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El Salvador (SV)

Aug 13, 2024 (Newsletter Issue 7/24)
New IP Law Introduced
El Salvador has enacted a new intellectual property law. This comprehensive legislation replaces the previous law that had been in place since 1993, aiming to strengthen protection for intellectual property rights, fostering innovation and economic growth.

The law will become effective six months after its official publication, with subsequent regulations to be issued by the president within 90 days.

Key features of the new law include enhanced safeguards for patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as the creation of the Salvadoran Institute of Intellectual Property (ISPI, for its Spanish acronym) to streamline registration processes. To encourage entrepreneurship, the law offers reduced registration fees for small businesses and educational institutions. Additionally, it incorporates provisions for protecting intellectual property in the digital age.

For more details click here.


Jun 04, 2013 (Newsletter Issue 8/13)
Amendments to the Trademark and Other Distinctive Signs Law
The amendments to the Law on Trademarks and Other Distinctive Signs which were published in the Official Journal No 81 entered into force on May 15, 2013.

Some of the most important provisions are related to geographical indications and designations of origin, and their registration procedure and regulation of use.

These amendments arise from the need to harmonize legislation with the compromises acquired by El Salvador by signing international treaties, especially the European Union Association Agreement, and also to ensure effective protection of these distinctive signs in order to promote the development of the local economy and export of goods.

Source: Moeller IP Advisors

Legal basis is the Trademark Act of June 6th, 2002, in force since July 17th, 2002. Trademark protection is obtained by registration.
Nice classification, 10th edition
Registrable as a trademark are all distinctive and graphically representable signs, such as words, names, slogans, acronyms, letters, numbers, devices, emblems, holograms, colors, combinations or shades of colors, three-dimensional forms, the three-dimensional form of a good or its packaging and any combination of the mentioned signs as well as sounds and smell marks.
The following trademark types are registrable: trade marks, service marks, collective marks, certification marks and trade names.
The application is filed at the Trademark Office.
A multiclass application is acceptable.
Foreign and local applicants need a local agent.
On application, a special certified power of attorney has to be shown (duly legalized). Applicants from non signatory states of the Hague Convention, concerning the exception from a consular certification of foreign documents, need a certified power of attorney. Nevertheless, in order to obtain a priority right, it is possible to file an application without a power of attorney through an attorney in fact (“gestor oficioso”). The power of attorney can be filed later. (The POA should be filed within 2 months + 10 business days counted from the date in which the official action was served.)
Foreign applicants do not need a domestic registration.
The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks.
The processing time from first filing to registration is approx. 7 to 9 months.
The trademark application is published three times prior to registration in the official Gazette and a regional journal.
The opposition period is 2 months from the date of the first publication of the trademark application in the official gazette.
Protection begins with the date of registration. A trademark registration is valid for 10 years.
The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Practical details on grace periods for trademark renewals are available in our publication here
Practical details on trademark use requirements are available in our publication here
In accordance with local law there is no application fee.
The publication fees depends on the length of the list of products, if class heading is used an approximate charge for publication before the official gazette and a local journal should not be higher than USD 75.00. The expenses for publications may increase because the Official Gazette charges per number of lines included in the notice of publication (and such number of lines increase by the number of products/services covered). The amount included in the official fee is the minimum charge. The registration fee is USD 100.00 per mark/per class regardless if there is a multiclass application. The local currency in El Salvador is the U.S. Dollar.

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Practical details on trademark licensing are available in our publication here
Online you can see a limited part of information about this country.
More in-depth details are available for the following aspects:

     General Trademark Regulations
     Trademark Use Requirements
     Grace Period for Trademark Renewal
     Trademark Licensing

If you like to purchase all available information for this country, click the order button.
The total price is 49.00 EUR. A PDF-Download will be sent to you electronically.

SMD Group thanks the following law firms for their assictance in updating the information provided.

May 17, 2023
Mejia Escobar & Asociados, San Salvador, El Salvador

National Center of Registries (CNR)
1a Calle Poniente
y 43 Av. Norte #2310
San Salvador
El Salvador

Tel +503 2513 8400
Fax +503 2260 7375
Further phone numbers:
2254 9300
2200 5300
2200 5301