Amendments to Trademark Laws

Dez 04, 2024
Paper certificates for IP objects only upon request
On December 4, 2024, the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovations (IP Office, UKRNOIVI) published an information notice on the procedure for issuing protection documents for intellectual property rights objects.
The IP Office drew attention to the fact that the main form of communication in state institutions is electronic.
Considering the current provisions of the legislation in the field of industrial property and the legislation on electronic documents and electronic document flow, certificates, and patents are issued by the IP Office in the form of an electronic document, which is the original.
Paper copies of the original electronic documents are sent to the owners and representatives if they relate to documents submitted to the IP Office in:
- electronic form through the IP Office electronic account; upon separate request.
- paper form; for which the applicant has chosen paper correspondence as the method of communication.