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FMO Law Firm

Dr. Franz-Martin Orou, LL.M.
Dr. Franz-Martin Orou, LL.M.
Kapitelgasse 7/5
1170 Vienna
Austria (AT)
Tel + 43 1 890 257 10
Fax + 43 1 890 257 50

Our Law Firm was founded in 2004 in Vienna/Austria as a full service “IP-boutique”. We are dedicated to profound research and tailor made service, herewith generating the best solutions for our clients. All that with highly-competitive pricing.
We are representing domestic and international clients that are doing business internationally: global sourcing, global producing, global selling.
In case you need assistance in IP matters in Austria and the European Union (Community Trademark or Community Design) we will be happy to assist you.

The focus of FMO Law Firm is on Intellectual Property Law (IP): Trade Mark Law, Design Law and Copyright Law. Furthermore, we are specialized in selected fields of Business Law, e.g. unfair competition law.