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Jun 18, 2024
Show Agreement

Botswana Launches E-Filing

In a public notice, the Companies and Intellectual Property Authority of Botswana (CIPA), announced that the online, e-Filing, system will launch in June 2024.

In preparation for the launch, CIPA announced the closure of its offices from 3 June 2024 until 14 June 2024 and that it would not accept any paper documents or electronic filings and payments for all applications for IP rights during this time.

All applications received prior to the office closure will be processed on the re-opening of CIPA’s offices. It was stated that applications with due dates or priority dates would not be prejudiced by this closure. In terms of Regulation 63 of the Industrial Property Regulations of 2012, all applications filed during the closure period will be considered as received on 17 June 2024, being the date CIPA re-opens.

Going forward CIPA will only accept online applications.
