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Tagbergenova & Partners

Alma Tagbergenova
Alma Tagbergenova
65 Kazibek bi str.
050000 Almaty
Kazakhstan (KZ)
Tel +727 261 18 47; +727 272 77 09
Fax n/a

Agency of Intellectual Property "Tagbergenova & Partners";

Ms. Alma Tagbergenova, General Director and Partner

Eurasian Patent Attorney (Reg. # 296); Kazakhstan Patent and Trademark Attorney (Reg. # 37)

Our agency was established in 1992 on the basis of the former Alma-Ata Branch of the All-Union Patent Services Center, which has existed since 1969. The founders of the agency are Ms. Modangul Tagbergenova and Ms. Alma Tagbergenova.

As a full-service intellectual property agency securing comprehensive and top-standard IP protection, the agency has grown into one of Kazakhstan's leading intellectual property firms. Among the agency's core values are its commitment to excellence, teamwork, and achieving the best results for the clients.

Currently, the agency has an extensive trademark protection practice. We provide IP services to our clients in Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, and Belarus.

We monitor all relevant latest legislation and technology developments in order to retain our leading position and be able to protect our client's intellectual property in the most professional, cost-effective, and time-saving manner.

We are members of such associations as INTA, AIPPI, LES, FICPI.

Our major task is to anticipate the business development needs of our clients.

The intellectual property agency has a broad practice related to the protection and enforcement of patents, trade and service marks, integrated circuits, plant varieties, trade names, copyright, licensing and assignment of intellectual property rights, and unfair competition. We represent our clients in dispute resolution and before any official authorities.

Local Expertise:

Kazakhstan (KZ)