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Sep 05, 2024 (Newsletter Issue 8/24)
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Joins DesignClass

Paraguay's Intellectual Property Office (Dinapi) has announced its integration into DesignClass, a digital tool that allows users to search for and translate product indications in 30 languages. Dinapi's integration into DesignClass is the result of collaborative efforts with the AL-INVEST Verde program, funded by the European Union and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

With its incorporation into DesignClass, Dinapi now uses and accepts the harmonized list of terms from the Harmonized Database of Product Indications, joining 19 other intellectual property offices outside the European Union. In total, 44 intellectual property offices now utilize and accept the terms from this international database.

Based on the Locarno Classification, DesignClass helps users search the harmonised product indications database for product indications that best match the products for which they want to register a design. The harmonised product indications database follows the same structure of classes and subclasses as the Locarno Classification. It contains not only the Locarno product indications but also many more that are accepted by the EU Member State IP offices and the Office.
