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Amendments to Trademark Laws

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Aug 01, 2024 (Newsletter Issue 7/24)
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New IP Law Introduced

On 31 July 2024, Rwanda made significant updates to its intellectual property laws with the enactment of Law no. 055/2024 on the Protection of Intellectual Property. This new law addresses modern challenges in trademark and patent protection, introducing stricter requirements and clearer guidelines to safeguard IP rights in the country.

A key change in trademark law is the extended period for submitting incomplete formalities, now set at 14 days instead of the previous 7. This adjustment aims to improve the thoroughness and reliability of the registration process. The law also strengthens protection against imitative and confusing marks, ensuring only distinctive and non-misleading trademarks are registered.

For patents, the new law allows applicants to amend their applications before the Registry’s review, and also introduces the option to convert a patent application into a provisional one, providing more flexibility for inventors to refine their ideas before seeking full patent protection.
