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Jul 09, 2010
Miriam Hölscher, S.M.D. Markeur, Germany

Germany: Top Law Firms 2009

Miriam Hölscher, S.M.D. Markeur, GermanyIn 2008, 73,903 German trademark applications were filed at the German PTO, whereas in 2009, only 69,069 were filed. This is a decrease in filings of about 6.5 percent. Trademark filings are known to be pro-cyclical and the economic recession continued into 2009. With regard to the overall business climate trademark owners further postponed the introduction of new products and services. Only 8,364 of the German filings (12.1 percent) were conducted by the 50 most active law firms. This shows that the market for patent and trademark attorneys conducting German trademark filings is rather fragmented.

For the article, the top 200 law firms by number of German trademark applications in 2009 were examined as to their numbers of filings as well as registration percentages. This ranking refers to the top 50.
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