Payment deadlines for preliminary searches extended.

On 13 March 2020, the NIPO gave internal instructions to their employees to grant a deadline extension to persons requesting this, due to Covid19. The instructions apply to deadline extensions in the application process and to correct formal errors.
For designs and trademarks, an extension of at least two months will be granted. The NIPO must have received the request for a deadline extension before the deadline expires.
The instructions apply only to deadlines set by the NIPO. This means that they do not apply to statutory deadlines (for example, priority deadlines, payment deadlines, etc.). The current regulations stipulating that only a limited number of deadline extensions can be granted are supplemented by these instructions.
If you have failed to meet a specific deadline and have lost your application or granted/registered right, you may request re-establishment of your right. It will be sufficient to state briefly that not meeting the specific deadline was not deliberate, and that it is due to Covid19. In such cases, the NIPO will then take this into account without any further questions.
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Oman   April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until further notice and deadlines to be met during this period will be automatically extended until the TMO reopens for business.

April 1, 2020:
Pursuant to Head of Intellectual Property directives under circular no. WTS/2020 issued on 29 March 2020 it has been decided to suspend legal deadlines for all IP cases and submission of supporting documents noting that the Oman IP Directorate is still operational but with curtailed office hours.
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Pakistan   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until further notice and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 14, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.
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Panama   April 27, 2020:
The Trademark & Patent office in Panama continues to be closed and is not allowing online applications yet.
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Paraguay   Amid the global crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 26, 2020, the Paraguayan Government promulgated Law No. 6524/20, which declares a state of emergency throughout the country during 2020 and establishes administrative, labor, corporate, fiscal and financial measures. The law grants extensive capacities to the Executive Power to implement such measures along the year in order to mitigate and reduce economic, financial and social consequences produced by the COVID-19.
Paraguay’s trademark procedures are also on stand by during this exceptional period. Following the country’s declaration of a state of emergency, the National IP Office (Dinapi) has suspended personal attention and all legal deadlines at least until April 12, 2020. Dinapi announced through a press release that it has intensified its efforts to provide online solutions for trademark and renewal applications. The Office’s IT department expects such systems to be available for the beginning of April, a much needed tool that will allow IP users to continue managing registration and renewal applications from a telecommuting standpoint.
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Peru   April 17, 2020:
Peru’s Intellectual Property Office (INDECOPI) has reactivated its online services for trademark registrations, allowing the IP system users to fulfill the needed steps for obtaining a trademark in the country.

As all legal terms from INDECOPI have been expressly suspended until May 6, 2020, the Office will start processing trademark applications on May 7, 2020.

Since March 15, 2020 the Peruvian Government has imposed a legal lockdown because of the COVID-19 outbreak that is currently extended until at least April 26, 2020.

March 25, 2020:
A national lockdown has been declared in Peru by the Peruvian Government due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Consequently, the Peruvian Patent and Trademark Office has suspended all activities until April12, 2020, and all the deadlines have been postponed accordingly.
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Philippines   24 April 2020
The Office of the President declared an extension of the period of the ECQ in certain areas of the country including the National Capital Region until 15 May 2020.

April 17, 2020:
Deadlines falling between 16 March 2020 and 15 May 2020 are granted 60 days extension from their respective due dates. Accepts electronic filings only.

March 17, 2020:
1. All scheduled hearings before the IPO, including mediation, are suspended.
2. Deadlines for all papers, pleadings, documents, and payments falling due from March 16, 2020, to April 14, 2020, are deemed extended for a period of forty five (45) calendar days from the due date.
3. New applications for patents, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks for the period of 16 March 2020 to 14 April 2020 may be filed online through the IPO's electronic filing system but processing shall commence upon resumption of work. No manual filing shall be accepted during the said period.

It will be noted from item 3 that there is no extension for the period for filing patent applications claiming convention priorities e.g PCT and Paris Convention applications.
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Poland   March 30, 2020:
In Poland the Act on the anti-crisis shield states that, in the period from March 8, 2020, to June 30, 2020, the deadline for:
- submitting a translation of the European patent into Polish with the Polish Patent Office,
- submitting a translation into Polish of the limited or amended European patent into Polish does not start, and if it has already started it is considered as interrupted. The dates run anew from July 1, 2020. Furthermore, the Act on the anti-crisis shield provides that all the remaining deadlines that have not started to run before the entry into force of the Act, i.e. before March 31, 2020, during the period of the epidemic will be considered as suspended. The running of these deadlines will not start until the cessation of the state of epidemic. The administrative actions (deadlines) mentioned in the Act include:
- claiming the priority of an invention;
- payment of the fee for the first period of protection;
- payment of annuities;
- requests to restore the deadlines;
- requests for re-examination of the case;
- requests for the extension of deadlines for a response;
- responses to the motions or other submissions of the Patent Office;
- filing complaints to the courts;
- other procedural and court deadlines in court proceedings (including complaints).
IMPORTANT! All actions taken during this period will be treated as valid. Polish Patent Office strongly encourages the interested parties to undertake their regular actions also during the suspension period, as this will allow for a more efficient and faster operation of the Patent Office after the end of the state of epidemic. The PPO operates continuously.

March 17, 2020:
All hearings on or after 16 March 2020 have been cancelled until further notice.
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Portugal   The current global crisis resulting from the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 disease) led to the publication of Law No. 1-A / 2020, of 19 March, which approved exceptional and temporary measures to respond to situation.
All procedural and procedural deadlines are suspended until a date to be defined in a decree-law that will declare the cessation of the exceptional situation provided for therein. Such forecast applies to the terms that run under the terms of the INPI and takes effect on March 12.
The INPI is operating as normal as possible in a State of Emergency in order to respond to the needs of IP users and their stakeholders, while also preserving the safety of their employees, who are, for the most part, on teleworking.
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Qatar   April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged.

The PTO is functioning with reduced number of hours with only 20% of staff working at office and rest working remotely; they are only accepting physical requests for renewals and oppositions. All actions to be undertaken online continue without hindrance whilst recordal actions are suspended until further notice.
On 5th of April it has been decided through an official communique by Head of Intellectectual Property Directorate to suspend all legal deadlines and penalties stipulated by Qatar IP Laws respecting the force majeure resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic along with the inability of applicants/registrants from fulfilling the obligation stipulated by the law to meet the legal deadlines during this period. The period has been broadly mentioned as from the time authorities in Qatar announced the virus outbreak is set to only conclude when the force majeure concludes.
The above is not applicable to annuities, examination and grant fees for patents which are paid online.
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Romania   (1) From March 23, 2020 until the state of emergency is terminated, activities involving the relationship with the public at the HEADQUARTERS of THE OSIM, including audiences, meetings, cultural or scientific events ' in the reading room of the OSIM premises, etc. are suspended.
(2) Requests for information/relationships and other communication from the public will be processed by telephone, fax or e-mail.
(3) Submission of applications for protection, documents or any requests related to procedures only by means that do not require personal presence at the headquarters of OSIM, respectively: online submission on the OSIM website, mail, fax, email.

The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks is closed until March 23, 2020, or until further notice. All deadlines are postponed until after March 23, with a possible further extension.
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Russian Federation   April 29, 2020:
In a further attempt to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian president has extended until May 11 the prohibition of nonessential work previously declared from March 30 to April 30.

April 2, 2020:
In an attempt to delay the spread of the coronavirus, the Russian president decreed an extension from April 2 until April 30 to the stretch of national non-working days declared earlier from March 30 to April 3.
The Russian Patent and Trademark Office (Rospatent) will not be operational, and all deadlines will be automatically extended to the next working day.
As indicated earlier, Rospatent has limited physical access to its premises and restricted the channels for receiving paper documents. Applicants are encouraged to file documents electronically via the patent offices’ customized portals and other secure systems.
Hearings in Russian courts are suspended until at least April 10, 2020. Hearings at Rospatent’s Chamber for Patent Disputes will be held remotely as teleconferences until May 8, 2020.
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Saudi Arabia   April 19, 2020:
The TMO is functioning normally as most of the functions are be undertaken online with submission of requisite documents online. Official Deadlines, submission of documents have been extended until 3rd of May 2020; for now, any procedure can be undertaken by use of simply signed POA. The E copies of notarised and legalised documents only can be submitted within the new deadline to be announced by Saudi Intellectual Property Office at a later stage.

April 5, 2020:
The TMO is functioning normally as most of the functions are be undertaken online with submission of requisite documents online. Extension if any will be announced the TMO resumes their regular operations.

March 17, 2020:
The Saudi Trademark Office (along with other governmental bodies) announced that it will temporarily suspend operations for 16 days from March 16th until further notice. Since most of the functions of the IP office is online all actions can be undertaken but some delay is expected. Kindly note that searches cannot be conducted during this period.
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Singapore   Effective from 7 April 2020, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) announced that its physical office will be closed, but the IPOS team will continue to work from home.

IPOS’s e-filing services will continue to operate. All filing deadlines will be extended to 8 May 2020, for those required to respond between 7 April 2020 to 7 May 2020 inclusive. This extended deadline also applies to cases under our Hearings and Mediation Department.

Please also refer to Registries Practice Direction No. 1 of 2020 for further details.
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South Africa   April 17, 2020:
South African Patent and Trade Mark Office (CIPC) is closed until April, 30. During this period it will not be possible to file any patent, trademark or design applications. Any deadlines that fall within this period will automatically be extended to May 4, 2020.
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Spain   April 24, 2020:
The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) has informed WIPO that, for the purposes of the Madrid System, it is not open to the public since March 14, 2020, and until further notice.

Accordingly, under Rule 4(4) of the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol, all periods under the Madrid System that concern this Office and that expire on a day on which the OEPM is not open to the public will expire on the first subsequent day on which the OEPM reopens.

For further information, users of the Madrid System may visit the OEPM’s website

March 15, 2020:
The office is closed to the public, but the office continues its work. There is telephone and electronic support. Due to the state of emergency in Spain, all deadlines in administrative proceedings have been suspended by the Government of Spain on March 14, 2020, until the state of emergency has been lifted. The state of emergency is expected to last at least 15 days.
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Sudan   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended for additional 3 weeks as of April 19, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 19, 2020 and deadlines have been extended to the same date.

March 26, 2020:
Sudan IP Office and Ministry of Justice announced a complete lockdown from March 29 until April 4. Submit applications will be possible when SIPO reopens.
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Switzerland   The IPI has taken the necessary measures to keep its operations running and to ensure that procedures are unaffected. The IPI remains closed to visitors until further notice.

Regarding requests for an extension of a time limit, the IPI will exercise its discretionary powers within the framework of national and international law. For all procedures, IPI will grant an extension of two months for the first and second extension of the time limit. If important reasons are presented, IPI will grant a third extension of an appropriate duration, without the agreement of any opposing party.
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Syria   April 19, 2020:
All operations suspended until further notice and deadlines to be met during this period will be automatically extended until the TMO reopens for business.

April 5, 2020:
The Patent and Trademark Office in Syria announced it has suspended operations until further notice.
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Taiwan   April 9, 2020: The Taiwanese Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) announced that Patent and trademark applicants may ask for reinstatement if failing to comply within a statutory time period due to a widespread ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.
According to Article 17 of the Patent Act and Article 12 of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act, or Article 8 of the Trademark Act and Article 9 of the Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act, TIPO reminds that the applicant may file a written request stating the cause(s) for delay and requesting for reinstatement with Taiwan Intellectual Property (TIPO) if the delay of a statutory time period is caused by natural calamity or other causes not attributable to the applicant.
Therefore, if a patent or trademark applicant who fails to comply within a statutory time period due to the severe infectious pneumonia COVID-19, he/she may file a request for reinstatement with relevant proof documents. TIPO will in principle determine such cases more leniently on a case-by-case basis.
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Thailand   April 20, 2020:
The Thai Intellectual Property Office is still open for the handling of patent and trademark applications. However, prosecution of applications may be delayed due to staffing issues as the officers are working both at the office and from home on a rotational basis.

April 1, 2020:
Songkran (13-15 April 2020) has been postponed until further notice in order to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Thus, 13-15 April 2020 will be normal working days in Thailand.
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Tunisia   April 23, 2020:
The National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property (INNORPI) is closed since March 22 and, until further notice, has suspended all operations.

April 19, 2020:
Status unchanged.

April 5, 2020:
All operations suspended until April 20, 2020; however, urgent matters can be filed (priority applications)

March 30, 2020:
The Patent and Trademark Office in Tunisia has suspended operations until April 6, 2020. Any deadlines are automatically extended to April 6, 2020.
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Turkey   Effective March 26, 2020, deadlines expiring between March 13 and April 30, 2020 for administrative and legal proceedings concerning IP rights were suspended until May 1, 2020 (in practice May 4) in connection with other measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.
This effects deadlines for administrative proceedings before the Turkish PTO (includes deadlines for payment of official fees for obtaining or maintaining IP rights, filing responses to office actions, submission of oppositions, appeals, submission of evidences to prove use of opponent’s marks and claiming priority), deadlines for civil legal proceedings (irrespective of whether the deadlines were set by the Courts or are statutory in nature; time limits for proceedings required to conduct preliminary injunction orders will keep running as usual), and deadlines for subsequent proceedings in criminal actions. Hearings of civil and criminal court actions falling into this suspension term can be postponed by the Courts to any date later than 30 April 2020 (in practice May 4th).
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Ukraine   All documents to be filed electronically. No personal consultation. Negotiations or expert meetings on applications submitted with the participation of the applicant or his representative shall be suspended.
Renewal of the rights of the applicant, owner or other interested person in respect of the application or registration in case of non-compliance with the deadlines will be in accordance with national and international legislation in the field of intellectual property.
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United Arab Emirates   April 19, 2020:
Situation unchanged.
Actions requiring legalised documents can be filed without necessary documents which can be submitted later.

April 5, 2020:
The TMO is functioning normally as most of the functions are be undertaken online and necessary documents are submitted by email/upload. No extension of deadlines announced yet.
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United Kingdom   Following government advice on measures to tackle the spread of the Coronavirus, the UKIPO has closed access to its buildings until further notice.
The majority of UKIPO services remain unaffected. The following service changes are introduced with immediate effect:
24 March, and subsequent days until further notice, are declared interrupted days. Any deadlines for patents, supplementary protection certificates, trade marks, designs, and applications for these rights, which fall on an interrupted day will be extended until the IPO notifies the end of the interrupted days period. To support rights holders, businesses and IP professionals plan ahead the UKIPO will provide a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice before ending the interrupted days period. The situation will be reviewed on April 17,2020.
UKIPO is currently unable to process paper forms, faxes and paper correspondence. No documents can be filed by Hand. Customers should use online services and communicate with UKIPO digitally whenever possible. There is a new email address for services that are not available online called
UKIPO is no longer processing documents through the fax service until further notice. Paperwork will not be processed until normal services are resumed. At this point they will be given the date of receipt as a provisional filing date.
UKIPO will extend time periods where national and international legislation allows. Affected customers will be supported using the discretionary powers available.
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USA   April 29, 2020:
In accordance with the temporary authority provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed by President Trump on March 27, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) further extended the time to file certain patent and trademark-related documents and to pay certain required fees, which otherwise would have been due between March 27 and May 31, to June 1, 2020. This is in addition to the prior extension the USPTO had announced on March 31, 2020.

April 2, 2020:
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) considers the effects of coronavirus to be an "extraordinary situation" within the meaning of 37 CFR 1.183 and 37 CFR 2.146 for affected patent and trademark applicants, patentees, reexamination parties, and trademark owners. Therefore, the USPTO is waiving petition fees in certain situations for customers impacted by the coronavirus. This notice does not grant waivers or extensions of dates or requirements set by statute.

On March 31, 2020, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced extensions to the time allowed to file certain patent and trademark-related documents and to pay certain required fees. These actions are an exercise of temporary authority provided to the USPTO by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed by President Trump on March 27.

In accordance with section 12004 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the USPTO is extending the time to file certain patent-related and trademark-related documents or fees which otherwise would have been due on or after March 27, 2020.

Further, the USPTO informs that it has made operational adjustments to keep its employees and the public safe as it remains open for business. In-person meetings, such as hearings and examiner interviews, are being conducted virtually by phone and video until further notice.
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Venezuela   April 24, 2020:
In view of the current worldwide circumstances created by COVID-19, the Venezuelan Patent and Trademark Office han announced a new online filing system during the mandatory quarantine, that will go into effect on Monday, April 27th, 2020 and until the mandatory quarentine ends.

The Official Notice indicates that all documents relating to new applications shall be submitted online in a digital format during the emergency situation created by COVID-19. Original documents that have been legalized or certified by Apostille may submitted at a later date, once the mandatory quarantine ends.

In addition, all payments relating to publications in the digital newspaper, as well as official fees for trademarks and patent applications notified in the most recent Official Bulletin, will be received to continue the proceeding and complete the registration. All deadlines relating to the mentioned Official Bulletin will continue to be suspended until the Patent and Trademark Office resumes its activities.
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Vietnam   April 30, 2020:
Status unchanged.

March 31, 2020:
1. Extension of time limits for applicants affected by Covid-19 in carrying out procedures with the IP Viet Nam: All procedures for registration of industrial property rights which are due in the period from 30 March 2020 to 30 April 2020, namely requests for claiming priority rights, provision of supplement documents, responses to decisions/notifications of the IP Viet Nam, requests for annuities/renewal of the validity of protection titles, payment of all types of fees and charges, lodgement of appeals/oppositions, shall be automatically extended to 30 May 2020.
In other cases, applicants who are still suffering from impacts of Covid-19 in perusing their applications for establishment of the industrial property rights with IP Viet Nam, can request for the application of regulations on objective obstacles, force majeure provided for in Points 9.4, 9.5 of Circular No.01/2007/TT-BKHCN amended by Circular No.16/2016/TT-BKHCN.
2. Filing PPH requests with IP Viet Nam under the PPH Pilot Program between IP Viet Nam and the Japan Patent Office:
The receiving date of PPH requests will be re-scheduled for 04 May 2020 instead of 01 April 2020 as announced earlier by IP Viet Nam.
3. Transactions between IP Viet Nam and applicants: As of 01 April 2020, all transactions between IP Viet Nam (including Headquarters in Hanoi, Representative Offices in Da Nang City and Ho Chi Minh City) and applicants will only be conducted via the postal service or through online filing system until further notice. The payment of fees and charges by applicants is made via the postal service or by bank transfer to IP Viet Nam’s bank account at the State Treasury (pursuant to Notice No. 5241/TB-SHTT dated 27 March 2020) until further notice.
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Westbank   April 19, 2020:
All operations are suspended until the end of April and deadlines to be met during this period will be automatically extended until the TMO reopens for business.
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WIPO   WIPO informs that the Office is continuing operations under the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks. The Office advises about the remedies and extension of time limits available for Madrid System users.

Further, WIPO reminds of the automatic extension of time limits in case an IP office is not open to the public, and to suggest measures Madrid System users can take against possible disruptions in mail or delivery services.
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Yemen   April 19, 2020:
The TMO is functioning normally; no extension of deadlines announced yet.
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Yemen   The TMO is functioning normally; no extension of deadlines announced yet.
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