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Sep 30, 2024
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Establishment of IP Rights Division at the High Court of Calcutta

The High Court of Calcutta has set up the Intellectual Property Rights Division (IPRD) and the Intellectual Property Rights Appellate Division (IPRAD), effective from September 20, 2024.

The IPRD handles all IP disputes (trademarks, copyrights, patents, etc.) with specialized judges and will also take over cases from the dissolved IPAB.

The IPRAD reviews IPRD decisions with a two-judge bench for appeals and matters requiring Division Bench consideration.

Key Updates:

- Transferred IPAB Cases: Renumbered and assigned to IPRD.
- Faster Case Resolutions: Weekly listings and new timelines for quicker outcomes.
- Filing Process: Electronic submissions with prompt correction of errors.
- Fast-Track & Summary Judgments: Available for eligible cases under the Commercial Courts Act.

What’s the Impact?

This reform will lead to faster and more efficient handling of IP disputes by specialized judges at the Calcutta High Court. Similar divisions in Delhi and Madras have already delivered positive outcomes.
