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Mrz 10, 2013
Oscar Mago Carranza, OMC Abogados & Consultores, Lima-Perú

Dispute: Chile and Peru Due to the Pisco's Origin Denom...

Oscar Mago Carranza, OMC Abogados & Consultores, Lima-PerúA few Months ago, an article entitled “Chile wins (commercial) dispute on Pisco to Peru in key countries” was published in the Chilean Newspaper “La Tercera”. This news caused commotion within the political, intellectual and academic circles in Peru, to such point that its most radical exponents indicated this could disturb or suspend the bilateral Free Trade Agreement between both countries.* The news, given by the Chilean newspaper, originated from the fact that of 25 countries integrating the Lisbon Agreement (Agreement managing WIPO for Origin Denominations), 9 countries  read more