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Aug 13, 2024 (Newsletter Issue 7/24)
United Kingdom
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Practice Update for Multi-item Design Registrations

The UKIPO updated its guidance on 1 August 2024 on what is acceptable for design registrations directed to products that include multiple, separable, elements. This differs from “complex products”, that involve many components that, typically, cannot be separated from the overall product without significant effort, to which the previous guidance still applies.

The UKIPO issued a Practice Notice (DPN) 01/24 updating the designs examination practice guide (specifically in paragraphs 2.14 to 2.16) to clarify how to approach these types of designs. The new guidance is consistent with the previous approach, but includes more detail along with examples of registrable and non-registrable designs.
In short, any multiple-component design that includes packaging, whether as functional as a cardboard box or as decorative as a wicker basket for a gift set, would probably not be allowable. Consumable or disposable elements are typically considered to make multiple-component designs non-registrable. This should not be seen as an absolute bar however, since a toiletry set with a consistent theme may well be considered allowable.

The UKIPO is open to multiple-component designs, but appears to view designs including elements not intended to be the main part of a product or contribute to an overall theme as likely to be non-registerable.

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