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Nov 30, 2018
Cynthia Rowden, Scott MacKendrick and Tamara Céline Winegust, Bereskin & Parr LLP, Canada
First published at

At Last – Government confirms June 17, 2019 implementat...

Cynthia Rowden, Scott MacKendrick and Tamara Céline Winegust, Bereskin & Parr LLP, Canada, First published at www.bereskinparr.comThe Canadian Government has published the Trademark Regulations in the Official Gazette, essentially the last formal step towards final implementation of major amendments to the Trademarks Act, passed in 2014, and now finally planned for June 17, 2019, (the coming-into-force, or “CIF” date). These amendments impact all aspects of trademark selection, filing procedures, oppositions, registration and enforcement. In addition, the Government has also confirmed that it will accede to three major intellectual property treaties, including the Madrid Protocol and the Nice Agreement.
Much has already been written about the amended Trademarks Act. Preparing now for the amendments may offer costs savings in the future. The key changes, as well as tips to save time and money, are for example, that applicants will be able to file for an additional selection of signs, but examination will likely be tougher. Signs such as colour alone, scent, taste and texture may now be registered. However, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office
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