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Nov 07, 2017
Authors: Anne Wendroth and Josephine Liholm, SMD Group, Germany
Verifier: Dr. Gesa Simon, Andörfer Rechtsanwälte, Germany
First published in ECTA Bulletin October 2017

Can you show the money?

Authors: Anne Wendroth and Josephine Liholm, SMD Group, Germany, Verifier: Dr. Gesa Simon, Andörfer Rechtsanwälte, Germany, First published in ECTA Bulletin October 2017Do you enjoy getting in touch with your networks at ECTA conferences, getting to know where they spent holidays and how the family is? We certainly do. Do you enjoy talking about money with your relations? We do neither. Attending splendid events such as ECTA for us has two strands: incentive and encumbrance.
The following phone conversation from the movie ‘Jerry Maguire’ (1996) might illustrate why meeting relations can be a challenge:
TIDWELL (football player): I like you, you're nice to my wife, I will stay with you, that's what I'm doing for you, but here's what you're gonna do for me. You listening?
JERRY (his agent): Mmm. Hmm.
TIDWELL: It's a very personal, very important thing. It's a family motto. So I want to share it with
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