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Issue 9/24 (September 2024)

Bahamas New Trade Marks Act read more

Bermuda New Trade Marks Act into Force on Jan 1, 2025 read more

Brazil New Legislation Proposed to Combat TM Registrations for Sale read more

Cambodia New Online System for Recording IP Rights with the Customs Authorities  read more

India Establishment of IP Rights Division at the High Court of Calcutta read more

Lebanon IPO Operations Update read more

Russian Federation Official Fees to Increase read more

Taiwan Public Holidays in October 2024 read more

Uzbekistan Official Fees Increased read more

Issue 8/24 (September 2024)

Australia Fee changes from 1 October 2024 read more

Haiti IP Office reopens under new management read more

Indonesia Non-use cancellation period extended read more

Iraq To adopt the 11th edition of the Nice Classification read more

Libya Trademarks Office resumes filing new trademark applications read more

Paraguay Joins DesignClass read more

Philippines Payment of Issuance & Publication Fees Mandatory at the Time of Filing TM Renewal Request read more

Switzerland Swissreg to be completely modernised read more

Issue 7/24 (August 2024)

Argentina Changes to the TM Opposition Resolution Process Introduced read more

El Salvador New IP Law Introduced read more

Rwanda New IP Law Introduced read more

Taiwan Guidelines on Hearing Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases Amended read more

Turkmenistan Last EAPO Country to Join the Mechanism of Registration of Eurasian Industrial Designs read more

Ukraine Martial Law Extended read more

United Kingdom Practice Update for Multi-item Design Registrations read more

Issue 6/24 (July 2024)

Aruba Formal Requirements for Trademark Application Changed read more

Cayman Islands Timing is everything! read more

Laos Official Fees fo E-Filing Decreased read more

Qatar Major Fee Reductions for Businesses read more

WIPO Saint Kitts and Nevis Accede to the Hague System read more

Issue 5/24 (June 2024)

ARIPO Botswana Launches E-Filing read more

Belize Madrid e-Filing Now Available read more

Brazil New Tool to Combat Circulation of Counterfeits read more

Ghana Joined TMClass read more

Haiti Ministry of Commerce Resumed Services read more

Kazakhstan Official Fees Increased read more

Myanmar Patent Law Took Effect read more

OAPI/AIPO E-Filing Implemented read more

Qatar New POA Requirements read more

Ukraine Appeals Chamber of the National Intellectual Property Authority Resumes Work read more

Venezuela IP Office Launched its Automatic Response Assistant read more

Venezuela Restoration of Grace Period for Renewals read more

Vietnam To Establish Specialised IP Courts read more

Issue 4/24 (April 2024)

ARIPO Zambian Registry Uses 12th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Australia Changes to the Trade Marks Legislation read more

EUIPO Revised Regulation on Geographical Indications Entered into Force read more

Qatar Joins Madrid Protocol for International Trademark Registration read more

Trinidad and Tobago Access to TMview read more

Vietnam New Decree on Administrative Sanctions in IP read more

Issue 3/24 (April 2024)

Algeria VAT on Official Fees for IP Services Introduced read more

Brazil BPTO Publishes Regulatory Agenda for 2024-2025 read more

EUIPO Revised Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal read more

Georgia New Law on Trademarks in Force read more

Kazakhstan Accelerated Trademark Registration Procedure Introduced read more

Myanmar First Publication of Applications under Trademark Law read more

New Zealand Changes to the Geographical Indications Registration Act read more

New Zealand New Practice Guidelines for Using Maori Elements read more

Nigeria Temporary Suspension of Online Certificate Issuance read more

Saudi Arabia New Practice for Refused Trademarks Implemented read more

Turkey Official Fees Increased read more

Ukraine Number of Trademark Applications Increased by 55% read more

United Kingdom UKIPO Launched Corporate Strategy read more

WIPO World Intellectual Property Report 2024 Released  read more

Yemen Revised Official Fees for IP Services in Aden read more

Issue 2/24 (March 2024)

ARIPO Madrid e-Filing Now Available in Gambia read more

Australia Trade Mark Classification Standards to be Aligned with International Best Practice read more

Lebanon New Trademark Regulations Implemented read more

Libya Cancellation of Non-renewed Trademarks read more

New Zealand Trade Mark Practice Guidelines Updated read more

Saudi Arabia Protection Duration of Industrial Designs Extended read more

Sudan Trademarks Office Resumed Operations read more

United Arab Emirates  Launch of New IP Ecosystem read more

Westbank Trademarks Office Resumed its Operations read more

WIPO Madrid e-Filing Now Available in Gambia read more

Issue 1/24 (January 2024)

Australia Adopting the Madrid Goods and Services List read more

Canada New Service Standards for Trademarks in Effect read more

Canada Trademark Fees Increased read more

Greece Geneva Act (1999) Ratified read more

Italy Geneva Act (1999) Ratified read more

San Marino Madrid e-Filing Now Available read more

South Korea Expedited Examination of TM Applications More Difficult read more

Switzerland New Trademark Protection Guidelines read more

Issue 10/23 (December 2023)

Australia Proposed Fee Changes Open for Public Consultation read more

Benelux Trademark Holder Privacy Improved read more

Egypt New Authority for Intellectual Property Established read more

EUIPO Enhancements to eSearch Case Law read more

EUIPO Protection of Geographical Indication Extended read more

Kosovo New Administrative Instruction on TM Registration read more

Myanmar Entry Into Force of the New Copyright Law read more

New Zealand Improvements to Online Case Management read more

Turkey Patent Office to Take Lead in Trademark Cancellations read more

United Arab Emirates Upcoming Change in Official Fees read more

Vietnam New Circular Provides Additional Guidance read more

Issue 9/23 (November 2023)

Argentina Invited to Join BRICS read more

Bermuda New Trade Marks Law Receives Royal Assent read more

Cuba OCPI to Become Depositing and Accessing Office of the WIPO Digital Access Service read more

Greece New Administrative Requirements for Trademark Renewal Drafted read more

Saudi Arabia 12th Edition of the Nice Classification Adopted read more

WIPO Cuban IP Office Becomes Depositing and Accessing Office read more

Issue 8/23 (October 2023)

Argentina Official Trademark Fees to be Raised read more

Cambodia Trademark Rules Tightened with Multiple-Class and Affidavit Stipulations read more

Canada Upcoming Changes to the Practice  read more

China Apostille Convention to Enter into Force read more

Indonesia Key Changes in IP Filing System read more

Laos New Regulation on Formalities read more

Mongolia Madrid e-Filing Now Live read more

New Zealand Update to Trade Mark Practice Guidelines read more

Portugal Accession to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement read more

Vietnam New Decree Details the 2022 IP Law read more

WIPO Madrid e-Filing Now Live in Mongolia read more

WIPO Portugal Joins the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement read more

WIPO Significant Changes Coming to the Madrid Systems read more

Issue 7/23 (July 2023)

Australia Evidentiary Burden for Extension of Time Lowered read more

Austria Official TM Similarity Search Abolished read more

Benelux SMEs Can Recuperate 75% of their Application Fees for TMs and Designs read more

Denmark Prices for Business Services to Increase read more

EUIPO Extension of Time Limits - Ukraine read more

Germany Revised Guidelines for Opposition Proceedings in Force read more

Hong Kong Trade Marks Registry Work Manual Chapters Updated read more

Iceland IPO Relocated and New Regulation on Fees for IPOs Services  read more

India Limited Functionality of E-Register and TM Public Search read more

Italy Industrial Property Act Amended read more

Jamaica Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules to Enter into Force read more

Kazakhstan Official Fees Amended read more

New Zealand Update to Trade Mark Practice Guidelines read more

Sao Tome and Principe Accession to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement read more

Slovenia Industrial Property Act Amended read more

Ukraine Change in Official Fees read more

Uzbekistan Competition Law Amended Excluding IP-Related Provisions read more

Issue 6/23 (June 2023)

Argentina Partial Revocation of TMs Possible read more

Australia Changes to Organisational Structure read more

Azerbaijan New Electronic Service read more

Canada Official Fees to Increase read more

EUIPO Changes to Contact Details read more

EUIPO New Pre-assessment Checks read more

Kuwait Official Searches Available read more

Libya TMO Resumes Normal Operations read more

Oman Fees Reduction for Several IP Services read more

Qatar GCC TM Law in Force read more

Switzerland New Online Services read more

Switzerland Partial Revision of Guidelines read more

Issue 5/23 (May 2023)

EUIPO Paraguay Joins TMclass read more

India Restoration of Abandoned Applications & Oppositions read more

Kyrgyzstan Patent Legislation Amended read more

Montenegro Accession to Singapore Treaty on Trademarks read more

South Korea Partial Rejection and Re-Examination System Effective read more

Switzerland Official Trademark Fees to be Reduced read more

Taiwan Accelerated Examination Available read more

Tunisia Accession to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement read more

WIPO Montenegro Accedes to Singapore Treaty on Trademarks read more

WIPO Tunisia Accedes to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement read more

Issue 4/23 (March 2023)

Brazil Accession to Geneva Act of Hague Agreement read more

EUIPO Germany Ratified Agreement on UPC read more

EUIPO Guidelines for Examination in 23 Languages read more

Japan Japan-Taiwan Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

Liechtenstein Administrative Procedures in Trademark Protection Introduced read more

Montenegro Trademark Law Amended read more

Myanmar Long-Awaited Trademark Law in Force Soon read more

Norway Withdrawal of Notification on Division of International Registrations read more

Taiwan Japan-Taiwan Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

United Kingdom UK's Ratification of Vienna Agreement Extended to Isle of Man read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of Hague Agreement by Brazil read more

WIPO UK's Ratification of Vienna Agreement Extended to Isle of Man read more

WIPO Withdrawal of Notification on Division of International Registrations by Norway read more

Issue 3/23 (February 2023)

Bermuda New Trademark Law Drafted read more

China Draft Interpretation of Handling Criminal Cases of Intellectual Property Infringement read more

EUIPO Extension of Time Limits – Ukraine read more

EUIPO New EU Trademark Filing Form  read more

Hungary Trademark Act Amended read more

Mauritius Accession to the Madrid System and the Hague System read more

USA Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy Released read more

WIPO Mauritius Joins the Madrid System and the Hague System read more

WIPO New Version of e-Hague Renewal read more

Issue 2/23 (January 2023)

Argentina Official IP Fees Increased read more

China Draft Amendment to Trademark Law Published read more

EUIPO New Requirements when Submitting Evidence to EUIPO  read more

Iraq New Procedure for Trademark Applications on Arabic Transliteration read more

Myanmar Trademark Law Expected to Be Enforced Soon read more

Turkey Official IP Fees Increased read more

Issue 1/23 (January 2023)

Gaza 11th Edition of Nice Classification / 10th Edition of Locarno Classification read more

India Open Conference to Discuss Complaints / Suggestions on IPR Issues read more

OAPI/AIPO Accession to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

Romania New Administrative Procedure for TM Revocation and Invalidation read more

Saudi Arabia Legalization of Documents by Apostille Sufficient read more

Taiwan Online Certificates for Patents and Trademarks  read more

Trinidad and Tobago Madrid E-Filing Available read more

Ukraine Law on GIs of Alcoholic Beverages Adopted read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by OAPI read more

Issue 18/22 (December 2022)

Belize Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

China Provision on Supervision and Administration of TM Agencies read more

France E-Portal for Trademark Procedures at INPI read more

Italy New Administrative Procedure for TM Invalidity and Revocation Soon read more

New Zealand IPONZ Online Case Management Facility Improved read more

United Kingdom Retained EU Law for Intellectual Property read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Belize read more

Issue 17/22 (December 2022)

EUIPO Extension of Time Limits - Ukraine  read more

Lebanon IP Office Resumes Operations read more

Libya Trademark Office Opens for Limited Operations read more

Monaco IP Office Participates in WIPO Digital Access Service read more

Portugal Lisbon Becomes Seventh Certified Authenticity read more

Westbank New PoA Revokes All Prior Authorizations read more

WIPO Monaco IP Office Participates in WIPO Digital Access Service read more

Issue 16/22 (November 2022)

Romania New Implementing Regulations of Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications read more

Taiwan Examination Guidelines on Certification Marks/Collective Membership Marks/Collective Trademark read more

Ukraine Accelerated Examination of Applications Suspended read more

Ukraine IPO Temporarily Suspends Activities read more

Ukraine Law on E-Residency Adopted read more

USA New Deadline to Respond to Office Actions for Applications read more

WIPO Changes to Regulations under Madrid Protocol read more

Issue 15/22 (October 2022)

Bulgaria IP Decision-Drafting Tool Implemented read more

China Measures to Improve eServices of CNIPA read more

DPR Korea Trademark Law Amended read more

EUIPO IP Decision-Drafting Tool Implemented by Bulgarian IP Office read more

Kazakhstan Official Fees Amended read more

Qatar Court of Investment and Commerce Established read more

South Korea Virtual Goods Examination Guidelines Published read more

USA 12th Edition of Nice Classification Adopted Soon read more

WIPO 12th Edition of Nice Classification Enters into Force Soon read more

Issue 14/22 (October 2022)

Angola Clarification via Disclaimer that TM Is Not Equal to Health Authority Authorisation read more

Cape Verde Further Declarations of Intention to Use for Intl. Registrations read more

China Guide on Cybercrimes and Trade Secret Protection in EU & China read more

EUIPO Guide on Cybercrimes and Trade Secret Protection in EU & China read more

Slovakia Digitisation of IP Office’s Trademark and Design Files Completed read more

Ukraine Legal Protection of Geographical Indications read more

WIPO 14th Edition of Locarno Classification read more

WIPO Further Declarations of Intention to Use for Intl. Registrations Designating Cape Verde read more

Issue 13/22 (September 2022)

EUIPO Extension of Time Limits - Ukraine read more

EUIPO IP Key China Project to Advance Convergence of Chinese, EU and International IPR Standards read more

Kenya Deadline for Commencement of Recordation of IP Rights Extended read more

New Zealand TM Practice Guidelines Updated  read more

Poland IP Office Participates in WIPO Digital Access Service read more

Spain New Cancellation Proceedings Soon read more

Taiwan New Exam Guidelines on TM Distinctiveness read more

Thailand New Rules on Customs Recordation and Seizure of Counterfeit Goods read more

Ukraine EUIPO Extends Time Limits read more

WIPO Polish IP Office Participates in WIPO Digital Access Service read more

Issue 12/22 (August 2022)

Australia Amendments to Designs Act in Force read more

Australia Trademark Opposition Process Simplified read more

Singapore New Filing System Launched / Official Fees Increased read more

United Arab Emirates Executive Regulation of New Trademark Law in Force read more

Vietnam Significant Changes to IP Law read more

WIPO New Online Service – Correcting Errors in International Register read more

Issue 11/22 (August 2022)

ARIPO Cape Verde Accedes to ARIPO System read more

Cape Verde Accession to ARIPO System read more

China Guidelines for IP Protection at Exhibitions read more

EUIPO First Oral Hearing Before the Grand Board read more

EUIPO Office Deploys IP Attachés read more

Kosovo New Trademark Law Entered into Force read more

Myanmar Official Forms for Trademark Matters Issued read more

Issue 10/22 (July 2022)

Bolivia Guidelines on Examination of 3D Marks Issued read more

Colombia Guidelines on Examination of 3D Marks Issued read more

Ecuador Guidelines on Examination of 3D Marks Issued read more

EUIPO New EU Trademark Filing Form read more

Kazakhstan IP Laws Amended and TM Opposition Period Introduced read more

Nicaragua Change of Practice read more

Peru Accession to Hague System and WIPO’s Classification Treaties Soon read more

Peru Guidelines on Examination of 3D Marks Issued read more

WIPO New Guide to the Madrid System Released read more

WIPO Peru Accedes to Hague System and WIPO’s Classification Treaties Soon read more

Issue 9/22 (July 2022)

Cape Verde Declaration of Intention to Use for International Registrations Designating Cape Verde read more

Chile New Law in Force read more

China Japan-China-Korea Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

EUIPO Albania and Haiti Use Harmonised Database of Goods/Services  read more

Japan Japan-China-Korea Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

South Korea Amended Trademark Act and Design Protection Act in Force read more

South Korea Japan-China-Korea Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

USA Identity Verification for Account Holders to Be Mandatory in August read more

WIPO Declaration of Intention to Use for International Registrations Designating Cape Verde read more

Issue 8/22 (June 2022)

China Guidelines on Punitive Damages in Civil IP Cases Issued read more

Czech Republic Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement read more

Lebanon Official Arabic Translation of TM Application in Certain Cases Required  read more

Saudi Arabia Official Publication Fees Reduced read more

Ukraine Martial Law Extended read more

USA TTAB Manual of Procedure Updated read more

WIPO Certified Documents Go Digital read more

WIPO Czech Republic Accedes to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement read more

Issue 7/22 (June 2022)

China Typical IP Enforcement Cases Released read more

Colombia Common Practice on Figurative Marks read more

EUIPO Proposal for EU Regulation on GIs for Craft/Industrial Products read more

Germany Agreement between CH and DE on Reciprocal Protection for Patents, Designs and Trademarks Terminated read more

Mauritius New Industrial Property Act in Force read more

Morocco Accession to Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement read more

Switzerland Agreement between DE and CH on Reciprocal Protection for Patents, Designs and Trademarks Terminated read more

Switzerland New Online Service for International Registration read more

USA New Guide Clarifying Examination Evidentiary Standard for Marks Refused as Generic read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement by Morocco read more

Issue 6/22 (May 2022)

ARIPO Amendments to Banjul Protocol in Force read more

China Additional Guidance on China’s Accession to Hague System read more

Kazakhstan Official Language Requirements Amended read more

Singapore Simplified Court Procedures for IP Disputes read more

Thailand Surcharges for Late Renewals Temporarily Exempted read more

USA Electronic Registration Certificates to Be Issued Soon read more

Uzbekistan Law on Geographical Indications Adopted read more

WIPO Additional Guidance on China’s Accession to Hague System read more

WIPO New Gateway to Madrid System Online Services Introduced read more

Issue 5/22 (April 2022)

Cape Verde Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Chile Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

EUIPO Extension of Time Limits for Ukrainian Parties read more

EUIPO New Examination Guidelines in Force read more

EUIPO Virtual Assistant to Support Online Filings read more

India Trademark Office Accepts Oppositions until End of May 2022 read more

Namibia Declaration of Article 15(5) of Madrid Protocol Withdrawn read more

Russian Federation Future of Foreign IP Rights Uncertain read more

Ukraine Operation of IP Office During State of War read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Cape Verde read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Chile read more

WIPO Declaration of Article 15(5) of Madrid Protocol Withdrawn by Namibia read more

Yemen Official Publication Fees for IP Rights Increased read more

Issue 4/22 (March 2022)

Kuwait New Requirements for Trade Name Registration read more

Singapore Important Changes to IP System read more

South Korea Amendments to Trademark Act read more

Taiwan Draft Amendments to Trademark and Copyright Act Approved read more

Taiwan Online Trademark Registration System Updated read more

Thailand New Trademark Examination Manual Effective read more

United Arab Emirates Publication of Trademark Related Matters in Official Gazette Only read more

Issue 3/22 (February 2022)

Belarus Official IP Fees Amended read more

EUIPO Consolidated Rules of Procedure for Appeal System Revised read more

Japan Japan-Taiwan Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

Russian Federation Accession to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement read more

Saudi Arabia Accession to The Hague Convention Approved read more

Taiwan Japan-Taiwan Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

WIPO Amendments to Common Regulations of Hague System Effective read more

Yemen Deadline for TM Renewal in Aden read more

Issue 2/22 (February 2022)

Afghanistan Official Fees Increased read more

China Accession to Hague System read more

Spain Modification of 3 Main IP Laws Proposed read more

Taiwan Changes to List of Designated Goods and Services for TM Registration read more

United Arab Emirates Accession to Nice Agreement read more

USA Identity Verification for Account Holders to Be Mandatory Soon read more

WIPO China Accedes to Hague System read more

WIPO UAE Accedes to Nice Agreement read more

Issue 1/22 (January 2022)

Albania Industrial Property Law Amended read more

EUIPO Changes Proposed to Public Availability of Rejection Decisions read more

Fiji New Trade Marks Act Published read more

Jamaica Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Japan Operating Procedures for Foreign Users' Signatures Revised read more

OAPI/AIPO Amendments to IP Law Effective read more

Taiwan Examination Criteria on Likelihood of Confusion Revised read more

Ukraine Madrid E-Filing Available Now read more

United Arab Emirates Notification on Licence Recordal and Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

WIPO Jamaica Accedes to the Madrid Protocol read more

WIPO Notification on Licence Recordal and Division/Merger of International Registrations by UAE read more

Issue 18/21 (December 2021)

China First Mediation Rules for International IP Disputes Released read more

China Guidelines for Legal Protection and Enforcement of Chinese Trademarks in English read more

Mongolia Trademark and Geographical Indications Law Amended read more

Turkey IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing read more

United Arab Emirates Extensive Legislative Reform - New Trademark Law Issued read more

WIPO Guidance on Including Multiple Designs in International Applications read more

Issue 17/21 (December 2021)

China New Guidelines for Trademark Examination and Trial  read more

China New Requirements when Applying for Well-known Trademark Status  read more

Ghana Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

Jamaica Accession to Hague System read more

Japan Streamlining Hague System Procedures when Designating Japan read more

Kiribati Accession to Paris Convention read more

USA USPTO Implements Trademark Modernization Act read more

Uzbekistan Trademark Law Amended read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by Ghana read more

WIPO Accession to Paris Convention by Kiribati read more

WIPO Jamaica Joins the Hague System read more

WIPO Streamlining Hague System Procedures when Designating Japan read more

Issue 16/21 (November 2021)

ARIPO Accession to Harare Protocol by Seychelles read more

Australia Important Changes to Design Law Ahead read more

Brazil Position Mark Now Registerable read more

Bulgaria New Electronic Payment Features read more

China Switch to Electronic Trademark Registration Certificates read more

Finland Companies that Failed Filing Financial Statements Are Removed from Trade Register read more

Finland Customer Service Reopened read more

Seychelles Accession to ARIPO read more

Singapore Amendments to Trade Marks Rules Effective read more

Turkey Trademark Examination Guidelines Extended read more

United Arab Emirates Changes to Patent and Designs Law read more

WIPO 2022 Version of Nice Classification read more

Issue 15/21 (October 2021)

Costa Rica Common Practice on Graphic Representation of Designs (CP6) read more

Croatia Administrative Fees in National Proceedings before IP Office Abolished read more

EUIPO European Network of Authenticities Website Launched read more

EUIPO Pan-African IP Project Launched read more

Kazakhstan Labelling of Medicines and Footwear Becomes Mandatory read more

Monaco Common Practice on Absolute Grounds for Refusal (CP3) read more

Russian Federation CIS Countries Sign New Cooperation Agreement against Use of False TMs and GIs  read more

Saudi Arabia Trademark Enforcement Matters Assigned to SAIP read more

Slovakia Slovak City Certified as Authenticity  read more

Sudan Official Fees Increased read more

Switzerland Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

United Arab Emirates Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

USA New Mailing Address for USPTO Deposit Account Replenishments read more

Uzbekistan Procedure for Registration of Medical Devices Simplified read more

Venezuela Official Fees Changed read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by Switzerland read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by UAE read more

Issue 14/21 (September 2021)

Argentina New Regulation of Product Labelling  read more

Belarus Withdrawal of Notification on Division of International Registrations read more

Chile New Intellectual Property Law Published read more

Egypt IP Office No Longer Charges VAT for TM Services read more

EUIPO Financial Support for SMEs read more

EUIPO New Tool for Examination of International Design Registration read more

Israel The Government Accedes to Nice Agreement read more

Mongolia Official Fee Increased read more

Russian Federation Changes to Official Fees for e-Issuance of Original Certificates read more

Serbia New Trade Secret Law in Force read more

United Kingdom Digital IP Renewal Service Officially Launched read more

United Kingdom September 30, 2021: Important Deadline for Holders of International Registrations read more

WIPO Withdrawal of Notification on Division of International Registrations by Belarus read more

Issue 13/21 (July 2021)

Albania IP Office Aligned with CP3 read more

ARIPO Accession to Banjul Protocol on Marks by Gambia  read more

Canada Changes to French Language Laws Proposed by Quebec's Bill 96 read more

Canada New Independent Regulator for Patent and Trademark Agents read more

EUIPO Albanian IP Office Aligned with CP3 read more

EUIPO Uruguayan IP Office Aligned with CP5 read more

Hungary Ratification of Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

New Zealand 3-Month Period before Restriction or Cancellation of Intl. Registrations Are Actioned read more

New Zealand Search Tool for Pre-Approved TM Goods and Services Terms read more

Uruguay IP Office Aligned with CP5 read more

USA TBMP 2021 Update Available read more

WIPO Ratification of Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by Hungary read more

Issue 12/21 (June 2021)

China Judicial Interpretations for Punitive Damages read more

EUIPO 'Out-Of-Commerce Works' Portal Launched read more

EUIPO Serbian IP Office Aligned with CP8  read more

EUIPO Uruguayan IP Office Aligned with CP6  read more

Paraguay Accession to Nice and Locarno Classification read more

Russian Federation Eurasian Industrial Design Applications Started read more

Serbia IP Office Aligned with CP8  read more

Spain Statements of Grant of Protection for Hague Designs Designating Spain read more

Uruguay IP Office Aligned with CP6 read more

USA Final Rule on Representation of Others Before USPTO read more

WIPO Accession to Nice and Locarno Classification by Paraguay read more

WIPO Statements of Grant of Protection for Hague Designs Designating Spain read more

Issue 11/21 (June 2021)

China Inquiry System for EU Trademarks Launched read more

EUIPO IP Office Replaces Attachments with Links in Communications read more

EUIPO Online Form for Designs Improved read more

Germany New e-Functions to Prepare Lists of Goods and Services read more

Iraq No Longer Extension of Trademark Registrations to Kurdistan read more

Lithuania IP Office Identifies Duplicate User Records read more

Taiwan Trademark Use Not Limited to Use in Trade read more

Uganda Chance to Renew Expired Registrations read more

Issue 10/21 (May 2021)

Belarus Further Details on Accession to Hague System read more

Canada Practice Change in Examination Due to Backlog read more

Russian Federation EAEU Trademark Agreement in Force read more

Uganda Trademark Regulations Amended read more

United Arab Emirates Power of Attorney Deadline Extended read more

USA China IPR Toolkit Updated by USPTO read more

USA Feedback on New Proposed Rules of the TMA Sought read more

Issue 9/21 (May 2021)

EUIPO Collaboration to Support SMEs read more

EUIPO Financial Support for SMEs  read more

EUIPO Official eRegister Online  read more

Greece Back-office System Enhanced read more

Lithuania Further Improvements to Back-office System read more

Saudi Arabia Accession to Nice Agreement read more

South Korea Amendments to Trademark Act  read more

South Korea Examination Guidelines on Similarity of Goods Changed read more

Spain Back-office System for Designs Enhanced  read more

Thailand Fast-Track TM Renewal and Examination Introduced read more

WIPO Accession to Nice Agreement by Saudi Arabia read more

Issue 8/21 (April 2021)

Belarus Accession to Hague System read more

EUIPO Common Communication on New Types of Marks read more

Georgia Further Steps towards Common EU Practices  read more

India IP Appellate Board Abolished read more

Pakistan Accession to Madrid Protocol  read more

Rwanda Maximum Duration of International Designs Specified read more

Thailand Draft Examination Manual Published read more

WIPO Belarus Joins the Hague System  read more

WIPO Pakistan Joins Madrid Protocol read more

WIPO Ruanda Specifies Maximumum Duration of International Designs read more

Issue 7/21 (April 2021)

Chile Grace Period for TM Renewals Extended read more

EUIPO Common Practice on Evidence in TM Appeal Proceedings read more

Oman Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

South Korea Revised Enforcement Rules Improve Applicants' Convenience read more

Uzbekistan Changes to IP System read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by Oman read more

WIPO Indication of Email Address Mandatory read more

Issue 6/21 (March 2021)

China EU and Chinese Geographical Indications Protectable Now read more

EUIPO EU and Chinese Geographical Indications Protectable Now read more

India IP Appellate Board Endangered  read more

Iran IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing read more

Lithuania Back Office System Upgraded  read more

Russian Federation EAPO launches the Pharmaceutical Register read more

Spain IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing read more

United Kingdom New Service to Update Representative Address read more

WIPO More Time to Download Hague System Electronic Notifications read more

WIPO New Interfaces for Hague System Website read more

Issue 5/21 (March 2021)

Australia Designs Amendment Bill 2020 read more

Australia New Official Online Services Platform from Mid 2021 read more

China More IPR Service Centers to Be Established read more

EUIPO E-Communication Preferred read more

EUIPO New Examination Guidelines in Force  read more

EUIPO Short Window for Financial Support for SMEs Open read more

Oman Trademark e-Filing Introduced read more

Pakistan Accession to Madrid System  read more

South Korea Artificial Intelligence to Examinations Introduced read more

WIPO E-Management of Transactions Relating to Representatives read more

WIPO Pakistan Joins the Madrid System read more

Issue 4/21 (February 2021)

China Copyright Law Amended read more

Japan Japan-Taiwan Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

Kazakhstan Official Fees on Renewals Changed read more

Lithuania New Online Services  read more

Russian Federation Digital Trademark Certificates Only read more

Russian Federation International Trademark Applications under Madrid System by E-Mail No Longer Accepted read more

Taiwan Japan-Taiwan Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

Westbank New Administrative Courts Law Issued read more

WIPO eHague Gateway Introduced read more

Issue 3/21 (February 2021)

Armenia Ratification of Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs  read more

Azerbaijan Ratification of Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs  read more

Bulgaria First Bulgarian Authenticities Certified in European Cooperation Project read more

Canada Communication Procedures by CIPO for International Registrations read more

EUIPO First Bulgarian Authenticities Certified in European Cooperation Project read more

EUIPO Visual Search for TMview Extended to Denmark read more

France Ratification to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GI read more

India Designs (Amendment) Rules 2021 Issued read more

Kazakhstan Ratification of Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs  read more

Kyrgyzstan Ratification of Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs read more

Macau Name of IP Office Changed read more

Moldova Common Practice on Likelihood of Confusion / Relative Grounds of Refusal read more

Russian Federation Ratification of Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs read more

WIPO Communication Procedures by CIPO for International Registrations read more

WIPO Hague System Common Regulations Amended read more

WIPO Ratification of Protocol on Protection of Industrial Designs of Several Countries read more

WIPO Ratification to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by France read more

Issue 2/21 (January 2021)

Australia Renewal Possible via New Online Services Platform read more

Bulgaria Fast Track for Trademarks read more

EUIPO New E-filing Forms for Trademarks read more

EUIPO Technical Requirements for Annexes on Data Carriers to Change read more

Romania Front and Back-Office Systems Enhanced read more

Saudi Arabia Registration of Collective Marks Containing Geographical Indications read more

United Kingdom Extension of Several Treaties and Agreements to Guernsey and/or Isle of Man read more

USA Trademark Modernization Act Signed read more

WIPO Extension of Several Treaties and Agreeements to Guernsey and/or Isle of Man read more

WIPO Official Forms Updated / New Accompanying Notes for Filing read more

Issue 1/21 (January 2021)

Brazil Manual on Geographical Indications Published read more

Chile First Steps towards Ratification of Madrid Protocol read more

EUIPO CP11 and CP12 Common Practices Adopted read more

EUIPO EU Customs Enforcement Post-Brexit read more

EUIPO Visual Search for TMview Extended to Germany read more

Latvia Fast Track for Trademarks read more

Norway IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing read more

Ukraine New IPO Offices Established read more

United Kingdom Customs Enforcement Post-Brexit read more

United Kingdom Extension of UK International Registrations to Gibraltar and Guernsey read more

United Kingdom Key IP Changes from 1 January 2021 read more

WIPO Chile Undertakes First Steps Towards Ratification of Madrid Protocol read more

WIPO Extension of UK International Registrations to Gibraltar and Guernsey read more

WIPO Indication of e-Mail Adress to be Required for Int. Registrations read more

Issue 20/20 (December 2020)

Austria New eService Launched read more

China Japan-China-Korea Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

EUIPO Action Plan on IP Published by European Commission read more

EUIPO Launch of New Search Database GIview  read more

Greece IP Office Provides Design e-Filing Now read more

Japan First Design of Graphic Image Registered read more

Japan Japan-China-Korea Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

Laos Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

Russian Federation Eurasian Economic Union Treaty Ratified read more

South Korea Japan-China-Korea Concordance List of Similar Group Codes Published read more

United Kingdom UK Address for Service after Brexit Required read more

Venezuela Automatic Recognition of TRIPS Agreement by SAPI Announced read more

WIPO 2021 Version of Nice Classification read more

WIPO A Single Format for Exchange with Offices read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs by Laos read more

Issue 19/20 (November 2020)

Colombia Withdrawal of Notification on Division of Intl. Registrations  read more

Estonia Back Office System Enhanced read more

EUIPO DESIGNclass Joined by Monaco and San Marino read more

EUIPO Fax Services to Be Discontinued  read more

Slovenia IP Office New Online Services read more

Slovenia Trademark and Design Dossiers Digitized read more

South Korea Online Counterfeit Product Prevention Measures Planned read more

Trinidad and Tobago Declarations on Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

USA Official Fees to Be Increased  read more

WIPO Declarations on Accession to Madrid Protocol by Trinidad and Tobago read more

WIPO New Online Service for Limitation Requests of Goods/Services of International Registrations read more

WIPO Withdrawal of Notification on Division of Intl. Registrations by Colombia read more

Issue 18/20 (November 2020)

Brazil IP Office Extents Scope as Depositing Office of WIPO DAS read more

EUIPO Guidelines for Examination Available in 23 Official Languages read more

France IP Office to Commence Operations as Depositing Office of WIPO DAS Soon read more

Iceland IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing read more

Kazakhstan Labeling of Tobacco Products Mandatory read more

Mexico New Federal Law for Industrial Property in Force Now read more

Russian Federation Ratification of EAEU Treaty read more

Spain Back Office System Enhanced read more

USA Trademark Examination Guide on Specimens Updated / New Exam Guide on Terms read more

WIPO Brazilian IP Office Extents Scope as Depositing Office of WIPO DAS read more

WIPO French IP Office to Commence Operations as Depositing Office of WIPO DAS Soon read more

WIPO Icelandic IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing read more

Issue 17/20 (October 2020)

Brazil Co-Ownership of Trademarks Possible Now read more

China Agreement Protecting EU / Chinese Geographical Indications read more

China First IP Dispute and Guidance Center Established read more

EUIPO Agreement Protecting EU / Chinese Geographical Indications read more

EUIPO Common Practice on Use of Trademarks in a Form Differing from the One Registered read more

EUIPO New Quality Initiative for Absolute Grounds  read more

Greece Back Office System Enhanced read more

Poland Back Office System Upgraded  read more

Trinidad and Tobago Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

United Kingdom Declarations by UK and Northern Ireland on Several Treaties read more

Uzbekistan Intellectual Property Law Amended read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Trinidad and Tobago read more

WIPO Declarations by UK and Northern Ireland on Several Treaties read more

Issue 16/20 (October 2020)

ARIPO Accession to Lusaka Agreement by Mauritius read more

Belarus Law on Geographical Indications Amended read more

Bulgaria Historical Trademark Files Digitized read more

Bulgaria IP Office Provides Madrid e-Filing Now read more

EUIPO IP Cooperation Plan in Africa by AfrIPI Endorsed read more

EUIPO Uganda Joined TMclass and DesignClass read more

Libya First Official Gazette in 2020 Opens Opposition Term read more

Mauritius Accession to Lusaka Agreement read more

OAPI/AIPO IP Cooperation Plan in Africa by AfrIPI Endorsed read more

Romania IP Office System Improved read more

Saudi Arabia Accession to Vienna Agreement read more

Vietnam IP Office No Longer Collects Fees under Madrid Protocol read more

WIPO Accession to Vienna Agreement by Saudi Arabia read more

WIPO New Database of IP Judicial Decisions Launched read more

WIPO Vietnam No Longer Collects Fees under Madrid Protocol  read more

Issue 15/20 (September 2020)

EUIPO EORI Number for EU Customs Application Required Now read more

EUIPO Impact of UK’s Withdrawal from the EU read more

EUIPO OAPI Enhanced Participation in TMclass / Joining DesignClass read more

EUIPO Operations as Accessing Office of WIPO DAS Commenced read more

Iceland Trademark Act Amended read more

Mexico Operations as Depositing & Accessing Office of WIPO DAS to Commence Soon read more

OAPI/AIPO Enhanced Participation in TMclass / Joining DesignClass  read more

WIPO EUIPO Commenced Operations as Accessing Office of WIPO DAS read more

WIPO Mexican IP Office to Commence Operations as Depositing & Accessing Office of WIPO DAS Soon read more

WIPO Thirteenth Edition of Locarno Classification Announced read more

Issue 14/20 (September 2020)

Australia Exposure Drafts for Designs Act 2003 Released read more

Australia Official Fees Increase Soon read more

Croatia Official Fee Structure Amended read more

Lebanon IP Office Current Operations read more

Mexico New Federal Law for Industrial Property read more

Myanmar Soft Opening Starting on Oct. 1, 2020 read more

Singapore Fast Track Program for Trademark Registration read more

United Kingdom Guidance on International Registrations Designating EU read more

United Kingdom Update on Comparable UK Trademarks  read more

Issue 13/20 (August 2020)

China New Civil Code to Help Protect IP read more

EUIPO Several Countries Join DesignClass /TMclass read more

Georgia Harmonised Database of Goods and Services Adopted read more

Greece New Trademark Law Implemented read more

Romania E-Filling at OSIM Updated read more

Russian Federation New Provisions Expand Use of Electronic Technologies read more

Ukraine IP Legislation Amended / New Official Opposition Procedure read more

WIPO Brexit Agreement / Implications after Transition Period for Users read more

WIPO New Service WIPO PROOF in French and Spanish Available read more

Issue 12/20 (July 2020)

Austria Becoming Depositing and Accessing Office for WIPO DAS read more

China National Plan to Combat IP Infringement Released read more

Hong Kong Preparation for Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Romania New Trademark Law in Force read more

Russian Federation Law on Geographical Indications in Force Soon read more

Vietnam Official Fees Reduced Temporarily read more

WIPO Austria Becoming Depositing and Accessing Office for WIPO DAS read more

WIPO Measures on Certified Documents and Extracts Services read more

WIPO New Online Service ‘Madrid Application Assistant’ Launched read more

Issue 11/20 (July 2020)

China Criteria on Determining Trademark Infringement Issued read more

Cyprus Trademark Law Amended read more

Dominican Republic New Online Services Implemented read more

EUIPO Becoming Depositing Office for WIPO DAS read more

EUIPO New Zealand Joined DesignView read more

EUIPO Overview of CJ and GC Case-Law read more

Trinidad and Tobago New Trademarks Law Implemented  read more

Ukraine Declarations on Hague Agreement of Industrial Designs on Protection Term read more

USA TBMP 2020 Update Available read more

WIPO Declarations by UA on Hague Agreement of Industrial Designs on Protection Term read more

WIPO EUIPO Becomes Depositing Office for WIPO DAS read more

Issue 10/20 (June 2020)

Brazil New Appellation of Origin read more

Cambodia E-Filing Services Expanded read more

China Administrative Measures for Use of Special Marks of GIs read more

EUIPO Closer Collaboration with Domain Name Registry read more

Kenya Expired Marks May be Recovered read more

Slovenia Implementation of IP User Repository Completed  read more

Suriname Accession to Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement read more

Uruguay Request of New Registration of Authorized Designations of Origin read more

USA COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Program Introduced read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement by Suriname read more

WIPO Locarno Classification 13th Edition Available Now read more

Issue 9/20 (June 2020)

EUIPO All Communications with EUIPO Electronically read more

EUIPO Comments on Convergence Projects CP11 and CP12 Welcomed read more

Georgia Several Practice Papers Published read more

Greece Digitisation of Paper Books at IP Office read more

Israel Exchange of Priority Documents of Design Applications read more

Italy Register of Historical Trademarks of National Interest read more

Norway NIPO as Depositing and Accessing Office of Exchange of Priority Documents read more

Paraguay E-Filings for Trademarks Introduced read more

Russian Federation Drug Labeling Introduced read more

Uruguay Practice Paper on Examination of Figurative Marks Published read more

USA New Trademarks Examination Guide on Cheeses/Processed Meats read more

USA Relief for Trademark Fees/Deadlines on Case-by-Case Basis read more

WIPO New Service WIPO PROOF Launched read more

Issue 8/20 (May 2020)

ARIPO Accession to Banjul Protocol on Marks by Mozambique read more

Armenia Trademark Agreement by Eurasian Economic Union Members Signed read more

Belarus Trademark Agreement by Eurasian Economic Union Members Signed read more

Benelux New Online Services  read more

Brazil New Web Portal Launched read more

EUIPO End of Extension Period read more

Ghana Increase of Official Fees Postponed read more

Kazakhstan Trademark Agreement by Eurasian Economic Union Members Signed read more

Kyrgyzstan Trademark Agreement by Eurasian Economic Union Members Signed read more

Mozambique Accession to Banjul Protocol on Marks read more

Norway Proposed Changes to Trademark Law read more

Poland Specialised IP Courts Introduced read more

Russian Federation Trademark Agreement by Eurasian Economic Union Members Signed read more

Saudi Arabia VAT Rate Increased Soon read more

Singapore Locarno Agreement Joined read more

WIPO COVID-19 IP Policy Tracker read more

Issue 7/20 (May 2020)

Brazil Introduction of Multi-Class Filings Postponed read more

Germany Administrative Invalidity and Revocation Proceedings Possible Now read more

Qatar New Industrial Designs Law read more

Venezuela Electronic Procedures by IP Office Allowed read more

WIPO COVID-19 IP Policy Tracker read more

Issue 6/20 (April 2020)

Cambodia New Requirements for Filing an Affidavit of Use read more

EUIPO Common Communications on Distinctiveness of 3-D Marks / Designs on Internet read more

EUIPO Countries Join TMview / DesignClass read more

EUIPO Electronic Register on EUTMs and RCDs Launched read more

EUIPO New Functionalities of EUIPO Guidelines Extended read more

Georgia Practice Paper on Graphic Representation of Designs Published read more

Honduras Online Filing System Introduced read more

Latvia E-filing and Back Office System Enhanced read more

Mexico Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

Nicaragua Trademark Law Amended read more

Portugal Two New Online Services Launched read more

South Korea Mobile-Filing of Trademark Application Introduced read more

Taiwan Updated Taiwan-Japan Concordance of Similar Group Codes Released read more

United Arab Emirates Official Trademark Fees Reduced read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs by Mexico read more

Yemen Registrations of Medical Goods Mandatory read more

Issue 5/20 (April 2020)

Angola Official Fees Increased read more

Egypt Registration of Geographical Indications Possible Now read more

EUIPO Countries Join TMview / TMclass / DesignClass read more

Iceland Official IP Fees Changed Soon read more

Latvia Trademark Law Changed read more

Moldova Madrid e-Filing Service Available Now read more

Rwanda Grace Period Extended read more

Slovenia Intellectual Property Act Amended read more

Taiwan Fast Track Trademark Examination System Soon read more

Tanzania Zanzibar’s IP Practice Changed read more

USA No Original Handwritten Signature Required read more

WIPO Remedies against Failure to Meet Time Limits read more

Yemen TM Opposition Applications before 2015 read more

Issue 4/20 (March 2020)

Cambodia Filing and Recording Exclusive Distributorships Required read more

EUIPO Extension of Time Limits  read more

Finland Official Fee Changes read more

Ireland Name of Patents Office Changed read more

Jamaica Modern Patents and Design Act Soon read more

Tunisia Practice Paper on Distinctiveness on Figurative Marks Published read more

WIPO IP Service Operations Continuing  read more

Issue 3/20 (March 2020)

China Applicants Encouraged to Use E-Service read more

Denmark New E-Filing for Designs  read more

France Changes to Trademark Law read more

Germany Requirements of Readable Types of Data Carriers  read more

Japan Changes to Design Act in Force Soon read more

Norway Notice to WIPO of Depositing and Accessing Office read more

WIPO Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon Agreement Entered into Force read more

WIPO New Regulations / New Schedule of Fees / New Administrative Instructions read more

WIPO Notice of Depositing and Accessing Office by Norway  read more

Issue 2/20 (February 2020)

Bulgaria Withdrawal of Notification on Division of Intl. Registrations read more

China Opposition Decisions Published by CTMO read more

China Public Notice on IP Rights Affected by Coronavirus Outbreak read more

EUIPO Further Countries Joined TM View read more

EUIPO New Examination Guidelines in Force read more

New Zealand Changes to Grace Period / Official Fees Reduced read more

Serbia New Trademark Law Introducing Opposition System read more

Uruguay Accession to Singapore Treaty by Uruguay read more

USA Electronic Filing Mandatory Now / Exam Guide Updated read more

Venezuela Nice Classification Exclusively / New Official Fee / Accelerated Opposition Examination read more

WIPO Withdrawal of Notification on Division of Intl. Registrations by Bulgaria read more

Issue 1/20 (February 2020)

ARIPO Amendments to Banjul Protocol and Harare Protocol Adopted read more

Bulgaria New Law on Marks and Geographical Indications read more

Canada Notice on Extensions of Time to Respond to Office Actions read more

EUIPO Impact of UK’s Withdrawal read more

Japan Accession to WIPO's Digital Access Service read more

Romania E-Filing for Designs Improved read more

Tunisia Official Fees Increased read more

Ukraine Law on Geographical Indications Amended read more

United Kingdom Withdrawal from EU and Transition Period read more

WIPO Impact of Brexit Agreement on Users of Madrid and Hague System read more

Issue 17/19 (December 2019)

Brazil Multiclass System and Co-Ownership in Force Soon read more

China New Official Seal for GIs read more

China Rules on Regulating Trademark Filing Acts in Force read more

EUIPO Increased Collaborations with Europol read more

Israel Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

New Zealand Hearings Guidelines Updated read more

New Zealand IP Legislation and Procedural Changes Soon read more

Samoa Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

United Kingdom IP Enterprise Courts Outside London read more

Uzbekistan Pharmaceutical Licensing Regulations Amended read more

Vietnam Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

Westbank PoA at Time of Filing Now read more

WIPO Accession to Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GIs read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs by Some Countries read more

Issue 16/19 (November 2019)

Bulgaria E-Filing Improved read more

China Amended Trademark Law in Force read more

Dominican Republic Accession to Lisbon Agreement read more

DPR Korea Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement read more

EUIPO Latest Additions to TMview, TMclass and DesignClass read more

Israel Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

Myanmar Soft Opening of New Trade Mark Register read more

Switzerland Fax Services to be Discontinued from Jan 2020 read more

Syria IP Office Will Not Accept Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registration read more

Trinidad and Tobago Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Turkey New Trademark Examination Guideline read more

WIPO Accession to Several Treaties by Various Countries read more

WIPO New Guide for Country Code Top-Level Domain Registries read more

WIPO Syria Will Not Accept Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registration read more

Issue 15/19 (October 2019)

Malaysia Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Mauritius Industrial Property Act 2019 Published read more

Mexico New Electronic Services Portal read more

USA E-Filing for Trademark Submissions Mandatory Soon read more

WIPO 2020 Version of Nice Classification read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Malaysia read more

Issue 14/19 (October 2019)

EUIPO Latest Additions to TMclass and TMview read more

Germany Notification on Recording of a License in the International Register read more

New Zealand Official Fees Will Be Changed in 2020 read more

Philippines Flexible Approach on Mediation Implemented read more

Turkmenistan Important Changes to Trademark Law in Force read more

USA Changes to the TEAS / TEASi to Be Implemented Soon read more

USA USPTO Portable Media Device Policy Changing read more

WIPO Notification by Germany on Recording of a License in the International Register read more

Issue 13/19 (September 2019)

Argentina Official Fees Increased read more

Canada Correspondence on International Registrations to Applicant/Canadian Agent Only read more

Russian Federation Law on Geographical Indications Published read more

Singapore Trademark Registration Mobile App Introduced read more

South Korea Design Protection Act Amendment Soon read more

South Korea No Joint Renewal Requests Required Soon read more

Ukraine Ukrainian Official Language for Product Labeling / Advertising Required read more

USA Exam Guide on U.S.-Licensed Attorney Requirement Revised read more

Issue 12/19 (September 2019)

China Guidelines on Administrative Trademark Cases Published read more

Indonesia New Online Filing System Implemented read more

Malaysia New Trademarks Act 2019 Soon read more

Malaysia Time to Response Extended read more

Nigeria New Trade Mark Opposition Tribunal read more

Portugal IP Court with Extended Jurisdiction  read more

Singapore Tobacco Plain Packaging Law Published read more

Thailand Regulations on Procedure for Examination of Appeal and Cancellation Petitions Amended read more

Turkey Regulation on Implementation Industrial Property Code Amended read more

Ukraine New Food Labeling Law in Force read more

WIPO Launch of New IP Portal Soon read more

Issue 11/19 (August 2019)

Canada Practice Notices on Trademark Opposition Issued read more

China Progress in Electronic Communication of Madrid Trademark Registration read more

Cyprus Online Services for Trademarks Upgraded read more

EUIPO Chile Joined DesignView read more

EUIPO Monaco Uses List of Terms from Harmonised Database in TMclass read more

Iceland Patent Office's Name Changed read more

Laos New Trademark Law  read more

Portugal New Online Services for Trademarks and Designs Launched read more

Russian Federation Temporary Pre-Grant Protection for Industrial Designs read more

Singapore Easing of Translation Requirements for Marks with Foreign Words or Characters read more

Uzbekistan Criteria for Determining Well-Known Trademarks Issued read more

WIPO Progress in Electronic Communication of Madrid Trademark Registration in China read more

Issue 10/19 (August 2019)

Egypt VAT to Be Applied to Official Fees read more

Malta New Malta Trademark Act read more

New Zealand New Trade Mark Check Launched read more

Russian Federation Geographical Indications to Be Implemented read more

United Arab Emirates Official Fees Reduction read more

USA Electronic Filing Mandatory Soon read more

USA New Examination Guide on Specimen Examination read more

WIPO New Madrid e-Renewal Service Available Now read more

WIPO No Local U.S. Agent Required before WIPO read more

Yemen Increase in Publication Fees read more

Issue 9/19 (July 2019)

ARIPO African Continental Free Trade Agreement in Force read more

Benelux Sint Maarten Will Not Accept Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registration  read more

Brazil Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

China Renewal Fees Reduced  read more

EUIPO Visual Search Extended to Croatia read more

Jordan Practice Paper on Examination of Figurative Trademarks Published read more

New Zealand IP Office Accepts Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registrations read more

OAPI/AIPO African Continental Free Trade Agreement in Force read more

Portugal New Official Fees and Formalities Regulation read more

Russian Federation Civil Code Amended read more

USA Foreign Applicants Need Local U.S. Agent Soon read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Brazil read more

WIPO New Zealand Accepts Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registrations  read more

WIPO Sint Maarten Will Not Accept Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registration read more

Issue 8/19 (June 2019)

Dominican Republic Increase of Official Fees read more

Estonia Madrid E-Filing Service Implemented read more

EUIPO Draft Common Practice of CP8 Project Published read more

EUIPO New IP Enforcement Portal by EUIPO Launched read more

EUIPO Several Countries Joined TMview/DesignView read more

EUIPO Visual Search for TMview Extended to Czech Republic  read more

Finland New Trademarks Act in Force read more

Germany New Trade Secrets Act in Force read more

Slovenia Trade Secrets Act Adopted read more

Tajikistan Changes to Trademark Law read more

Ukraine Official Fees Increased read more

Issue 7/19 (June 2019)

Antigua and Barbuda Accession to Nice Agreement read more

Argentina Mid-Term Declaration of Use Implemented read more

Austria New Online Services for Designs Launched read more

Brazil Brazil to Join Madrid Protocol read more

Canada Final Countdown to New Trademarks Act read more

China Trademark Law Amended read more

Germany Guidelines on Trademark Examination and Register Keeping Published read more

India IP Office Will Not Accept Division or Merger of Request of Intl. Registration read more

WIPO Accession to Nice Agreement by Antigua and Barbuda read more

WIPO Brazil to Join Madrid Protocol read more

WIPO India Will Not Accept Division or Merger of Request of Intl. Registration read more

WIPO Madrid e-Renewal Service Launched read more

Issue 6/19 (April 2019)

Estonia New Online Features Released read more

Estonia Trademark Act Changed read more

Poland Amendments to Trademark Law in Force read more

Solomon Islands Accession to WIPO Convention read more

Spain Trade Secrets Act Implemented read more

WIPO Accession to WIPO Convention by Solomon Islands read more

WIPO Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Search Tool Launched read more

WIPO Several Countries Will Not Accept Division or Merger of Request of Intl. Registration read more

Issue 5/19 (April 2019)

Canada Accession to Madrid Protocol / Nice Agreement / Singapore Treaty read more

EUIPO IP Office Will Not Accept Merger Request of Intl. Registration read more

Malaysia New Version of IP Online Search Tool Launched read more

Portugal New Industrial Property Code in Force Soon read more

Turkey Mediation for IP Disputes with Monetary Claims Required read more

United Kingdom Latest Edition of Trade Mark Guide read more

United Kingdom New Design Rights Bill for Cayman Islands read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol / Nice Agreement / Singapore Treaty by Canada read more

WIPO Several Countries will not Accept Division or Merger of Request of Intl. Registration read more

Issue 4/19 (March 2019)

Albania Accession to Lisbon Agreement  read more

Belarus IP Office Will Not Accept Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registrations read more

Croatia New Trademark Law in Force Now read more

Kenya Industrial Property Institute Moved read more

New Zealand Update of Practice Guidelines & Introduction of Request for Review Process read more

Pakistan Official Fees 50% Increased read more

Saudi Arabia Official Trademark Filing Fees Reduced read more

Slovenia Drafts Amendments to Industrial Property Act read more

Sudan Appeals to be Filed Before Court Now read more

WIPO Accession to Lisbon Agreement by Albania read more

WIPO Belarus Will Not Accept Division or Merger Requests of Intl. Registrations read more

Issue 3/19 (February 2019)

Australia IP Laws Amended read more

Brazil E-Filing of Geographical Indications read more

Georgia New Participant of Madrid Goods and Services Manager read more

OAPI/AIPO Changes to System Proposed read more

South Korea Trademark Examination Guidelines Amended read more

United Kingdom Designs Examination Practice Guide Updated read more

United Kingdom Equivalent UK Marks after Brexit read more

USA Requirement of U.S. Attorney for Foreign TM Applicants Proposed read more

Uzbekistan Important Changes to IP Legislation read more

Uzbekistan New Labelling Requirements for 54 Types read more

WIPO Division and Merger of International Registrations Possible Now read more

WIPO New Terms in Goods and Services Manager  read more

Yemen Official Gazette of One Registry Published read more

Issue 2/19 (February 2019)

Austria Important Amendments to Trademark Act read more

Croatia New Scope of Court Jurisdictions in IP read more

Denmark Trademark Act Changed read more

Hungary Important Amendments to Trademark Law read more

Hungary Official Fee Increase and New Fee Structure read more

Italy Fast Track Filing Procedure Soon read more

Italy Set to Implement EU Trademark Reform Package read more

Lithuania Madrid E-Filing Service Installed read more

Mexico First Non-traditional Trademarks Granted read more

North Macedonia Change of Name to North Macedonia read more

Venezuela Requirement for Cryptocurrency for Foreign Applicants read more

Issue 1/19 (January 2019)

Benelux Upcoming Changes to Trademark Laws read more

Czech Republic Important Amendments to Trademark Law read more

EUIPO Brunei Darussalam Joined TMview and DesignView  read more

EUIPO Monaco Joined TMview  read more

Germany German Trademark Law Changed read more

Ireland Trademark Law Amended read more

Lithuania New Regulations for TM Registration in Force read more

Myanmar Trademark Law Enacted read more

New Zealand Trademark Practice Guidelines Updated read more

Slovakia Notification on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Sweden New Trademark Legislation Effective read more

United Kingdom Protection of EU Trademarks and Designs when No Brexit Deal read more

WIPO Notification by SK on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Yemen Official Gazette of One Registry Published read more

Issue 21/18 (December 2018)

Belize Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

Benelux Declarations on Hague Agreement of Industrial Designs read more

Colombia Notification on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

EUIPO Mexico to Use the Harmonised Database's List of Terms in TMclass read more

EUIPO Revised Design Guidelines in Force Now read more

Samoa Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

South Korea Electronic Exchange of Priority Certificate Documents for Design Applications with USPTO read more

Sweden Trademark Legislation Changed Soon read more

Taiwan Examination Guidelines on Procedural Examination of Applications for TM Registration Published read more

USA Change in Procedure of USPTO's Trademark Correspondence read more

USA Electronic Exchange of Priority Certificate Documents for Design Applications with KIPO read more

USA TMEP October 2018 Available read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs by Belize read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Samoa read more

WIPO Administrative Instructions of Hague Agreement Changed Soon read more

WIPO Declarations by BX on Hague Agreement of Industrial Designs read more

WIPO Notification by CO on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Issue 20/18 (November 2018)

Albania Accession to Vienna Agreement read more

Australia Consultation on Draft IP Regulations read more

Benelux Change to Official Fee Structure and Increase Soon read more

Canada New Trademark Regime Coming Soon read more

China Madrid E-Filing Available Now read more

Georgia Madrid E-Filing Available Now read more

Kazakhstan Pending Trademark Applications Online Now read more

Madagascar Notification on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

San Marino Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

United Kingdom Brexit Withdrawal Agreement Finalised read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement on International Registration of Industrial Designs by San Marino read more

WIPO Accession to Vienna Agreement by Albania read more

WIPO Madrid E-Filing for China and Georgia Available Now  read more

WIPO New Interface for Hague E-filing Launched read more

WIPO Notification by MG on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Issue 19/18 (November 2018)

ARIPO New Trademarks Act in Malawi read more

Australia Notification on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Canada Eighth Edition of Vienna Classification Implemented by CIPO read more

Canada New Industrial Design Office Practice Manual Published read more

Morocco Declaration of Maximum Duration of International Registrations of Industrial Designs read more

Nigeria Registry to be Divided Soon read more

Turkey Notification on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Ukraine Drafts Amendments to IP Legislation read more

Ukraine Pending Trademark Applications Published More Swiftly read more

WIPO Amendments to the Common Regulations under Hague read more

WIPO Common Regulations on Division / Merger of International Registrations Amended read more

WIPO Declaration of Maximum Duration of International Registrations of Industrial Designs by Morocco read more

WIPO Notifications by TR & AU on Common Regulations on Division/Merger of International Registrations read more

Issue 18/18 (October 2018)

ARIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Malawi read more

Bahrain Value Added Tax Rate Introduced Soon read more

Benelux Draft Trade Secrets Directive Bill in NL read more

Benelux Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs Ratified by NL read more

EUIPO Costa Rica Joined TMview and DesignView read more

EUIPO Examination Guidelines of RCD Revised read more

Finland Draft Trademarks Act Bill read more

Kuwait Online Trademark Renewal Filing Now read more

Myanmar Draft IP Laws in Progress  read more

OAPI/AIPO Accession to Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement by Ivory Coast read more

Peru Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Russian Federation Three-Year Customs Watch Term Introduced read more

WIPO Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs Ratified by NL read more

WIPO Recent Accessions to Key Legal IP Instruments read more

Issue 17/18 (October 2018)

Benelux Belgian Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets Adopted read more

EUIPO Ecuador Joined TMclass read more

Hungary New Trade Secret Act in Force read more

Mexico Declaration of Use for International Registrations Designating Mexico Required read more

Sweden Act on Protection of Trade Secrets in Force read more

Turkey Official Fees Reduced read more

United Kingdom Government’s Notices on 'No Deal' Brexit read more

WIPO Declaration of Use for IRs Designating Mexico Required read more

WIPO Twelfth Edition of Locarno Classification in Force Soon read more

Zimbabwe Intellectual Property Policy Launched read more

Issue 16/18 (September 2018)

ARIPO Regional IP Database Launched read more

Australia IP Dispute Resolution More Affordable Now read more

Australia New Parallel Importation Laws in Force read more

Canada Accession to Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs read more

Canada Modernization of CIPO's Online Practice Manuals read more

France Law on the Protection of Trade Secrets Adopted read more

Germany Guideline on Trademark Applications/Keeping Registering Revised read more

Peru Competences of Trademark Office Expanded read more

Ukraine Increase in Number of Judges in IP Court read more

Ukraine Ruling on Non-Use Grace Period read more

United Kingdom White Paper on EU IP Rights after Brexit read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs by Canada read more

Issue 15/18 (September 2018)

Afghanistan Submission of Notarized and Legalized PoA Required read more

Bermuda Official Fees Increased read more

EUIPO Cuba Joins TMclass read more

Finland The New Trade Secrets Act in Force read more

Italy Trade Secrets Directive in Force read more

Kazakhstan IP Legislation Amended read more

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Additional Fees for Recordal Certificates Required Now  read more

WIPO Hague Member Profiles Database Launched read more

Issue 14/18 (August 2018)

Afghanistan Recording of Licenses in International Register no Effect read more

Argentina Important Changes in Opposition Proceedings read more

Belarus Law on Patents for Inventions, Utility Models and Industrial Designs Amended read more

Canada Accession to Madrid Protocol Soon read more

Canada Practice Notice on Special Characters read more

Eswatini IP and Patent Bills Passed read more

Eswatini Swaziland Is Named Eswatini Now read more

EUIPO Several Countries Joined TMclass / DesignView read more

Lebanon Procedures for Recordal of Assignments and Mergers Revised read more

Mexico Requirement for Declaration of Use Now read more

Namibia New Industrial Property Act in Force Now read more

Uruguay Non-Use Cancellation Actions Possible Soon read more

WIPO 2019 Version of 11th Edition of Nice Classification Available Now read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Canada Soon read more

WIPO Recording of Licenses in International Register no Effect in Afghanistan read more

Issue 13/18 (July 2018)

Albania New Regulation on Trademark Registration read more

Belize Notarisation Required for Authorisation of Agent Forms  read more

Canada New Industrial Design Regulations Published read more

New Zealand Trademark Practice Guidelines Updated read more

Portugal Official Fees Increased read more

United Arab Emirates Online Trademark Renewal System Launched read more

United Kingdom Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs in Force read more

United Kingdom Trade Secrets Regulations Came into Force read more

USA June Update of Manual of Procedure of the TBMP Available Now read more

WIPO 2018 Edition of Classification Guidelines Available Now read more

WIPO Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs in UK in Force read more

Issue 12/18 (June 2018)

Japan Examples of Explanations of Trademark Use Published read more

Japan Revision of Examination Guidelines on Exceptions to Lack of Novelty of Design read more

Kenya Important Amendments to IP Law Proposed read more

Morocco Issuance of Certificates Electronically  read more

Namibia New Industrial Property Act soon in Force read more

Portugal Draft Proposal for New IP Code Submitted read more

Rwanda Clarification of Renewal Date  read more

USA Changes to Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing Proposed read more

WIPO 12th Edition of Locarno Classification Download in Advance Possible read more

Yemen Option of Filing at Two Registries for Trademark Protection read more

Issue 11/18 (June 2018)

Benelux Trademark Cancellation Procedure before BOIP Possible Now read more

Denmark Act on Trade Secrets Passed read more

EUIPO Montenegro Joins Designview read more

Germany Draft Act on Implementation of Trade Secrets Directive  read more

Kosovo New Law on Customs Measures Entered into Force read more

Mexico Amendments to IP Law into Force Soon read more

Sweden E-Filing of Renewal of Design Registrations Available Now read more

USA USPTO Fake Specimen Informant Program read more

Issue 10/18 (May 2018)

ARIPO Cautionary Notices in Somalia read more

ARIPO Malawi Trademark Act 2018 Not in Force Yet read more

Bolivia Apostille Convention into Force Now read more

EUIPO Israel Joins TMview read more

EUIPO Moldova and Peru to Use the Harmonised Database's List of Terms in TMclass read more

EUIPO Replacement of Delegated and Implementing Regulations in Force read more

Finland New Finnish Trademarks Act Proposed read more

Japan Revisions to Trademark Examination Manual Expected read more

Russian Federation Fast-Track Trademark Registration Available Now read more

Issue 9/18 (May 2018)

EUIPO Chile Joins TMview read more

Iran Accession to Locarno Classification  read more

Iraq Transliteration Requirement for Latin Script Marks Rescinded read more

Mexico Regulation on Patents, Utility Models and Designs Amended read more

Rwanda Opposition Term Changed read more

Rwanda Renewal Action and Deadlines read more

United Arab Emirates Online Services Enhanced read more

Uzbekistan Medicine Registration Regulation Amended read more

Issue 8/18 (April 2018)

Afghanistan Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

ARIPO New Trademarks Act by Malawi Adopted read more

Benelux Benelux Trademark Regime to Change Soon read more

Bhutan National Intellectual Property Policy 2018 Launched read more

Cambodia Accession of Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement  read more

EUIPO Jordan joins TMview and DesignView  read more

EUIPO UK Residents and Entities no Longer Eligible to Register .eu Domains post-Brexit read more

Mexico IP Law Reform Package Approved read more

United Kingdom UK Residents and Entities no Longer Eligible to Register .eu Domains post-Brexit read more

WIPO Accession of Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement by Cambodia read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Afghanistan read more

WIPO Official Forms on WIPO’s Website / No Fax Accepted read more

Issue 7/18 (April 2018)

Bangladesh 15 Percent VAT on Official IP Fees read more

Benelux Income Tax Law on IP Assets in Luxembourg Soon to be Amended read more

EUIPO ARIPO Joins TMclass read more

EUIPO Automatic Translation Service Provided read more

EUIPO Georgia Joins Quality Standards Tool read more

Japan Guidebook on Regional Collective Trademarks read more

Japan Method of Counting Similar Groupings Changed read more

Kuwait Documentation Requirements for E-Filing System read more

Romania New Trademark Law Drafted read more

Syria Fifth Civil Court of First Instance to Handle IP Cases read more

Tunisia Apostille Convention Entered into Force read more

Ukraine Dilemma over Non-Use Grace Periods  read more

Yemen Changes to Trademark Registration Procedures read more

Issue 6/18 (March 2018)

Angola Registry Payment Procedures Amended read more

Australia Key Trademark Law Changes Drafted read more

China SIPO Takes Over Administration and Enforcement of Trademarks read more

Ethiopia Appeals Procedure Changed read more

Ireland Irish Domain Rules Changed read more

Kosovo Online Database Launched read more

OAPI/AIPO IP Directorate to Be Divided Soon read more

South Korea Design Examination Guidelines Amended read more

South Korea Trademark Examination Guidelines and Classification System Amended read more

Ukraine Civil, Commercial and Administrative Procedure Codes Amended read more

United Kingdom Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs Ratified read more

WIPO Hague Agreement for Industrial Designs Ratified by UK read more

Issue 5/18 (March 2018)

China Further IP Tribunal Established read more

EUIPO Delegated and Implementing Regulations Adopted read more

EUIPO EU Commission Draft Withdrawal Agreement read more

EUIPO EUIPO’s Bank Account Changed read more

Greece Compulsory Mediation Procedure in IP Infringements Soon read more

India Extracts of Register of Copyrights via Email read more

Myanmar Final Revisions of IP Bills read more

New Zealand IP Regulations Amended  read more

Philippines Amendments to IP Code Proposed read more

Switzerland Electronic Management for New Trademarks and Register Changes read more

Issue 4/18 (February 2018)

Afghanistan Deposit of Official Fees at Filing read more

Canada Educational IP Roadmaps by CIPO Published read more

Canada Renewal of Registration on Agent Register read more

Oman 11th Edition of Nice Classification Adopted read more

Russian Federation Preparation for Applications with 3D Images read more

Tanzania Online IP Registration System Launched read more

United Kingdom Consultation on Changes to UK Trademark Law read more

USA Practice Tip on Section 2(d) and Foreign Entity Designations read more

Venezuela Payment of Official Fees in USD Suspended Temporarily read more

Yemen Evidentiary Documents Proving Prior Use in Opposition Proceedings read more

Issue 3/18 (February 2018)

Benelux Official Fees Increased read more

EUIPO Consultation on “Counterfeit and Piracy Watch-List” Launched read more

EUIPO Further Document on Withdrawal of UK from the EU read more

EUIPO India Joined Designview read more

EUIPO New Back Office Released Soon  read more

Finland Official Fees on Notification Search Increased read more

Finland Patent and Registration Office Moved read more

Georgia Trademark Law Amended read more

Iraq Penalty for Late Payment of Publication Fees read more

Iraq Requirement to Re-Filing Certain Trademark Applications read more

Italy New Forms for Filings of IP Rights read more

South Africa Domain Name Registration Introduced / eServices Changed read more

Sweden Official Fees Increased read more

Issue 2/18 (January 2018)

Angola PTO Notification to Update Registered Trademark read more

Argentina Substantial Amendments in Trademark Law read more

Austria Fast Track Application Process Working read more

China Anti-Unfair Competition Law Amended read more

Germany New E-Service DPMAdirektPro Introduced read more

Germany Notice on Informational Letters Before Trademark Duration Ends read more

Greece Mediation in Trademark Disputes Soon to be Obligatory  read more

Spain Withdrawal of Declaration of Hague Agreement read more

Vietnam Significant Amendments in IP Laws read more

WIPO Withdrawal of Declaration of Hague Agreement by Spain read more

Issue 1/18 (January 2018)

Brazil New Resolution Intends to Expedite Substantive Examination of Trademark Applications read more

China Beijing IP Court Decides on First Ever GUI Design Infringement Case read more

New Zealand Updates to Trade Mark Practice Guidelines and Specifications read more

Russian Federation Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs in Force Soon read more

Saudi Arabia New VAT Rate Effective read more

Switzerland Time Limit for Initial Examination Increased read more

United Arab Emirates New VAT Rate Applied read more

Westbank 10th Edition of the Nice Classification read more

WIPO Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs in Russia read more

WIPO Madrid Monitor Launched read more

WIPO New Online Publication of Locarno Classification Available read more

Issue 22/17 (December 2017)

Afghanistan Practice Change on Trademark Renewals read more

Austria Trademark Law Amended read more

Brazil Preparing for Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

EUIPO Common Communication on New Types of Trademarks read more

EUIPO Notice on Withdrawal of UK from the EU read more

EUIPO Soon No Applications / Renewals by Fax Accepted read more

Germany Notice on Extensions of Time Limits in Opposition Proceedings read more

Kuwait E-Filing Introduced read more

Saudi Arabia PoA Validity Term Declared read more

Issue 21/17 (December 2017)

Bulgaria Civil Procedure Code Amended read more

EUIPO IP Enforcement Policy by European Commission Issued read more

EUIPO Several Countries Joined Designview read more

Iraq Change of Trademark Publication Procedure read more

Qatar 11th Edition of Nice Classification Adopted read more

South Korea Design Protection Act Amended read more

South Korea Guidelines on Designation of Goods and Classification Amended read more

United Arab Emirates Issuance of Trademark Registrations Electronically read more

WIPO 2018 Version of Nice Classification in Force Soon read more

WIPO Non-Working Days in 2018 read more

Issue 20/17 (November 2017)

Australia New Database Linking International Trademark Data read more

EUIPO DesignClass Integrated in EUIPO’s Design E-Filing read more

Kuwait Separate Certificates for Renewal and Recordal read more

Qatar Application in the Name of an Individual Possible Now read more

Qatar E-Filing System Implemented  read more

Saudi Arabia Value Added Tax Rate Implemented Soon read more

Tunisia E-Filing System Expected Soon read more

United Arab Emirates Value Added Tax Rate Implemented Soon read more

United Kingdom Trademark Search Tool Changed read more

WIPO Amendments to Common Regulations read more

Issue 19/17 (November 2017)

Egypt Official Fees Increased read more

EUIPO Moldova Joins TMclass read more

EUIPO San Marino Joins TMview and DesignView read more

France Filing of Trademark / Design Applications Electronically Only read more

Iraq New Stipulations to Come into Force read more

USA New TMEP Available read more

WIPO Madrid Monitor Launched Soon read more

Issue 18/17 (October 2017)

ARIPO Close to Join the Banjul Protocol by Mozambique read more

Bolivia Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

EUIPO Four Decisions of EUIPO's Executive Director read more

EUIPO Jordan Joins TMclass read more

Mozambique Close to Join the Banjul Protocol and Vienna Agreement read more

Myanmar Draft Trade Mark Law Published read more

Syria Official Publication Fees Increased read more

Turkey Updated Guidelines for Proof of Use in Opposition Proceedings read more

Ukraine Establishment of IP High Court  read more

Ukraine Official Fees for Accelerated Trademark Registration Changed read more

Issue 17/17 (October 2017)

Benelux Official Fees Increase Announced read more

EUIPO Certification Marks Introduced / No Longer Requirements for Graphical Representation  read more

EUIPO Peru Joins Designview read more

Guatemala Apostille Convention in Force read more

Indonesia Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Morocco Official Fees Increased read more

Russian Federation Official Fees Slightly Soon Increased read more

Thailand Applications for Sounds Marks Now Possible read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Indonesia read more

WIPO Accession to WIPO Convention by Marshall Islands and Timor-Leste read more

Issue 16/17 (September 2017)

Argentina Official Fees Increase read more

Austria Formal Requirements for Recordal of Assignments Reduced read more

Bulgaria New Ordinance on IP Representatives Adopted read more

EUIPO Main Principles of EU Position on Brexit Negotiations read more

EUIPO San Marino Joins TMclass read more

Philippines More Proof of Use read more

United Kingdom Transitional Provisions Regulations in Cayman Islands Issued read more

USA New Examination Guide Available Now read more

Issue 15/17 (September 2017)

Bahrain New Practice for Filing New Trademark Applications read more

Brazil New Examination Guidelines for Registration of IP License Agreements  read more

EUIPO Decision Concerning Communication by Fax read more

EUIPO Germany Joins DesignView read more

EUIPO Implementing and Delegated Regulations on Trademark Reform Published read more

Oman GCC Trademark Law Adopted read more

Peru Electronic Gazette Implemented read more

Portugal Official Fees Slightly Increased read more

Thailand Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Thailand  read more

Issue 14/17 (July 2017)

China New Trademark Review Hearing System Launched read more

EUIPO Israel Joins TMclass  read more

Kyrgyzstan E-Filing Now Possible read more

New Zealand Geographical Indications Regulations Soon Effective read more

Tunisia Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

United Kingdom Business Guidance for IP (Unjustified Threats) Act Now Published read more

USA New Rule on Revivals, Reinstatements, Petitions read more

WIPO Jurisprudential Overview 3.0 Published read more

WIPO Simplified Procedure for Changes in Legal Nature read more

Issue 13/17 (July 2017)

Canada Draft Trademark Regulations Open to Public Comment Until July 21 read more

China Provisions on Trademark Judicial Interpretation in Force read more

EUIPO Bosnia and Herzegovina Joins Designview read more

EUIPO Case-Law Overview 2016 from General Court/ Court of Justice read more

EUIPO Codified Version of EUTM Regulation Published read more

EUIPO Colombia Joins TMview read more

Spain Draft Bill Partially Amending Trademark Act Published read more

Spain Effect Date of Protection of IR of Industrial Designs Changed read more

WIPO Effect Date of Protection of IR of Industrial Designs in Spain Changed  read more

WIPO Madrid e-Renewal system Improved read more

Issue 12/17 (June 2017)

Canada Consultation Phase on NAFTA Expanded read more

Canada Feedback on Proposed Industrial Design and TMs Regulations Required  read more

Guatemala Accession to Trademark Law Treaty and Regulations read more

India Guidelines for Filing Well-Known TM Applications  read more

Turkey Guidelines for Proof of Use in Opposition Proceedings read more

USA Updated TBMP Available read more

WIPO  Member Profiles Database Introduced read more

Issue 11/17 (June 2017)

Bulgaria Draft Ordinance on IP Representatives Published read more

Cambodia Online Filing System of Trademarks Launched read more

EUIPO EU Trade Mark Implementing and Delegated Regulations  read more

EUIPO New Online Form for International Applications read more

EUIPO Visual search for EUIPO, INPI and UKIPO Trademarks in TMview read more

United Kingdom New Trademark Laws in the Cayman Islands Effective on August 1,2017 read more

WIPO Common Regulations under Madrid Agreement and Protocol Amended read more

Issue 10/17 (May 2017)

Canada Practice Changes / Colour as a Registrable Feature of Industrial Design read more

Finland Official Fees Increased read more

Jordan Arabic Language on Signboards Required read more

OAPI/AIPO 11th Edition of Nice Classification Adopted read more

South Korea Design Protection Act Amended read more

United Kingdom Accession to Hague Agreement Expected read more

USA Comments on Streamlined Cancellation Procedure Required read more

Uzbekistan Legislative Acts Amended read more

Issue 9/17 (May 2017)

Belarus EAEU Customs Code Signed read more

Brunei Individual Fee when Designating BN read more

EUIPO India Joined TMview and Philippines Joined Designview read more

EUIPO New Online Tool eAppeal Introduced read more

Lesotho Requirement for Declaration of Intention to Use When Designating Lesotho  read more

Russian Federation Accession to Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs read more

Slovenia Plain Tobacco Packaging from 2020 read more

USA Forecasting Tool by USPTO Implemented read more

USA New TMEP Available read more

WIPO Designation of Zimbabwe in International Registration Possible Now  read more

WIPO Individual Fee when Designating BN  read more

WIPO Requirement for Declaration of Intention to Use When Designating Lesotho read more

Zimbabwe Bill on Ease of Settling Commercial and Other Disputes Pending read more

Zimbabwe Designation of Zimbabwe in International Registration Possible Now read more

Issue 8/17 (April 2017)

Australia Consultation on Proposed Legislation Changes Put on Hold read more

Benelux Request for Correction of Declaration of Standard Characters read more

Canada Decisions on Opposition/Section 45 Proceedings Made Accessible Now read more

Canada Modernised Trademarks Database Released read more

OAPI/AIPO Trade Marks Office in Congo Currently Closed read more

WIPO Phase II of DesignClass read more

Issue 7/17 (April 2017)

Andorra Official Fees Increased read more

ARIPO New IP Law Entered Into Force in Gambia read more

China Official Trademark Fees Cut by Half read more

Libya Trademark Registration Certificates Issued read more

Saudi Arabia Administrative and Reduced Opposition Procedure Now read more

United Kingdom White Paper on Great Repeal Bill Published read more

WIPO Examination Guidelines on Classification Published read more

WIPO Legalised Extracts Provided for Non-Contracting Parties read more

Zimbabwe Draft of Trademarks (Madrid Protocol) Regulations 2017 read more

Issue 6/17 (March 2017)

Albania Substantive Changes to IP Law Introduced read more

Bahrain New Electronic System Introduced  read more

Burundi Renewals of Trademarks Clarified read more

Canada Reform to Trademarks Act Further Postponed read more

EUIPO Revised Guidelines Entered into Force  read more

Iceland Change of Practice for Applicants Outside Paris Convention/WTO read more

Sao Tome and Principe New Industrial Property Law in Force read more

Spain New Patent Law in Force Soon read more

United Kingdom Guide on Registered Designs Examination Practice Introduced read more

Issue 5/17 (March 2017)

Afghanistan Accession to Paris Convention and Singapore Treaty read more

Australia Single Patent Attorney Regulatory Regime in AU and NZ read more

Germany Draft of New Trademark Act read more

India New Trade Mark Rules Introduced read more

New Zealand Single Patent Attorney Regulatory Regime in AU and NZ read more

Pakistan Draft Geographical Indication Bill Published read more

Singapore Official Fees Reduced Soon read more

South Korea Registration of Minimalist Designs Easier Now  read more

Issue 4/17 (February 2017)

Algeria New VAT Rate Applied  read more

Australia New Search System Introduced read more

Guatemala Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

Iceland Official Fees Increased read more

India Pending Applications for Clarification Released read more

Saudi Arabia Publication Fees for Trademark Recordals Increased read more

USA Effective Date for Rule Relating to Proving Use or Continued Use of Registered Trademarks Delayed read more

WIPO Madrid Goods & Services Manager with Latest Nice Classification Edition Aligned read more

Issue 3/17 (February 2017)

Antigua and Barbuda Procedural Amendments for IR Designating read more

Antigua and Barbuda Some Renewal Dates Accelerated read more

China Form Requirements Changed read more

Iran Trademark Requirements Revised read more

Israel Official Fees Slightly Reduced read more

Mauritius Draft Industrial Property Bill read more

Montenegro IP Laws Amended read more

Qatar Move from 7th to 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Switzerland CP 5 Common Practice Implemented read more

USA Changes to Examination of Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse read more

WIPO Procedural Amendments for IR Designating AG read more

Issue 2/17 (January 2017)

Brunei Requirement for Declaration of Intention to Use When Designating BN read more

Canada CIPO To Start Inviting Classifications of Goods and Services In TM Applications read more

Canada Office Practices of Industrial Design Changed read more

EUIPO DesignClass Phase II Launched read more

EUIPO Malaysia Joined TMclass and TMview read more

Indonesia New Trademark Law in Force read more

Switzerland Procedures before IPI Harmonised/New Fee Ordinance read more

Turkey Major Changes in New IP Law read more

USA Official Fees Changed/TTAB Final Rule Effective  read more

WIPO Requirement for Declaration of Intention to Use When Designating BN  read more

Issue 1/17 (January 2017)

China Beijing IP Court Establishes Speedy Trial Panel read more

EUIPO Guidelines for Examination of EU Trade Marks and Registered Community Designs Revised read more

EUIPO New Assistance Service  read more

Iraq Kurdistan Trademark Office to Resume Normal Function read more

New Zealand New GIs Law Adopted read more

Philippines Structure of Official Fees Revised Soon read more

Turkey New Industrial Property Law Now in Force read more

Turkey Temporary Gap in the Law read more

United Kingdom IP Laws Passed in Cayman Islands read more

USA 11th Edition of Nice Classification Adopted read more

USA Correction to Final Rule Revising the Rules of Practice  read more

Vietnam Official Fees Increased read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement on IR of Industrial Designs by Cambodia read more

WIPO Safeguard against Non-Delivery of E-Communication read more

Issue 22/16 (December 2016)

ARIPO IP Act of Liberia Changed read more

Australia Comments on Proposed Legislation Changes Required read more

Myanmar Draft Trade Mark Law in Progress  read more

Russian Federation Trademark Opposition System Considered read more

WIPO Non-Working Days in 2017 read more

Issue 21/16 (November 2016)

Benelux Electronic Renewal of Design Registrations Possible Now read more

Canada Non-French TMs on Public Signs to be Accompanied by French Description read more

Canada Practice Notice on Geographical Marks Released read more

EUIPO Colombia Joins DesignView  read more

Indonesia Official Fees Changed read more

Mozambique DIU to Local Office Required for IR Designating MZ  read more

United Kingdom Appearance of UKIPO Digital Services Changed  read more

WIPO Changes to Class Headings and Goods/Services read more

WIPO DIU to Local Office Required for IR Designating MZ  read more

Issue 20/16 (November 2016)

Cambodia New Regulation on Certification Marks read more

EUIPO Administration Cooperation Portal Went Live read more

EUIPO ARIPO Joined Designview  read more

EUIPO Philippines Joined TMclass read more

Indonesia Draft of New Trademark Law read more

Kazakhstan Amendments to IP Laws Drafted read more

Kyrgyzstan Official Fees Amended read more

Mozambique Refiling of Refused Trademarks Allowed read more

New Zealand Accession to WIPO Convention by the Cook Islands in Force  read more

USA Comments on Proposed Rule Changes Required read more

USA Nice Classification Changes Soon Adopted read more

WIPO Accession to WIPO Convention by the Cook Islands in Force read more

WIPO Two New Offices in Africa read more

Issue 19/16 (October 2016)

EUIPO Brazil joined Designview read more

EUIPO Reorganisation of the Office read more

Japan Trademark Examination Guidelines in English Now Available read more

Kuwait 10th Edition of Nice Classification Soon Expected read more

Poland Official Fees for Trademark Prosecution Changed read more

USA Official Trademark Fee Adjustment read more

USA TTAB Revisions to Rules of Practice Changed read more

WIPO 11th Edition of Nice Classification Soon in Force read more

Issue 18/16 (October 2016)

Brunei Accession to Madrid System read more

EUIPO International Registrations in TMview Updated read more

EUIPO New Features of Recordal Forms read more

Kosovo Administrative Instructions on Patent and TM Registration in Force read more

Mexico Opposition Procedure Against IR in Force read more

Saudi Arabia Trademark Registration Fees Increased read more

Switzerland Administrative Cancellation Proceedings Soon in Force read more

United Kingdom Major Changes to IP Laws in Cayman Islands Soon read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid System by Brunei read more

WIPO Opposition Procedure Against IR in Mexico in Force read more

Issue 17/16 (September 2016)

Egypt New Value Added Tax Adopted read more

Ireland Expansion of Online Payments Facility read more

Kyrgyzstan No Registrations of Trade Names Anymore read more

Ukraine Reformation of Judicial System Launched read more

Ukraine State Intellectual Property Service No Longer Needed  read more

United Kingdom Fees for Designs Reduced Soon read more

United Kingdom Filing of International Trademark Applications by Email read more

WIPO Filing of International Trademark Applications in UK by Email read more

Issue 16/16 (September 2016)

ARIPO New Design Act for Zambia read more

China First Sound Trademark Registered read more

Germany Guidelines of Design Registration Implemented by DPMA read more

India Automated Issuance of Trademark Registration Certificates read more

Kosovo Administrative Instructions Changed read more

New Zealand Accession to WIPO Convention by the Cook Islands read more

Saudi Arabia Major Procedural and Fee Changes Expected read more

Serbia New Domain Name Registration System read more

Turkey Electronic Mailbox System for Notifications  read more

United Arab Emirates New IP Protection e-Service Implemented read more

WIPO Accession to WIPO Convention by the Cook Islands read more

Issue 15/16 (August 2016)

Argentina Official Fees Increased read more

Australia Official Fees Increased read more

EUIPO Deadline for Specifying Class Headings Soon Expired  read more

EUIPO Revised Office Guidelines Published read more

Mexico Opposition System Now Available read more

South Korea Major Amendments to Trademark Act read more

Taiwan TIPO’s Names and Search Reference Revised read more

Thailand Amendments to Trademark Act Now Effective read more

Issue 14/16 (July 2016)

China Pledge Applications Received by Local AICs read more

India Final Opportunity Before Abandoning TM Applications read more

Iraq Official Fees of PoA/Legalized Document Increased  read more

Japan Preemptive Trademarks Are Not Abandoned read more

Portugal Official Fees Slightly Increased  read more

Thailand Trademark Act Amendments Soon in Force read more

WIPO New and Revised Model Forms for Offices Available read more

Issue 13/16 (July 2016)

Afghanistan Suggested Procedure on Single Class Applications read more

EUIPO Albania and Georgia Joined TMview and DesignView read more

EUIPO All EU Laws Fully in Force in United Kingdom read more

Germany Amendments to Trademark Regulation in Force read more

Kenya Registered Trademarks May Block Company Registrations read more

Myanmar Documentary Requirements for Trademark Application Changed read more

Nigeria New Defense Mechanism Against Online Trademark Infringement read more

Oman Trade Name Regulations Changed read more

United Kingdom All EU Laws Fully in Force read more

USA Deposit Accounts and Electronic Funds Transfer Accounts Need to Be Moved read more

Issue 12/16 (June 2016)

Canada Consultations on Proposed Changes to Official Fees read more

DPR Korea Accession to Hague Agreement read more

DPR Korea Ratification to Singapore Treaty read more

EUIPO Mobile and Tablet Application Launched read more

EUIPO WIPO Joins Designview read more

Kosovo Original or Notarized PoA Required  read more

Ukraine New IP Court to Be Established Soon read more

USA Comments to Changes of Use Requirements Wanted read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement by DPR Korea  read more

WIPO Ratification to Singapore Treaty by DPR Korea read more

Yemen No More Class Headings in Trademark Applications  read more

Zimbabwe Madrid Protocol in TM Amendment Bill Included read more

Issue 11/16 (June 2016)

Australia Madrid Fee Process Changed by IP Australia read more

Belarus Law On Trademarks and Service Marks Amended read more

EUIPO Albania and Georgia Joined TMclass read more

France Submission of Trademark Opposition via E-Service Required read more

Mexico Trademark Opposition System Soon Available read more

Russian Federation Cease and Desist Letters Mandatory Before Infringement Lawsuits read more

Rwanda Opposition Period and IP Laws Amended read more

Ukraine Law on Medicinal Products Expected to be Simplified read more

United Kingdom Changes to Annual Fee Payment in Cayman Islands read more

WIPO Expedited Establishment of Attestation or of Certified Copy read more

Issue 10/16 (May 2016)

Albania New Regulation on Customs Enforcement read more

Bahrain Official Fees Increased/TM Applications Published read more

Benelux IP Bureau of Sint Maarten Opened read more

Ecuador IP Procedures Optimised read more

Estonia Databases of Trademarks and Designs Updated read more

Israel Official Fees Slightly Reduced read more

Syria Official Fees Increased read more

USA Comments to Proposed Fees Adjustment Wanted read more

USA New Payment Tools Launched by USPTO read more

Westbank Original PoA Required read more

WIPO New Madrid Monitor Search Tool read more

Issue 9/16 (May 2016)

Ethiopia Publication of Renewals Required read more

EUIPO Equivalent Terms for Nice Class Headings read more

EUIPO Information on Declarations under Article 28(8)  read more

Iraq Formalities for Class 5 Applications Revised read more

Mexico Draft Amendments to TM Opposition Approved read more

South Korea Trademark Act Amended read more

South Korea Trademark Examination System Amended read more

Turkey Final Draft on IP Law Introduced read more

USA New Status Feature Launched read more

Issue 8/16 (May 2016)

Cyprus PoA for E-Filing No Longer Required read more

EUIPO Peru and Colombia Joined TMclass read more

France Scope of IR Protection on French Overseas Territories read more

Iraq Abandoned Applications Due to Incomplete Documentation  read more

Japan Search-Related Data on Design Registration Application read more

Japan Trademark Examination Guidelines Revised read more

Kuwait Original Registration Certificate for Renewal Now Required read more

Morocco Official Application Fee Amended read more

South Korea Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

WIPO Accession to Singapore Treaty by South Korea read more

WIPO Scope of IR Protection on French Overseas Territories read more

Issue 7/16 (April 2016)

Denmark Faroe Islands Now Covered by Madrid Protocol read more

EUIPO Brunei and Cambodia Joined TMclass read more

EUIPO Start Date for Opposition Against IR Designating EU Changed read more

India Deadline for Submitting Evidence on Erroneous Abandonment of Trademarks read more

Poland Opposition Period and Examination Amended read more

Thailand Trademark Act Amendments Approved read more

Uganda New Intellectual Property Law in Force read more

WIPO Common Regulations of Madrid Agreement Amended read more

WIPO Faroe Islands Now Covered read more

Issue 6/16 (April 2016)

Afghanistan Change from Multi- to Single-Class System read more

EUIPO Change of Office Name and Fees read more

Indonesia Recordal Regulation of IP Licences Implemented read more

Japan Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Japan Official Fees Reduced read more

Laos Multi-Class Application Now Possible read more

New Zealand Trademark Practice Guidelines Updated read more

Saudi Arabia Official Renewal Publication Fee Increased read more

Tanzania New Industrial Property Act Enacted read more

Uganda List of Trademarks Eligible to Be Renewed  read more

WIPO Accession to Singapore Treaty by Japan read more

WIPO Common Regulations under Madrid Agreement and Protocol Amended read more

WIPO New Version of Madrid Goods and Services Manager Now Available read more

Issue 5/16 (March 2016)

ARIPO Accession to the Banjul Protocol by Sao Tome and Principe read more

ARIPO Trademark Opposition Hearings No Longer Available in Botswana read more

Brazil Design Registration Certificates Only Electronically read more

Iraq Practice Change on Search Requirements and More read more

Japan Japanese Translation of Nice Classification read more

Japan Revised Examination Guidelines for Designs read more

New Zealand Practice Change to IPONZ Returned Mail Process read more

Poland E-Services Soon Available read more

Sao Tome and Principe Accession to Banjul Protocol read more

WIPO Request Correction of Recording - New Form read more

Issue 4/16 (March 2016)

Cambodia Declaration of Use for International Registrations Required read more

Canada E-Copies of Trademarks Documents read more

Mozambique New Industrial Property Code Approved  read more

Turkey Trademark Bulletin Twice per Month Now  read more

United Arab Emirates Backlog of Design Applications read more

United Arab Emirates More IPR Courts to be Established read more

USA Courtesy Email Reminders by USPTO read more

WIPO Chance to Clarify the Scope of Protection of IR read more

WIPO Courtesy Email Reminders by USPTO read more

WIPO Declaration of Use for IR Designating Cambodia Required read more

Issue 3/16 (February 2016)

Argentina Mediation Law for Trademark Matters Amended read more

Denmark Hague Agreement to Apply to Faroe Islands read more

Denmark Madrid Protocol to Cover Faroe Islands  read more

Egypt Verification System for Trademarks  read more

EUIPO Framework for Declarations under Art. 28(8) EUTMR read more

Japan Examination Guidelines Announced read more

Latvia Changes in Applicable Laws and Fees read more

Lithuania IP Gazette Twice a Month Now read more

Mexico Official Fees Increased read more

Turkey Official Fees Increased read more

WIPO Madrid Protocol to Cover Faroe Islands read more

Issue 2/16 (February 2016)

Brazil Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

Brazil Industrial Design Applications Accelerated read more

Canada CIPO Invites the Public for Consultation read more

Chile Accession to Hague Apostille Convention  read more

EUIPO Brazil Joins TMclass read more

EUIPO Renewal Fees Reimbursed  read more

Japan Official Fees Soon Reduced read more

Kuwait Amendments to Refusal and Opposition read more

Mexico Status Quo Regarding Opposition System read more

Mongolia Designation of International Designs read more

WIPO Nice Classification Tenth Edition, 2016 Version Implemented read more

WIPO Non-Working Days in 2016 read more

Issue 1/16 (January 2016)

ARIPO Official Fees Increased/Other Developments read more

EUIPO ARIPO and Bosnia and Herzegovina Join TMview read more

EUIPO Major Changes at OHIM in Force Soon  read more

Finland Pricing Structure and Official Trademark Fees Changed read more

Ireland Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Ireland E-filing for Designs Implemented read more

Kuwait Official Fees Increased read more

Laos Accession to Madrid Protocol by Lao People's Democratic Republic  read more

Oman Change of Practice of Opposition Examination read more

Serbia Opposition System Soon to be Expected read more

South Korea Design Examination Guidelines Amended read more

Turkmenistan Accession to Hague Agreement  read more

USA Nice Classification Tenth Edition, 2016 Version Implemented read more

WIPO Accession to Hague Agreement by Turkmenistan read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Lao People's Democratic Republic  read more

WIPO Accession to the Singapore Treaty by Ireland read more

WIPO Recording of Licenses in International Register no Effect in Gambia read more

Issue 19/15 (December 2015)

Bahrain Infringement Cases by Office Now Received read more

EUIPO Finland Joins DesignView read more

EUIPO Japan Joins TMview read more

India Draft on Trade Mark (Amendment) Rules Issued read more

Latvia Changes on Law on IP Institutions and Procedures in Effect Soon read more

Libya Last Deadline to Renew Lapsed Trademarks read more

OAPI/AIPO Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Russian Federation New Administrative Rules for Well-Known Trademarks read more

Switzerland Change in Practice of Custom Manufacturing of Products read more

Turkey Official Fees Be Increased Soon read more

United Arab Emirates Online Trademark Filing/Renewal Services  read more

WIPO Accession to Singapore Treaty by OAPI read more

Issue 18/15 (November 2015)

Australia Electronic Certificates for TMs Available Now read more

Indonesia E-Filing for Renewal of Trademarks Possible Now read more

Kuwait Official Fees Soon Increased read more

Philippines IP Cases for WIPO Mediation Accepted read more

Philippines Trademark Forms Updated read more

Poland Amendments to Industrial Property Law  read more

Taiwan Notice on Trademark Dispute Examination Procedures read more

USA New USPTO Regional Office Opened read more

WIPO Termination of Hague Agreement by Ivory Coast  read more

WIPO Updated ROMARIN Database Launched read more

Issue 17/15 (November 2015)

Benelux E-Filing in Sint Maarten Available Now read more

Canada Implementation of Trademarks Act Postponed read more

EUIPO Poland and Serbia Join Designview read more

EUIPO Switzerland Joins TMview  read more

Libya Trademark Registration Certificates Issued  read more

Mozambique Declaration of Intention to Use when Designating Mozambique read more

USA Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure Updated read more

WIPO Declaration of Intention to Use when Designating Mozambique read more

WIPO Declaration on Extension of Oppositions by Zimbabwe read more

WIPO Single Form for All Madrid System Applications read more

Zimbabwe Declaration to WIPO Deposited read more

Issue 16/15 (October 2015)

Chile Law Regulates Labeling of Food Products read more

China Official Filing Fees Decreased read more

EUIPO Macedonia Joins Designview  read more

EUIPO Notice on Practice of Distinctiveness - Figurative Marks read more

Portugal Trademark E-Filing Implemented read more

Sweden Design E-Filing and E-Services Now Possible read more

WIPO Accession to Madrid Protocol by Gambia read more

WIPO Coverage of UK Dependent Territories read more

WIPO Practical Consequences of Algeria’s Accession to Madrid Protocol  read more

Issue 15/15 (September 2015)

Benelux IP Bureau of Sint Maarten Starts Soon read more

Canada Modernization of IP framework in Progress read more

EUIPO ASEAN Designview Officially Launched read more

EUIPO Canada Joins TMview and Designview read more

EUIPO China and the USA Join Designview  read more

Hungary Trademark E-Filing Implemented read more

Nigeria  Digitisation of Trademark Records read more

Poland New Interactive Forms for Trademark/Industrial Design Applications read more

Saudi Arabia Increase of Official Fees Expected read more

Taiwan Trademark Related Regulations Amended read more

Issue 14/15 (September 2015)

Benelux Process for Design Applications Improved read more

Egypt New System for Trademarks Protection Launched read more

EUIPO UK Joins Designview read more

India Clarification on Designs Act/Public Notice for Agents read more

Latvia Law on IP Institutions and Procedures Amended read more

Pakistan Amended Terms and IP Related Fees Increased read more

Paraguay Payment of Renewal Fees Restructured read more

Tunisia Changes to Procedures of Trademarks/Services read more

Issue 13/15 (September 2015)

Algeria Joins Madrid Protocol read more

Argentina Official Fees Increased read more

EUIPO Macedonia Joins TMview read more

EUIPO Updated Guidelines Enter into Force  read more

Israel Design Law Amended Soon read more

Kazakhstan Accession to WTO read more

Moldova Several IP Legislative Acts Amended read more

Oman Applications Accepted in the Name of Individuals read more

Serbia Industrial Design Law Amended read more

Ukraine Free Access to Trademark Applications Database read more

United Kingdom New Trade Marks Act Now Effective in British Virgin Islands read more

WIPO Algeria Joins the Madrid Protocol read more

Issue 12/15 (July 2015)

Bolivia New Regulations on IP internal Procedures read more

Canada Nice Classification Expected read more

Canada Renewal of CIPO's Online Applications Soon read more

EUIPO New Guidelines for Examination CTMs and Registered Community Designs read more

EUIPO Payment Platform in 23 EU Languages Available read more

EUIPO Report on Protection and Enforcement in Key Third Countries. read more

Indonesia New Online Integrated Information Platform read more

Trinidad and Tobago New Laws Soon read more

Ukraine Communist and Nazi Symbols Banned read more

United Kingdom New Trade Marks Act in Cayman Islands Soon read more

Issue 11/15 (July 2015)

Angola TM Owners Need to Re-Submit Documents read more

Belarus Arbitration Court Established read more

Benelux Bureau for Intellectual Property of Sint Marten Now Online read more

Benelux New And Improved Online Trademark Filing read more

Benelux New Online Design Register read more

EUIPO Serbia Joined TMview read more

France Official Fees Increased/New Rules on Deadlines read more

Latvia Range of E-services Expanded read more

United Kingdom Amendments of the New Trade Mark Act in British Virgin Islands read more

USA TBMP 2015 Update read more

WIPO Changes to Payment for IR designating Ghana read more

Issue 10/15 (June 2015)

EUIPO Poland and Latvia Implement Back Office read more

Iraq New Directives on Submission of PoA read more

Italy IR Designating Italy Do Not Automatically Cover San Marino read more

Italy New Online Filing System Mandatory read more

Kazakhstan Official Fees Increased read more

Kazakhstan Patent and Trademark Office Moved read more

Trinidad and Tobago Draft Trade Marks Bill  read more

USA Changes in Requirements for Collective Trademarks and Service Marks read more

Venezuela Tax Stamps Increase read more

Issue 9/15 (June 2015)

EUIPO Agreement Concerning Trademark Reform Reached read more

EUIPO Tunisia Joined TMclass read more

Iraq Legal Extension to Kurdistan Abolished read more

Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Joins Eurasian Economic Union read more

Oman Late Filing of Required Documents read more

South Korea Trademark Examination Guidelines Changed  read more

Sudan Official Stamp Fees Increased read more

Ukraine Administrative Appeal against Industrial Designs/Utility Models Considered read more

United Kingdom New Trade Mark Act in British Virgin Islands read more

WIPO Beta Version of ROMARIN Database  read more

WIPO New terms and conditions for electronic communication  read more

Issue 8/15 (May 2015)

Austria Publications Only Online Available read more

Benelux Filing of Oppositions Online Possible read more

EUIPO Iceland Joined DesignView  read more

EUIPO Italy Implements Similarity Tool read more

EUIPO Several Balkan Countries Joined TMclass read more

Finland Fast-Track Processing for Trade Register Notifications read more

Japan International Design Registration System Now Available  read more

Liechtenstein Online Design Register Now Available read more

WIPO Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement Adopted read more

Issue 7/15 (May 2015)

Brazil Electronic System for Industrial Designs Launched read more

Cambodia Recording of Licenses in International Register no Effect  read more

Chile Changes to IP Law Expected read more

Ghana Official Fees Increased read more

Kazakhstan IP Law Amended read more

Seychelles Accession to WTO read more

United Arab Emirates Drastic Official Fees Increase read more

WIPO New version of Madrid E-Renewal read more

WIPO No Recordings of Licenses in International Register Accepted by Cambodia read more

Issue 6/15 (April 2015)

EUIPO Sweden Implemented Similarity Tool read more

India E-Filing of Design Applications Accepted read more

Israel Official Fees Slightly Reduced read more

Jamaica New Practice Direction on Class Headings  read more

Japan Examination Guidelines Revised read more

Japan Nice Classification in Japanese Released read more

Lebanon Legalisation of PoA Needed read more

Sudan Official Fees Increased read more

United Arab Emirates Update on Opposition Proceedings read more

Issue 5/15 (March 2015)

ARIPO E-Services Now Available read more

Australia New E-Filing for International Registrations Now Available  read more

Cambodia Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

EUIPO The Philippines Joined TMview read more

France Official Fees Increased Soon  read more

Hong Kong Official Fees Increased read more

OAPI/AIPO Fees and Licence Recordal for IR Designating OAPI  read more

Romania Increase of Fees Suspended read more

Seychelles New Industrial Property Act in Effect Now  read more

WIPO Accession to the Madrid Protocol by Cambodia read more

WIPO Fees and Licence Recordal for IR Designating OAPI read more

WIPO New version of the WIPO Gazette read more

Issue 4/15 (March 2015)

Australia IP Laws Amendment Bill 2014 Passed read more

Brazil Trademark Application Backlog Reduced read more

EUIPO Hungary Joined DesignView  read more

Greece Change of Practice of PoA read more

India New Interface to Access IPO’s Information read more

Japan Accession to Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement read more

Japan Examination Guidelines Announced  read more

Japan Non-Traditional Trademarks Soon Registerable read more

Montenegro National Industrial Design Register Launched read more

Slovenia More E-Services Introduced read more

Turkey Online Application System Implemented read more

Venezuela Autonomous IP Service in Progress read more

WIPO Japan Accedes to Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement read more

Issue 3/15 (February 2015)

Algeria New Trademark Form read more

Armenia Joined Eurasian Economic Union read more

Austria E-Payment Now Possible read more

Bosnia and Herzegovina Methodology for Trademark Examination Adopted read more

Estonia Official Fees Changed read more

EUIPO Harmonised Database with Nice 10.15 Updated read more

EUIPO Russia Joined DesignView read more

EUIPO Updated Guidelines Enter into Force  read more

Georgia New Bank Details of Sakpatenti  read more

Germany Electronic Case File for Trademarks Soon Available read more

Serbia  “Class Heading Covers All” Approach Abolished read more

Seychelles New Industrial Property Act Passed read more

WIPO USA and Japan Join International Design System read more

Issue 2/15 (January 2015)

Algeria Official Fees Revised read more

Australia New E-Filing System for Trade Marks Madrid Export Applications read more

EUIPO OAPI Joined TMclass read more

Kuwait Claiming Priority Possible Now read more

Morocco New Law on Industrial Property Issued read more

Turkey Official Fees Increased read more

USA Changes to Trademark Rules of Practice read more

Issue 1/15 (January 2015)

Brazil New Trademark Examination Guidelines read more

EUIPO Several Countries Joined DesignView read more

Ghana Trademark Law Amended read more

India Indian Design Act Amended read more

Libya Trademark Office Resumes its Activities read more

OAPI/AIPO Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

Syria Official Publication and Search Fees Increased read more

USA Official Fees Reduced read more

USA The Nice Classification, Tenth Edition, Version 2015 Became Effective read more

WIPO Accession to the Madrid Protocol by Zimbabwe read more

WIPO Amendments to Common Regulations read more

Zimbabwe Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

Issue 19/14 (December 2014)

Bahrain Filing of Sound Marks are Possible Now read more

Bahrain Filing Without the Complete Documents Possible read more

Benelux Changes to International Registration Procedures read more

EUIPO Iceland Joined TMview read more

EUIPO Montenegro Joins TMclass read more

Vanuatu Official Fees Amended read more

WIPO New Version of Nice Classification into Force Soon read more

WIPO Opposition Procedure for International Registrations Designating Turkey Explained read more

Issue 18/14 (November 2014)

Argentina INPI Creates a New Registry of Licenses  read more

China Draft Provisions on Trail of Administrative Trademark-Related Cases read more

China Specialised IP Court Starts Operation read more

EUIPO Cyprus Joined DesignView read more

Mongolia Regulation of Well-known Trademarks read more

Slovenia E-Filing Now Implemented read more

South Korea Batch Examination Available read more

Spain F-Filing for Designs Now Implemented read more

WIPO Change in Examination of International Registrations Designating EU read more

Issue 17/14 (November 2014)

Burundi Early Trademark Registrations to Be Renewable read more

EUIPO Fast Track Procedure Soon Available read more

EUIPO Payment of Applications in Advance read more

Greece E-Filing now Possible read more

Uruguay Use of Trademarks Mandatory Now read more

USA Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure Updated read more

WIPO Accession to the Convention by Niue read more

WIPO Guide on IP Challenges Faced by Festival Organizers read more

WIPO Tajikistan Ratifies Singapore Treaty read more

Issue 16/14 (October 2014)

Brazil Issuance of Electronic Certification read more

Colombia Trademark Registration Speeded Up read more

EUIPO Iceland and Montenegro Joined TMclass read more

EUIPO Tunisia Joined TMview read more

Iceland Official Fees Increased read more

Lithuania New Trademarks and Designs E-Filing System read more

Mozambique Clarification on Declaration of Intention to Use read more

New Zealand Trade Mark Practice Guidelines Changed read more

South Korea Amendments to the Korean Trademark Act read more

WIPO Lithuania Accepts Recordings of Licenses in International Register read more

Issue 15/14 (October 2014)

Canada Consultation to Modernize Canada's Intellectual Property read more

Cape Verde Merge of IP Office and Quality Management Institute read more

EUIPO Finland Joined TMclass  read more

EUIPO Practice of Relative Grounds of Refusal/Likelihood of Confusion read more

Iraq Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Kuwait Accession to the Paris Convention read more

Latvia E-Filing Now Available read more

Syria New Procedures for Legalization of PoA read more

Issue 14/14 (September 2014)

China New Regulations on Well-Known Trademarks read more

Estonia Official Gazettes Soon Published Electronically  read more

EUIPO ASEAN TMview Launched read more

EUIPO Change in Examination of International Registrations Designated in EU read more

Japan Non-Traditional Trademarks Soon Registrable read more

Libya Trade Marks Office Closed read more

Moldova Use of National Symbols read more

Ukraine Re-Validation of IP Rights in Crimea read more

Issue 13/14 (September 2014)

Albania IP Law Amended read more

Azerbaijan Official Fees Changed read more

China Notice on Division of Application read more

Cyprus New Common Practice on Black & White Trademarks read more

EUIPO Canada and Norway Joined TMclass read more

India Official Fees Increased read more

Japan More Entities Entitled to Register Regional Collective Trademarks read more

Nigeria Trademark Application Procedures Tightened Up read more

Romania Expedited Examination of Trademark Applications Cancelled read more

Turkey Non-Use Cancellation May No Longer Be Possible read more

United Kingdom Changes to Design Law read more

Issue 12/14 (July 2014)

Japan Accession to Locarno Classification read more

New Zealand IPONZ Is Moving read more

United Kingdom No Re-Introduction of Fast Track Examination read more

WIPO E-Subsequent Designation Now Available read more

Yemen Official Publication Fees soon Increased read more

Issue 11/14 (July 2014)

Canada Changes to Canadian TM Act Expected read more

France Practice Change to French Polynesia read more

France Regional INPI Offices No Longer Entitled to Receive Filings read more

Indonesia Official Fees Increased read more

Iraq Revision of TM Files Ongoing read more

Portugal Official Fees Changed read more

Sudan TM Filings Now Possible in South Sudan read more

WIPO Madrid Goods and Services Manager (MGS) Updated read more

Issue 10/14 (June 2014)

Burundi Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

Ethiopia Extension to Deadline read more

EUIPO New Office Guidelines read more

EUIPO TMview Now Available in Arabic  read more

Indonesia Trademark Law Soon Amended read more

Kuwait Registration Certificates of Designs Now Available read more

Yemen Accession to WTO read more

Issue 9/14 (June 2014)

Benelux Agreement between Sint Maarten and BOIP read more

EUIPO Denmark and Romania Joined TMClass read more

EUIPO Italy Joined DesignView read more

Ireland E-Filing Now Available  read more

Kosovo Trademark Law Soon Amended read more

Moldova New Service of E-Filing read more

Sao Tome and Principe Accession to Harare Protocol/ARIPO read more

Saudi Arabia Deadline for Submitting PoA Changed read more

United Arab Emirates Trademark Examination Procedures Changed read more

Issue 8/14 (May 2014)

Ethiopia Deadline for Re-Registrations/Other Requirements read more

EUIPO New Common Practice on Black & White Marks read more

Kyrgyzstan Trademark Law Amended read more

New Zealand Practice Guidelines for Royal Marks Updated read more

USA Reduction of Application and Renewal Fees Proposed read more

Venezuela Change of Practice read more

WIPO Image-Based Search for TMs Launched read more

Issue 7/14 (April 2014)

Brazil Change of Practice of Highly Renowned Trademarks read more

Brazil Official Trademark Fees Changed read more

Canada New E-Filing System Launched read more

Egypt Official Fees Increased read more

Jordan New Regulations to Trademark Assignment read more

Russian Federation Civil Code Amendments to Impact IP Regulations read more

South Korea Joins the Hague System read more

Issue 6/14 (April 2014)

Australia New International TM Application Form read more

EUIPO China Joined TMView read more

EUIPO Romania Joined DesignView read more

Iraq Change of Practice of PoA read more

Kenya Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Montenegro Trademark Law Soon Amended read more

United Arab Emirates Change of Practice of PoA read more

WIPO New Publication/Revised Guide/Official Forms Changed read more

Issue 5/14 (March 2014)

Bahrain GCC Trademarks Law Approved read more

Belarus Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

EUIPO Communication on Acceptability of Classification Terms read more

Kyrgyzstan Trademark Law Changed read more

Saudi Arabia New Scale for Filing and Registration Numbers read more

United Arab Emirates New Procedure for Amending TM Applications read more

United Kingdom IPO Joins Similarity read more

Issue 4/14 (March 2014)

Denmark IP Marketplace now in English read more

EUIPO South Korea Joined TMView read more

India Opposition Period Changed read more

Kuwait Relocation of TM and Patents Department read more

South Korea Official Fees Increased read more

United Kingdom Fast Track Examination Consultation Open read more

USA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking read more

Issue 3/14 (February 2014)

Bahrain Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

Georgia E-Filing Possible read more

India E-Filing System Enhanced read more

Nigeria Intellectual Property Automated System Launched read more

Singapore Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2013 read more

Issue 2/14 (February 2014)

Benelux E-filing for Designs/International Trademarks Now Possible read more

Ethiopia Deadline for Re-Registrations Adjusted read more

France Change of Opposition Procedure Awaited read more

Germany German Designs Act Revised read more

Saudi Arabia E-Publication Fees Increased read more

United Kingdom New Practice to Trademark Proceedings read more

USA Proposed Rule to Trademark Practice read more

Issue 1/14 (January 2014)

EUIPO Russia and U.S. Joined TMView read more

Finland Name of Trademark Office Changed read more

Germany Electronic File Inspection Launched read more

Paraguay Accession to Hague Apostille Convention read more

Slovenia Industrial Property Act Amended read more

South Africa IP Laws Amendment Act Published read more

Syria New Procedures for Trademark Renewal read more

USA Nice Classification Update read more

WIPO Delay of Gazette Publication Reduced read more

WIPO Locarno Classification Update read more

Issue 18/13 (December 2013)

Argentina Electronic Trademark Certificates read more

Finland Trade Register Act Soon Amended read more

Germany Design Law Soon Amended read more

India Classification Goods and Services Published read more

Saudi Arabia E-Filing Practice read more

Slovenia SIPO Joined Designview read more

Uruguay Use of Trademarks No Longer Optional read more

USA Submissions to TM ID Suggest Mailbox read more

WIPO Israel Joined Global TM Database read more

WIPO New Online Licensing System read more

Issue 17/13 (December 2013)

Gaza Revision of Formalities read more

Germany Online Registration without Signature read more

Latvia Adoption of Euro read more

Morocco New IP Law Soon Expected read more

Philippines TM Applications with Priority Claim read more

Romania E-Filing Soon read more

United Kingdom Trade Marks (Isle of Man) Order 2013 in Force read more

WIPO Non Working Days in 2014 read more

Issue 16/13 (November 2013)

Benelux Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Bulgaria E-Filing Soon read more

Chile Official Publication Fees Reduced read more

EUIPO Developments on TMview and TMclass read more

EUIPO Practice Manual on Classification Amended read more

Guatemala Online Pre-Filing Available read more

Iran E-Filing System Completed read more

New Zealand Madrid Protocol Application Form Updated  read more

Russian Federation Fee Calculator Service Launched read more

Issue 15/13 (October 2013)

Australia General eService Introduced read more

Benelux Singapore Treaty Ratified by LU read more

EUIPO Spain Implements Similarity read more

EUIPO Update on Guidelines of TM and Design Practice read more

Tunisia Madrid Protocol Enters into Force read more

USA USPTO Operation Status read more

Venezuela Official Fees Increased read more

Issue 14/13 (October 2013)

Azerbaijan Official Fees Increased read more

Costa Rica Regulatory Authority for Certification Marks  read more

Croatia Gazette Published Fortnightly Soon read more

EUIPO France Joins Seniority read more

Iran Trademark Office Moved read more

Madagascar Fine for Late Renewal Increased read more

New Zealand TM Practice Guideline Updated read more

Saudi Arabia Electronic Filing Now Possible read more

Syria Official TM Renewal Fees Amended read more

United Kingdom New Fast-Track TM Opposition Procedure read more

WIPO Information Required when Effecting Payment  read more

Issue 13/13 (September 2013)

Benelux Significant Changes to IP Practice read more

Brazil Recognition of Well-known Marks Revised read more

Canada Expedited Examinations Abolished  read more

China Amendments to Trademark Law Adopted read more

EUIPO Timetable of Public Holidays 2014  read more

EUIPO Turkey Joins TMview read more

France Local Trademark Regulation in French Polynesia read more

France Ongoing Reform in New Caledonia read more

New Zealand Accession to Nice Agreement read more

Switzerland Official Trademark Renewal Fees Increased read more

Tunisia Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Issue 12/13 (September 2013)

Armenia Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Benelux Opposition Proceedings Soon Changed read more

Egypt Electronic Official Gazette Introduced read more

Georgia GIs Published for Opposition read more

Germany Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Kosovo New GI Law in Force read more

Slovakia Online Filing Now Possible read more

WIPO New Special Services read more

Yemen Official Publication Fees Increased read more

Yemen Official Weekend Changed read more

Yemen Publication of Appeal Decisions  read more

Issue 11/13 (July 2013)

Argentina Official Fees Increased read more

Canada New Trademark Examination Manual read more

Egypt Advertisement of Accepted Trademarks Changed read more

EUIPO Croatia, Cyprus, Mexico, and Norway Join TMview read more

Iraq Official Trademark Fees in Kurdistan read more

Mozambique Change of Practice read more

New Zealand TM Specifications and Duplicated Terms  read more

Portugal Official Fees Increased read more

USA Electronic Official Gazette Improved read more

Issue 10/13 (July 2013)

Austria Online Filing Now Possible read more

Benelux Singapore Treaty Ratified read more

Bolivia Official Publication Fees Increased read more

Croatia EU Membership Effective read more

India Licence Recordal of IR read more

Madagascar Official Fees Inccreased read more

Philippines Declaration of Use of IR Required read more

Portugal New Application Guidelines read more

Saudi Arabia Official Weekend Changed read more

Syria Denunciation of Madrid Agreement read more

United Kingdom Accession to Vienna Classification read more

WIPO IR Designations to PH require Declaration of Use read more

WIPO Syria's Denunciation of Madrid Agreement in Force read more

Issue 9/13 (June 2013)

Croatia Harmonisation Project Integrated read more

EUIPO Croatia Integrated into Harmonisation Project  read more

Finland E-filing Now Possible read more

Hungary Amendments to Trademark Act read more

South Korea Amendments to Trademark Act Introduced read more

Turkey Online Opposition Available read more

United Arab Emirates Filing Cases Online at Court  read more

Issue 8/13 (June 2013)

El Salvador Amendments to the Trademark and Other Distinctive Signs Law read more

EUIPO Class Headings Breakthrough Announced read more

Libya First Trademark Journal after Revolution Issued read more

Nicaragua Apostille Convention in Force read more

WIPO Declaration of Intention to Use in India Needed read more

WIPO Designation to India Needs National Recording of License  read more

Issue 7/13 (May 2013)

China Third Revision of PRC Trademark Law  read more

EUIPO KIPO Joins TMclass read more

EUIPO Malta Joins Seniority read more

EUIPO Manual of Trade Mark Practice Amended read more

Malta Becomes Member to Implement Seniority Project read more

New Zealand Trade Mark Practice Guidelines Updated read more

WIPO New Version of Madrid Goods and Services Manager read more

Issue 6/13 (May 2013)

Albania Change of Practice in Registering Domain Names read more

Argentina Official Fees Increased read more

Finland Cash Payments No Longer Allowed  read more

Iraq Legal Protection of TMs in Kurdistan read more

Jordan Renewals Back to Normal read more

Kuwait Publication of Design Applications read more

Libya Trademark Office Accepts TM Applications Now read more

OAPI/AIPO Comoro Islands Becomes a Member  read more

Sweden New Feature in Trademark Renewal read more

Issue 5/13 (April 2013)

Australia Revised TM Law Amends Opposition Period read more

Bosnia and Herzegovina Accession to Lisbon Act read more

EUIPO CTM Reform Proposals Available read more

EUIPO Euroclass Becomes TMClass read more

India Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Syria TM office rejects IRs designating Israel read more

United Kingdom Consultation for Fast Track Opposition Procedure read more

United Kingdom New TM Law in VG Expected read more

WIPO Change of Practice Concerning Syrian Arab Republic read more

WIPO Syrian TM office rejects IRs designating Israel read more

Issue 4/13 (April 2013)

Bulgaria PTO to Abolish ‘Class Heading Covers All’ Approach read more

China Trademark Office Relocated read more

Ethiopia New Trademark Law read more

Ethiopia Timetable for TM Re-Registration read more

Iran Additional Formalities to Trademark Applications Required read more

Libya Practice of Trademark Office read more

New Zealand TM Law Reform/TM Amendment Regulations read more

Nigeria New IP Office Practise read more

United Arab Emirates 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

United Kingdom Online Services Enhanced read more

United Kingdom Time Periods/Opposition Periods Changed read more

Issue 3/13 (March 2013)

Belarus Amendments to Trademark Law in Force read more

Canada Elimination of Deposit Account Replenishment by Credit Card read more

Croatia EU Trademark and Design Regulations read more

Cyprus Official Fees Increased read more

Jordan Renewal Stopped for a Month  read more

Lebanon New Trademark Filing System read more

Lithuania Trademark Law Amended read more

Serbia Trademark Law Amended read more

United Arab Emirates New Automatic Search System Implemented by TM Office read more

Yemen E-Filing Introduced read more

Issue 2/13 (February 2013)

Canada Online Banking Available read more

Colombia Official Fees Reduced read more

Iran New Payment Regime for Foreigners read more

Libya Issuances of Registration Certificates read more

Lithuania Singapore Treaty Ratified read more

Mauritius Official Fees Increased read more

United Kingdom Changes to Trademark Services Soon Active read more

United Kingdom Protection for Person's Personality in Guernsey read more

Westbank Official Fees Increased read more

WIPO Official Forms Amended/Preferred Communication read more

Issue 1/13 (January 2013)

Argentina 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Bahamas New Legislation Drafted read more

Belarus Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

EUIPO Finland Goes Live with TM E-Filing read more

EUIPO Ireland and Poland Joined TMview read more

EUIPO Manual on Trademark Practice for Collective Marks Changed read more

Iraq New Power of Attorney Regulations read more

New Zealand 7th Edition of Vienna Classifications Updated read more

Saudi Arabia Accession to Nice Agreement read more

Spain Official Fees Increased read more

Sweden New Formalities Practice read more

Sweden Official Fees Increased read more

Turkey Official Fees Increased read more

Uruguay Accession to the Hague Apostille read more

WIPO 2013 Version of 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Issue 18/12 (December 2012)

Germany Expiration of Time Limits during Festive Season read more

India Notification on Disposal of Opposition/Rectification read more

Iran Trademark Electronic Application System Launched read more

Montenegro Accession to Nice Agreement read more

New Zealand Official Fees Soon Increased read more

Saudi Arabia Amendments to Trademark Law  read more

Turkey PTO Announced Reforms read more

WIPO Customer Satisfaction Survey read more

WIPO Designation to Colombia Needs Recording of License read more

WIPO Use of Class Headings of Nice Classification read more

Issue 17/12 (November 2012)

Australia Amendments to Trade Mark Act read more

EUIPO Austria and Germany Joined TMView read more

France Change of Address of Patent Office read more

Germany DPMA Web Pages Unavailable Coming Weekend read more

Lithuania Accession to Singapore Treaty and Amendments to Trade Mark Law read more

Mexico Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

New Zealand Amended Trade Mark Regulations Published read more

Saudi Arabia Publication in Official Gazette No Longer Requested read more

United Kingdom New Trade Mark Law in Montserrat read more

Issue 16/12 (November 2012)

Australia New Transactions through eServices read more

Canada Extension of Time Justification Online Available read more

EUIPO Extension of Time Limit read more

EUIPO Malta Joined TMview read more

Finland Use of Class Headings read more

Morocco Official Fees Payable for Each Class read more

USA New Version of TMEP Online read more

WIPO Designation to New Zealand Needs Intention to Use read more

Issue 15/12 (October 2012)

Greece New Trademark Law in Force/Official Fees Reduced read more

Libya Certificates of Registration read more

Morocco Official Fees Increased read more

New Zealand Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Panama Major Amendments to IP Laws read more

United Kingdom New Requirements for Merging TMs read more

Issue 14/12 (September 2012)

Australia Official Fees Increased read more

Brazil New Rules on TM Coexistence Agreements read more

Brazil Similar and Generic Veterinary Medicines Introduced read more

Canada Deposit Account/Credit Card Statements  read more

Iceland Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Lebanon 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

New Zealand Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Syria New Ministry Name read more

United Kingdom New Trademark Act in Grenada Introduced read more

USA Patent Reform Now Implemented read more

USA Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure Updated read more

WIPO Denunciation of Madrid Agreement from Syria read more

Issue 13/12 (September 2012)

Argentina New Instructions to Examiners read more

Brazil Code for Numbering Changed read more

Cuba New Industrial Property Law read more

Germany New Opening Hours in the Munich Office read more

Germany Official Warning read more

India Suggestions for Classifications of Goods & Services read more

Montenegro Amendments to Trademark Law read more

Philippines Examination of Applications Remain the Same read more

Romania New Instructions for Examinations read more

Russian Federation Official Fees Increased read more

South Korea Announcement with respect to Examination Guideline read more

USA Direct Link to Trademark Official Gazette Page read more

USA Public Comment Period on TM Fees Announced  read more

USA Release version 2.0 of Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) read more

Issue 12/12 (July 2012)

Indonesia 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Indonesia IIPO Closed read more

Italy Grants for Registering CTM and IR  read more

Malaysia 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

New Zealand Deposition of Accession to Madrid Protocol Soon Expected read more

Philippines Accession to the Madrid Protocol Now Effective read more

Singapore New Website Launched read more

Switzerland Most Creative Country read more

United Arab Emirates Changes in TM Routine read more

United Kingdom Changes to Trademark Services read more

Issue 11/12 (July 2012)

EUIPO Change in Practice on Use of Class Headings read more

EUIPO Hungary joins TMview read more

Mozambique 10th Edition of Nice Classification  read more

New Zealand Credit Card Payments to IPONZ read more

Sudan New Trademark Circular read more

Taiwan New Trademark Act Effective read more

Yemen 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Issue 10/12 (June 2012)

Benelux Accession to TLT read more

Iceland Trademarks Act Changed read more

Portugal Official Fees Increased read more

Qatar IP Office Is Relocating read more

Syria Withdrawing from Madrid Agreement read more

USA Assessment of Accuracy of Register read more

USA New gTLD Name Applications Revealed read more

USA New Patent and TM Resource Center read more

Issue 9/12 (May 2012)

Australia Official Fees Soon Increased read more

Colombia Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

India First Compulsory License read more

Kazakhstan Ratification of Singapore Treaty read more

Kazakhstan Trademark Law Adopted read more

Myanmar Multiple Class Registration Now Possible read more

Philippines Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

United Kingdom Ratification of Singapore Treaty read more

Issue 8/12 (May 2012)

Australia eServices Launched read more

EUIPO Trade Mark Practice Changed read more

Mexico Accession to Madrid Protocol read more

Mexico IP Regulation Modified read more

Paraguay Digital Signature Soon Effective read more

Taiwan Amended Trademark Act Soon Effective read more

WIPO New Web-Based Communication Services read more

Issue 7/12 (May 2012)

Afghanistan New IP Office and Procedures read more

Chile Trademark Law Amended read more

Greece New Trademark Law read more

Israel Pharmaceutical Labeling Requirements  read more

Jordan Class Headings No Longer Acceptable read more

New Zealand Enhancement to Case Management System read more

United Kingdom New Practice in Trademark Proceedings read more

Westbank Change of Practice for Renewals read more

Issue 6/12 (April 2012)

Bahrain New Trade Name Law read more

Canada Sound Marks Now Registrable read more

EUIPO New Practice of Opposition Proceedings read more

Israel Patent Authority Begins Examining PCT Applications read more

Japan Revision of the Trademark Practice read more

New Zealand Practice Guidelines Changed read more

Portugal New IP Court read more

United Kingdom Change of Address of UKIPO read more

Vanuatu New Local TM Registration System  read more

WIPO Communication of Notifications Changed read more

Issue 5/12 (March 2012)

Canada Fee Payment Form Required read more

China Requirement for Search Request read more

Colombia Changes in Registration Procedures read more

Costa Rica Guidelines for TM Applications read more

Iraq No Applications on Thursdays read more

Peru Regulation for Registration of Pharma Products read more

Portugal Domain Registration Rules Liberalized read more

Saudi Arabia Trademark Office Online Services read more

South Korea Amendments to Trademark Act read more

South Korea Official Fees Increased read more

WIPO Additional Languages for G&S Manager read more

Issue 4/12 (March 2012)

Azerbaijan Electronic System for IP Rights Registration  read more

EUIPO Further Countries Joined TM View read more

Jamaica Official Fees Increased read more

Kosovo National TM Applications Published for Opposition read more

Tajikistan Accession to the Geneva Act read more

Thailand New Trademark Bill Approved read more

Turkmenistan IP Legislation Amended read more

USA Official Warning read more

Issue 3/12 (February 2012)

Australia New Business Names Registration Service  read more

India List of INNs Published read more

Ireland Official Fees Amended read more

Malaysia Industrial Design Regulation Updated read more

New Zealand New Case Management System Online read more

Sudan ISO Code for South Sudan read more

United Kingdom Requirement for Local Agent in Cayman Islands Postponed read more

Issue 2/12 (February 2012)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Accession to Vienna Agreement read more

Colombia Accession to TLT read more

EUIPO Classification Manual Incorporated read more

Kosovo Accelerated Examination of TM Applications read more

Montenegro Accession to Vienna Agreement read more

Oman Requirements for Legalization of Documents Changed read more

Qatar Customs Recordal Soon Implemented read more

Russian Federation IP Court to Be Established read more

Singapore New Dispute Resolution Procedure read more

Vanuatu Accession to WIPO Convention read more

Venezuela TM Application Simplified read more

WIPO Countries Adopting 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Issue 1/12 (January 2012)

Argentina Renewal Period Amended read more

Argentina Translations to be Certified read more

Brazil E-Tracking of Applications read more

Colombia Accession to Madrid Protocol Expected read more

Croatia To Join the EU read more

EUIPO Croatia to Join the EU read more

India Info Required on TM Applications read more

Montenegro TMs Published for Opposition read more

New Zealand New Case Management System read more

Spain Opt Out of Community Search System read more

Sudan TM Registration in Southern Sudan read more

United Kingdom New Patents and TM Law in Cayman Islands read more

USA TM Status Document Retrieval  read more

Issue 14/11 (December 2011)

Brazil Official Fees to Increase in 2012 read more

EUIPO Adoption of 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Germany Adoption of 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Guatemala Legal Notices Electronically read more

Ireland Change of Practice in Honest Concurrent Use read more

Libya Country Name Changed read more

Montenegro Serbian Trademarks Included in Search Reports  read more

Sweden Most Creative Country in the World read more

Sweden Trademark Application Modernised read more

Tunisia Going to Accede to Hague System and Madrid Protocol read more

Turkey Change of Practice in Class 35 read more

USA New Patent Reform Act Adopted read more

Yemen Official Fees for Publishing Increased read more

Issue 13/11 (November 2011)

EUIPO Mediation Service Available read more

India E-Filing Soon Available read more

Iraq List of Missing Trademark Files read more

Libya Trademark Office Resumes its Activities read more

Montenegro New Trademark Regulation Enters into Force read more

Pakistan Journal of Trademarks Available Electronically Now read more

Saudi Arabia Validity of the PoA Amended read more

Singapore Adoption of 10th Edition of Nice Classification read more

Singapore Official Fees Increase in December read more

Sudan Simply Signed PoA Now Accepted read more

WIPO Introduction of the 10th Edition of the Nice Classification read more

Issue 12/11 (October 2011)

Ecuador Term Extension to File Oppositions No Longer Accepted read more

Kenya IP Journal Available Electronically Now  read more

Portugal Project Seniority Implemented read more

Saudi Arabia Legalization of Power of Attorney Required read more

United Kingdom Report on Trade Mark Incentives read more

United Kingdom Requirement to Attend Hearings on Invalidation on Relative Grounds read more

WIPO EuroClass Tool Improved read more

WIPO Use of Electronic Communication read more

Yemen New Industrial Designs Implementing Regulations read more

Issue 11/11 (October 2011)

ARIPO Rwanda Joins ARIPO read more

Brazil New Version of Electronic Filing System read more

EUIPO Mediation Service on the Way read more

Gaza Simply Signed PoA Accepted read more

Iraq TM Applications Soon Possible in Kurdistan read more

Montenegro Deadline to Re-register National Serbian Trademark  read more

New Zealand Trade Marks Amendment Act 2011 read more

Sweden New Trademark Law read more

Turkmenistan Use Requirement Compulsory read more

Turks and Caicos Islands Introduction of Annual Maintenance Fee read more

Yemen Official Fees Increased and Re-structured read more

Issue 10/11 (September 2011)

Argentina Official Fees Increased read more

Bulgaria Opposition System Introduced/Official Fees Reduced read more

Kosovo New Trademark Law read more

Malaysia Notices on Extension of Time read more

Montenegro Trademark Searches Possible read more

Singapore Revocation Process Changed read more

Sudan IP Protection in South Sudan read more

Switzerland Change of Practice read more

United Kingdom End of Reclassifications read more

Uzbekistan New Agency for Intellectual Property Established read more

WIPO New Madrid System Logo Introduced read more

WIPO Non Working Days in 2012 read more

WIPO Request for Territorial Extension of IR Equates to Grant of Protection read more

Yemen Trademark Implementing Regulations Issued read more

Issue 9/11 (July 2011)

Italy Examination Backlog Cleared read more

Mexico Change of Requirements for Claiming Priority  read more

Norway Trademark Duration Amended read more

Pakistan Official Fees Increased read more

Portugal Official Fees Increased read more

Serbia Deadline for Re-Registration Approaching read more

Sweden Opposition Period Changed read more

Issue 8/11 (June 2011)

Bahrain Annuity Payment Reminder for Industrial Designs read more

EUIPO Electronic Certified Copies not Always Accepted read more

Iraq Official Fees Decreased read more

Israel 3D Shape Applications Accepted read more

Kuwait Deadline to Complete Trademark Applications read more

Nigeria TM Online Registration Possible read more

Westbank IP Gazette Introduced read more

Yemen Trademark Office not Functioning read more

Issue 7/11 (April 2011)

Bahrain PoA Requirements Changed read more

Brazil INPI Website Available in English Now read more

EUIPO France Joined TM View read more

EUIPO Provision of Certified Copies read more

Hungary Electronic TM Filing Improved  read more

India Reconstitution of Misplaced Files read more

Ireland Change of Office Practice in Opposition Proceedings read more

Israel No Disclaimer Required read more

Italy Opposition Possible Now read more

Kosovo Second IP Gazette Launched read more

Mozambique Surcharges for Late Renewal of TMs read more

South Africa New Procedure for Objection to Company Names read more

Sweden New Trademark Act Soon read more

Tajikistan Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

Issue 6/11 (April 2011)

Bahrain Trademark & Patent Office Fully Operational read more

Italy Opposition Procedure Operational Soon  read more

Mauritius Opposition Period and Official Fees Changed read more

North Macedonia Law on Industrial Property Amended read more

Taiwan Early Renewal Application Rejected read more

Uganda Goods & Services Specification Changed read more

Venezuela Late Filing of PoA Abolished read more

Issue 5/11 (March 2011)

Benelux Publication of Caribbean Netherlands TMs read more

EUIPO Forms for Legal Entities Changed read more

EUIPO New "eSearch plus" Service Launched read more

Gaza New Practice for TM Filings read more

Japan Bail–out Measures  read more

Libya Trademark Office Not Functioning read more

New Zealand Online Correspondence Service Enhanced read more

North Macedonia Translation of Nice Classification (9th) read more

United Kingdom Manual of Trademarks Practice Updated read more

Issue 4/11 (March 2011)

Benelux Country Codes for the Caribbean Netherlands Allocated read more

China Cross-Strait (Taiwan & China) IPR Agreement  read more

Egypt New Decisions of the Patent Office read more

EUIPO Online Filing of Oppositions read more

Georgia Translation of Nice Classification (9th) read more

New Zealand Availability of Online Services read more

Taiwan Cross-Strait (Taiwan & China) IPR Agreement Signed read more

WIPO Global Brand Database Online read more

Issue 3/11 (February 2011)

Afghanistan Cancellation Actions, Change in Practice  read more

Bahrain Legalized Power of Attorney Requested read more

Bulgaria Amendments of Trademark Law read more

Egypt Trademark Office Operating Again read more

Iran New Trademark Filing Requirement read more

Malaysia Trademark Regulations Changed read more

Taiwan Free Online Database read more

Venezuela Electronic 'Registration Certificates' Introduced read more

Issue 2/11 (February 2011)

Argentina Mediation Law Changed read more

Bosnia and Herzegovina New Trademark Law read more

Croatia Ratification of Singapore Treaty read more

Gaza Requirements for TM Filing Changed read more

Georgia Address of Trademark Office Changed read more

Iceland Official Fees Changed read more

India Major Changes to Official Fees and TM Searches read more

Israel Official Fees Amended read more

Kosovo First IP Gazette Launched read more

Latvia Official Fees for Filing an Action Increased read more

Sweden Online Service for TM Renewals read more

Taiwan Official Fees Changed read more

Uruguay Official Fees for Trademark Renewals Changed read more

Yemen Opposition and Renewal Period Changed read more

Issue 1/11 (January 2011)

Benelux Consequences of Dissolution of Netherlands Antilles read more

Bulgaria Bulgarian Trademarks Added to TMview read more

DPR Korea Name of Trademark Office Changed read more

EUIPO Ireland and Malta Adopt Harmonised Goods & Services List read more

Finland Trademark Act Amended read more

Iraq New Regulations to Expedite TM Examination read more

Mongolia Accession to Singapore Treaty  read more

Montenegro Procedure for Validation of Serbian Trademarks read more

Norway Official Fees Changed read more

Spain Official Fees Reduced read more

Switzerland Trademark Guidelines Revised read more

Turkey Official Fees Reduced read more

WIPO Online Tool G&S Manager Launched read more

Issue 17/10 (December 2010)

Canada Fee Payment Methods Changed read more

Germany Change in Practise Announced read more

Israel Changes due to Implementation of Madrid Protocol read more

Latvia Trademark Law Amended read more

Montenegro New Trademark Law/New Opposition Period read more

Venezuela Filings with Complete Documents Only read more

Yemen New Trademark Law Issued/Opposition Period Changed read more

Issue 16/10 (November 2010)

Benelux Application of the Madrid Protocol by the Netherlands Amended read more

Denmark Validity of International Registration in Greenland read more

EUIPO Manual of Trademark Practise Amended read more

EUIPO New Feature in E-Filing read more

Gaza Power of Attorney Needed read more

India Filing of a Petition against Removed TMs Possible read more

Syria Legalization of Power of Attorney Required read more

WIPO Application of the Madrid Protocol by the Netherlands Amended read more

Issue 15/10 (October 2010)

ARIPO Ugandan Trademark Act Approved read more

EUIPO New Forms read more

India Clarification Notice Issued read more

India Trademark Journal Now Published Every Monday read more

Iraq Second List of Missing Trademark Files Released read more

Ireland New Trademark Rules read more

Kazakhstan Accession to the Madrid Protocol  read more

Mexico Fees and Services Amended read more

Moldova IP Service List Updated read more

Serbia Accession to the Nice Agreement read more

United Kingdom Opposition Period Reduced by One Day read more

WIPO Updated List of Members to the Madrid System read more

Issue 14/10 (September 2010)

Bulgaria Opposition Period Will Change read more

China Guidelines on Trademarking a State Name read more

EUIPO Changes in Practise Introduced read more

Kosovo New Trademark Law Approved read more

Mexico No Power of Attorney Needed read more

New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Increased read more

New Zealand New Processing Timeframes Introduced read more

Portugal New Rules on Registration of Domain Names read more

Spain Publication of Suspended Trademarks and Tradenames read more

Issue 13/10 (August 2010)

Canada Database Upgraded read more

Chile Use of Vienna Classification read more

EUIPO Free Database for Spanish Trademarks Now Available read more

Iraq First List of Missing Trademark Files Released read more

Italy Accession to the Singapore Treaty read more

North Macedonia Lisbon Agreement Ratified read more

South Korea Fee Schedule Revised read more

Switzerland Electronic Submissions by E-mail Introduced read more

Issue 12/10 (July 2010)

Argentina Renewal Proceedings Changed read more

Armenia New Trademark Law in Force read more

Australia Changes to Trademark Renewal Reminder Notices read more

Canada Deadline for the Exclusive Use of Vienna Classification Postponed read more

Ecuador Official Fees Increased read more

Estonia Domain Name Registration Loosened read more

EUIPO New Deadline for Correcting Translations read more

Finland Commercial Service Fees Increased read more

Finland Trademark Classification Practise Changed read more

Greece Updates on Annulments/Revocations Available read more

India 9th Edition of the Nice Classification Adopted read more

India Details on Pending Application and Registered TM Available read more

Libya First Trademark Registration Certificate Issued read more

Norway Opposition Period Changed read more

Singapore Official Fees to Increase in November read more

Issue 11/10 (June 2010)

China Trademark Examination Cycle Shortened read more

Israel Accession to the Madrid Protocol read more

New Zealand Design Act Amended read more

Oman Official Fees Increased read more

Puerto Rico Trademark Law Amended read more

South Korea New Installment Payment Changes Postponed til July, 2010 read more

United Kingdom Administrative Trademark Fees Increased read more

Vietnam New Law on Trade Names Passed read more

WIPO Official Fees for Designs Changed read more

Issue 10/10 (May 2010)

Canada Use of Vienna Classification Exclusively read more

Chile Online Payment Services for TM Publication Launched read more

EUIPO Free Internet Searchable Database Launched read more

EUIPO Future Revision of the Trademark System read more

Guatemala Renewal of Slogans read more

Ireland New Guidelines for Extension of Time read more

Jordan Official Trademark Fees Reduced read more

New Zealand Practice and Online Services Changed read more

Nigeria New Trade Mark Journal Released read more

Romania New IP Laws Effective read more

South Korea Renewal Process/New Installment Payment Changed read more

Syria Official Publication Fees Increased read more

Uruguay E-Filing System Available  read more

Issue 9/10 (April 2010)

Benelux Accession to Singapore Treaty by Netherlands read more

Bolivia Official Fee Reduction for Second-Level Domains read more

Bulgaria Adoption of Amendments to Trademark Law read more

Colombia Domain Name Registration Opened  read more

Dominica New Trademark Proceedings read more

Hong Kong Issuing of Notices of Deficiency read more

North Macedonia Accession to the Vienna Agreement read more

Russian Federation Extension of the .РФ Domain Registration Period read more

Slovakia Accession to the Singapore Treaty read more

Switzerland Improved Trademark Classification Website read more

Ukraine Accession to the Singapore Treaty read more

Issue 8/10 (March 2010)

Egypt Arabic Domain Passes ICANN Evaluation read more

Germany Filing of Design Applications Electronically read more

Montenegro Launch of IP Gazette read more

Russian Federation Cyrillic Domain Passes ICANN String Evaluation read more

Spain E-Filing of Trademark Applications read more

Tunisia Trademark Procedures Changed read more

United Arab Emirates Collection of Trademark Fees Changed read more

Issue 7/10 (February 2010)

Argentina Domain Owners Need to Update Data until March 1st, 2010 read more

Bolivia Substantial Increase of Official Fees read more

Russian Federation Singapore Treaty Enters into Force read more

United Kingdom Trademark Invalidation Proceedings Changed read more

Issue 6/10 (January 2010)

Austria Introduction of Opposition Proceedings and Amendment of Official Fees read more

Liechtenstein Accession to Singapore Treaty read more

Serbia New Trademark Law in Force  read more

Slovenia IP Bulletin Issued Monthly Now read more

United Kingdom Cayman Islands: Increase of Official Fees read more

Issue 5/09 (November 2009)

EUIPO CTM Bulletin Goes Daily read more

Jordan Substantial Increase in Official Fees read more

Libya Classification of Products and Services Amended read more

North Macedonia State Office of Industrial Property Publishes New Fees read more

Russian Federation Priority Registration of Cyrillic Domain Names Started read more

Issue 4/09 (November 2009)

Belarus Trademark Law Amended read more

Germany Postal Address of Trademark Office Changed read more

Guatemala Adoption of the 9th Edition of the Nice Classivication read more

Mexico New Online Services of Industrial Property Institute read more

Portugal Registration Fee No Longer Due read more

Syria Boycott Declaration No Longer Required read more

Issue 3/09 (October 2009)

Brazil New Official Fees Bring Important Adjustments read more

Switzerland Reduction of Official Fees for Electronic Filing Limited read more

Issue 2/09 (August 2009)

Indonesia Official Fees for Trademark Matters Revised read more

Spain Official Industrial Property Gazette Published Electronically Daily read more

Turkey Shorter Processing Times read more

Issue 1/09 (July 2009)

Japan 3D-Shapes Only Non-Traditional Trademarks Registrable Under Japanese Trademark Act read more

Peru Multi-Class Application Now Possible read more

Vietnam Official Fees Increased read more