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Amendments to Trademark Laws

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Aug 13, 2024 (Newsletter Issue 7/24)
El Salvador
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New IP Law Introduced

El Salvador has enacted a new intellectual property law. This comprehensive legislation replaces the previous law that had been in place since 1993, aiming to strengthen protection for intellectual property rights, fostering innovation and economic growth.

The law will become effective six months after its official publication, with subsequent regulations to be issued by the president within 90 days.

Key features of the new law include enhanced safeguards for patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as the creation of the Salvadoran Institute of Intellectual Property (ISPI, for its Spanish acronym) to streamline registration processes. To encourage entrepreneurship, the law offers reduced registration fees for small businesses and educational institutions. Additionally, it incorporates provisions for protecting intellectual property in the digital age.

For more details click here.
